Warboel Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 21, 2012
Zwarte Cross 2012
Kaiser Chiefs / Within Temptation / Modestep / Suicidal Tendencies / Beth Hart / Exodus / Kreator / Alestorm / Sonata Arctica / Chef'Special / Di-rect / Municipal Waste / The Answer / Eli 'Paperboy' Reed / Pain / Doro / Textures / Kenny B / Fiddler's Green / DeWolff / Dog Eat Dog / Russkaja / Deadbeat / Breakfast / Frei.Wild / Hell / Che Sudaka / Lizzy Borden / Baskerville / Bertolf / Ziggi Recado / Suicidal Angels / Quique Neira / Heideroosjes / Drive Like Maria / Beef / Postmen / Nobody Beats The Drum / The Excitements / The Deaf / Boo Boo Davis / Boemklatsch / Memphis Maniacs / BZB / Ben Prestage / Tornado / Automatic Sam / Lenny Keylard / Jah6 / Fragment / Joggo / Maison Du Malheur / The Dirty Denims / Henzel & Disco Nova / Veron / DJ Panko / Feuerengel / Leeways / Danny Panadero / Plork En De Aannemers / The Backcorner Boogie Band / The Heinoos / Motorband / The Wild Berrys / Meisjes Zonder Smaak / Ruben Hoeke / The Tuners / Warboel / Cuban Heels (NL) / The Voederbietels Show all bands
De Schans Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jul 17, 2011
Zwarte Cross 2011
Blondie / The Black Crowes / Anthrax / Sepultura / Helloween / Monster Magnet / Ill Niño / JD McPherson / Third World / Death Angel / Terror / Madball / Fozzy / Katzenjammer / Ilse DeLange / De Staat / Life Of Agony / The California Honeydrops / La Pegatina / Go Back to the Zoo / Miss Montreal / $miley / Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra / Jacqueline Govaert / Tim Knol / Rowwen Heze / Pagan's Mind / Beans & Fatback / Crimson Glory / The .357 String Band / Normaal / Dieter Thomas Kuhn / Mayan / Broken Glass Heroes / Psychotic Waltz / Death Letters / BZB / Scrum / The Cubical / Vanderbuyst / Fragment / Krach / Mother Misery / Ralph de Jongh / Bradley's Circus / Malle Pietje And The Bimbos / My City Burning / Piepschuim / The Backcorner Boogie Band / Striking Justice / Loco Loco Discoshow / The Wild Berrys / The Heinoos / Kees Van Hondt / Motorband / Poor John / Kasha Nasha / Warboel / Max Tax Y Sus Banditos / Thevoederbietels / Joechee / Ayatollahs Show all bands
De Schans Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jul 15, 2011
Zwarte Cross 2011
Blondie / The Black Crowes / Anthrax / Sepultura / Helloween / Monster Magnet / Ill Niño / JD McPherson / Third World / Chef'Special / Death Angel / Annihilator / Terror / Royal Republic / Madball / Fozzy / Katzenjammer / Ilse DeLange / De Staat / Life Of Agony / The California Honeydrops / La Pegatina / Go Back to the Zoo / Miss Montreal / $miley / Marlon Asher / Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra / Jacqueline Govaert / Chef / Tim Knol / Birth of Joy / Rowwen Heze / Pagan's Mind / Beans & Fatback / Crimson Glory / The .357 String Band / Ziggi Recado / Normaal / Orange Grove / Dieter Thomas Kuhn / Andreas Kisser / Mayan / Broken Glass Heroes / Psychotic Waltz / Maikal X / BZB / Scrum / The Cubical / Vanderbuyst / Fragment / Krach / Mother Misery / Ralph de Jongh / Tommy Ebben / Malle Pietje And The Bimbos / My City Burning / Bertus Borgers / Piepschuim / The Backcorner Boogie Band / Striking Justice / Loco Loco Discoshow / The Heinoos / The Wild Berrys / Kees Van Hondt / Motorband / Kasha Nasha / Poor John / De Motorband / Herman Brusselmans / The Sensationals / Warboel / 30 Seconds To Mars / Max Tax Y Sus Banditos / Gummbah / Joechee / Thevoederbietels / Ayatollahs Show all bands
Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Show Duplicate for Jul 15, 2011
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2012 1 concert
2011 2 concerts
 Igor Schoevaart

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