Vulva Culture's 2016 Concert History

Vulva Culture is a corpse of truly devastated Haligonian souls, who’ve together found beauty in their tears and wickedness in their blood; creating sounds of longing for love, with guitar effects laden in 6/8 time.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 18, 2016
Ottawa Explosion
"Ottawa Explosion" / Vulva Culture / Future Girls / Crossed Wires / Cheap Whine / Crusades / Peek Freens / Big Eyes / Creep Wave / The Drearies / Coccinella / TV Freaks / Wet Brain / Tough Age / Black Tower / Soupcans / Sonic Avenues / Pretty Pretty / Night Birds Show all bands
Club Saw Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Halifax Indie
2016 1 concert
2015 1 concert

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