Date | Concert | Venue | Location | |
Jun 01, 2018
– Jun 03, 2018 |
Intents Festival 2018
Lil' Kleine / Darren Styles / Coone / Tony Junior / Angerfist / DJ Paul Elstak / Da Tweekaz / Yung Felix / Jebroer / cesqeaux / D-block & S-Te-Fan / Zatox / Drs / Atmozfears / LNY TNZ / Dr. Peacock / Code Black / Dr. Phunk / Tatanka / Radical Redemption / Frequencerz / Zany / Sephyx / Sub Zero Project / Hard Driver / Villain / Mark With a K / Nosferatu / Snollebollekes / miss k8 / B-Front / Korsakoff / Dyna / Donkey Rollers / WARFACE / Digital Punk / Anime / E-Force / Tha Playah / Phuture Noize / Freddy Moreira / Partyraiser / D-Sturb / Devin Wild / Refuzion / Alex Kidd / Destructive Tendencies / Deetox / Sub Sonik / MC Nolz / Lowriderz / Nafthaly Ramona / Crisis Era / Josh&Wesz / KELTEK / D-fence / Bass Chaserz / Furyan / Hypno5e / Unexist / Rebelion / Demi Kanon / Deadly Guns / Act of Rage / MINUS MILITIA / Blademasterz / Henk Dissel / Bodyshock / Team Rush Hour / Davide Sonar / Clockartz / Chris One / Galactixx / Angernoizer / Rooler / MC DV8 / Rat N Frikk / JNXD / Diaz & Bruno / RVAGE / DJ Adaro / Tha Watcher / Unresolved / Repix / Unsenses / MC Syco / Lamme Frans / Rejecta / Ncrypta / DJ The Prophet / Scarphase / MC Alee / Thyron / Luminite / NSCLT / Jay Reeve / Raymon Hermans / Denza / MC Focus / Aztech / MC DL! / Krowdexx / Primeshock / Gathier / Marco Kraats / Tears Of Fury / Airtunes / DJ Ruthless / Mc Renegade / Ran-D (NL) / Jeroen van Zelst / Robert Feelgood / Physika / Heatwavez / Hard Effectz / Nowaxx / Scabtik / Le Boy / Mind Dimension / Thom Bold / Unrestrained / MickeyG / Nouveaubeats / Art Frequency / Aggressive Act / MC RG / Emas / PRDX / System:Overload / 2faced / Deenis / Saphera / MC Da Syndrome / Avio / Outsiders (NL) / Mad Dog (IT) / No Nonsense / John West (NL) / Delete (AU) / MYST (NL) / 2-Sidez / Slagerij Janssen / Exhilarate / N-Vitral (NL) / Requiem (NL) / Malice (IT) / Johnny500 / MC Rems / Synfinity / Killshot (NL) / Regain (PL) / Public Enemies (NL) / MANDY (BE) / CEAZAR (NL) / The Purge (IT) / Dj Crypton / Ecstatic (NL) / MC Barricade / Ransom (NL) / Francois (NL) / Rob & MC Joe / Alles & Iedereen / Bombsquad (NL) / Code Red (CH) / Bart (BE) / Vince (NL) / Steve Sweet / El Niño (NL) / Bulletproof (NL) / Roy Dest (NL) / Daisy (NL) / Thornballin' / The Opposition (NL) / Roughstate Showcase / De Lievelings Dj’s van je Zusje / Outlaw (NL) / Syben Ray / Vlaz / Tommy Santo / Xardio / Emphasis (NL) / The Shade (NL) / Bestia (NL) / Mr. Bermuda / Bass-D (NL) / Dana (NL) / MC Mission / The Z. (NL) / Orphan (NL) / Jones (NL)
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Sportpark D'n Donk | Oisterwijk, Netherlands | |
May 26, 2017
– May 28, 2017 |
Intents Festival 2017
Alvaro / Wildstylez / Brennan Heart / Moksi / Coone / Angerfist / Mr. Polska / DJ Paul Elstak / Da Tweekaz / Jebroer / D-block & S-Te-Fan / Drs / Frontliner / Dirtcaps / Atmozfears / LNY TNZ / Dr. Peacock / Psyko Punkz / Code Black / Kalibwoy / Bass Modulators / Dr. Phunk / Potato / Gunz for Hire / Boaz Van De Beatz / Radical Redemption / Frequencerz / Sephyx / Zany / Sub Zero Project / Hard Driver / Audiotricz / Mark With a K / Nosferatu / miss k8 / B-Front / Korsakoff / Dyna / WARFACE / Digital Punk / E-Force / Crypsis / Phuture Noize / Nemesis / Noize Suppressor / Ruthless / Deepack / Partyraiser / Devin Wild / Mental Theo / The Darkraver / Destructive Tendencies / Sub Sonik / Lowriderz / The Sickest Squad / Crisis Era / Jack of Sound / Artifact / D-fence / Unexist / Dyprax / Rebelion / Demi Kanon / Deadly Guns / Act of Rage / Hypno5e / Caine / Drokz / MC Villain / Noiseshock / Galactixx / Tieum / Energyzed / MC DV8 / Tartaros / JNXD / DJ Adaro / Tha Watcher / Unresolved / Repix / Pat B / Unsenses / MC Syco / War Force / Ncrypta / Scarphase / MC Alee / Luminite / NSCLT / Jay Reeve / MC Chucky / Dj Vince / Spitnoise / Dj Panic / Tears Of Fury / MC Livid / Proto Bytez / Aggressive / Ran-D (NL) / Nowaxx / Oryon / Apexx / Ricardo Moreno / Thom Bold / MickeyG / Nouveaubeats / Chemical Soldiers / Theracords / Aggressive Act / MC RG / Emas / Vitellus / PRDX / MC Dash / Deenis / MC Da Syndrome / Outsiders (NL) / Mad Dog (IT) / MC V / Dirrty Berry / Memorize / Audio Junkz / Crazed Keen / Delete (AU) / Slagerij Janssen / Exhilarate / Tessler / N-Vitral (NL) / Requiem (NL) / Cyber (CH) / MC Rems / Gearbox Overdrive / Dustin Hertz / Fijne Deuntjes / Q on Trumpet / Dr Rude (NL) / The Galaxy (NL) / Ecstatic (NL) / Genius (NL) / Francois (NL) / Hard Island Talent / Fanatic Chaoz / Sjek & Stiek / Retrospect (NL) / Syben Ray / Vlaz / Xardio / The Shade (NL) / Mr. Bermuda / Bass-D (NL) / MC Mission / The Z. (NL) / Orphan (NL) / Jones (NL)
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Sportpark D'n Donk | Oisterwijk, Netherlands | |
Jun 03, 2016
– Jun 05, 2016 |
Intents Festival 2016
Jay Hardway / Coone / Angerfist / DJ Paul Elstak / Da Tweekaz / cesqeaux / D-block & S-Te-Fan / Frontliner / Atmozfears / LNY TNZ / Dr. Peacock / We Are Loud / Code Black / Bass Modulators / Gunz for Hire / Radical Redemption / Frequencerz / Zany / Sub Zero Project / Emma Heesters / Hard Driver / La Fuente / Mark With a K / Nosferatu / Neophyte / miss k8 / Holl & Rush / B-Front / Korsakoff / Dyna / WARFACE / Digital Punk / Anime / E-Force / Crypsis / Tha Playah / Adaro / Dr. Rude / Partyraiser / Deepack / Feestdjruud / D-Sturb / Devin Wild / Critical Mass / Mental Theo / Destructive Tendencies / A-Lusion / Sub Sonik / MC Nolz / Lowriderz / The Sickest Squad / Jack of Sound / Josh&Wesz / Artifact / Furyan / Girls Love DJs / Act of Rage / Caine / F Noize / Dailucia / Andy The Core / Clockartz / MC Villain / Galactixx / Tieum / Noisekick / MC DV8 / Tartaros / Day-már / SRB / Unresolved / MC Syco / Sebastian Bronk / DJ Luna / NSCLT / Jay Reeve / Buzz Fuzz / Aztech / Dj Vince / Authentic / Jason Payne / Dj Panic / DJ Ruthless / MC Livid / Ran-D (NL) / MC Axys / Art Inc. / Danny Scandal / Puinhoop Kollektiv / Thom Bold / zerox. / MickeyG / Mashup Jack / Nouveaubeats / David Ghetto / MC RG / Emas / PRDX / Deenis / MC Da Syndrome / Adventum / Acda / Dropshot / Outsiders (NL) / Mad Dog (IT) / Crossfight / N-Vitral (NL) / Requiem (NL) / Cyber (CH) / Nick Brady / MC Rems / MC Dirtykid / Nikki Nice / Fijne Deuntjes / Conflate / Soulrage / MANDY (BE) / Kronos (IT) / Regain (POL) / MC Iceman / Fresh-M / Profreaks / Jay Junior / Genius (NL) / Francois (NL) / Chain Reaction (NL) / Electric Punk / Rob & MC Joe / Syben Ray / Vlaz / The Vizitor (NL) / We Are Next / Exhilirate / Stiek / MC John Kho / Team Reinders / Tommy Santo / Miss Bontbeats / Flow (NL) / Aggressive Bodyshock / Gathier & Donald on Sax / Xardio / The Shade (NL) / Falqon / Raiden (NL) / MC Mission / The Z. (NL) / Orphan (NL) / Jones (NL)
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Sportpark D'n Donk | Oisterwijk, Netherlands |
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