Vladislav Delay Concert History

Vladislav Delay is the most frequently used pseudonym of Finnish drummer and electronic musician Sasu Ripatti (born in Oulu in 1976) who has also recorded as Luomo, Sistol, Uusitalo, Conoco, and Ripatti. As well as his own albums, he played drums and percussion in the Moritz von Oswald Trio from 2009 until 2015, and, in 2011, released an album with his own experimental jazz/electronic group, the Vladislav Delay Quartet.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 09, 2022 –
Jun 11, 2022
Primavera Sound Festival Weekend 2 2022
Gorillaz / Lorde / Tame Impala / Tyler, The Creator / The Strokes / Dua Lipa / M.I.A. / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Charli XCX / Playboi Carti / Interpol / Jorja Smith / Clairo / Metronomy / Megan Thee Stallion / Jamie xx / Jessie Ware / Chet Faker / Mogwai / Run the Jewels / Khruangbin / Courtney Barnett / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Burna Boy / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / King Princess / Big Thief / Slowdive / Giveon / Sky Ferreira / Beach Bunny / Yung Lean / Ashnikko / The Magnetic Fields / Angèle / Black Coffee / Bicep / Jay Electronica / Pond / Connan Mockasin / L'Impératrice / Tainy / Cautious Clay / Kero Kero Bonito / 100 Gecs / Jamila Woods / KHEA / Fred Again / Peggy Gou / John Talabot / TOPS / Romy / Molchat Doma / Mi-ke / The Automatic / Cazzu / Turnstile / Iceage / Nina Kraviz / Celeste / Monolink / High On Fire / Nicola Cruz / Sampa The Great / Bad Gyal / Goldie / Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever / Shame / Les Savy Fav / Mall Grab / Viagra Boys / Shellac / Alex Cameron / Holly Humberstone / Nicki Nicole / The Weather Station / Lightning Bolt / Cuban Doll / Amelie Lens / Griff / Sons of Kemet / Beak> / Altın Gün / Danny L Harle / Squid / Dorian Electra / Perfume / Yung Beef / Chaos In The CBD / Gilles Peterson / Tropical Fuck Storm / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / Dry Cleaning / Kamaal Williams / Hailu Mergia / Amaarae / Genesis Owusu / sen senra / Bandalos Chinos / Pile / Rigoberta Bandini / Jawbox / Hannah Diamond / The Murder Capital / Lord Apex / LA MAFIA DEL AMOR / Pa Salieu / Victor! / Jockstrap / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / Pangaea / AROOJ AFTAB / Los Bitchos / Prospa / L Devine / Antònia Font / Working Men's Club / Isabella / Haai / Erika de Casier / Moonchild Sanelly / Mafalda / La Zowi / Enny / Oranssi Pazuzu / Cassandra Jenkins / Wesley Joseph / FLOHIO / Sad Night Dynamite / Gracey / Mujeres / Easyfun / Vladislav Delay / CMAT / Joyhauser / Las Ligas Menores / Teki Latex / The Albany / Jensen McRae / Penelope Isles / Shanti Celeste / Hidrogenesse / Nala Sinephro / Cheb Khaled / Craig Richards / Namasenda / Núria Graham / VTSS / Priya ragu / Lo-key / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Dark0 / Soleá Morente / Young Turks / Yasmin Williams / Nueva Vulcano / Torus / Special Interest / Menta / Oli XL / Anz / Twin / Gaahls Wyrd / KeiyaA / Disclosure (DJ Set) / Stein / I. JORDAN / Renaldo & Clara / Doble Pletina / apartamentos acapulco / Senyawa / Hector Oaks / Kinetic / Angel Bat Dawid / Steam Down / Future Utopia / Confeti de Odio / Tim Reaper / 107 Faunos / Hyd / STR4TA / Marco Shuttle / Da Souza / KMRU / Mary Anne Hobbs / Dance System / Lost Girls / Ben Yart / Rata Negra / Paranoid 1966 / Secret Night Gang / Ethan P. Flynn / Gabber Modus Operandi / Vulk / Sama' Abdulhadi / sherelle / Agoraphobia / Casero / Aksak Maboul / Maria Jaume / Afrikan Sciences / Tarta Relena / Saoirse / Duma / Marta Knight / Gazzi / Dave P / Sourakata Koité / Power Burkas / A.G. Cook / Spelling / yung prado / John Talabot (DJ Set) / Bikökö / Sandré / SPFDJ / Dj Black Low / El Punto / Dj Fra / Daniel Avery Live / Sonido Tupinamba / JOKKO / Alanaire / Ikram Bouloum / Anika Kunst / DJ Playero / Nicola Cruz Dj Set / Dead Normal / Virginie / C. Tangan / NYEGE NYEGE / Fenne Lilly / Dj Seinfield / Soccer 96 / Britanny Howard / Tarquim / mad miran / Sabla / Alizz / Soul Jazz Records Sound System / Austrohúngaro / Sofia Kourtessi Live / LCY Live / Acemoma Live / Marie Montexier / III Considered / Nagui / HARLECORE / Dj Pastis / Bad Gyal's Gogo Club / Slickback / Efdemim / Wata Igarashi Live / Acemoma Dj Set / Logic1000 Live / Los Hijos De Yayo / Dj Naranjito / El Bloque Dj's / Aufwachen Live / CØNJUNTØ VACÍØ SHOWCASE / Coàgul Live / Julio Tornero Live / MT Formula Dj Set / SDH Live / Seltar Live / Verushka Sirit Dj Set / SECRETLY GROUP PARTY / Dj Brava / HIVERN / Cucina Powera / Draing Gang / Awesome Tapes Dj Set / Diverso: Hi-Ki + La Diabla + Alvva / BEAK> Dj Set / Eli Winter + Cameron Knowler / Phillip Sherbourne / Maria Sommerville / NYGE NYGE / D.R.O.P: Marvyn + Bonnie Soul / Unai Muguruza / El Mató A Un Policia Motorizado Dj's / Valentino Mora Live / Courtesy Live / Ela Minis / Renaldo y Clara / The Weather Nation Show all bands
Parc del Fòrum Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Show Duplicates for Jun 09, 2022
Jun 05, 2022 –
Jun 12, 2022
Primavera Sound Festival Weekend 2 2022
Lorde / Gorillaz / The Strokes / Tame Impala / Tyler, The Creator / Dua Lipa / Beck / M.I.A. / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Charli XCX / Massive Attack / Interpol / Playboi Carti / Jorja Smith / Metronomy / Jessie Ware / Jamie xx / Clairo / Chet Faker / Mogwai / Megan Thee Stallion / Run the Jewels / Courtney Barnett / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Khruangbin / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / King Princess / Burna Boy / Sky Ferreira / Slowdive / The Magnetic Fields / Big Thief / Jay Electronica / Black Coffee / Yung Lean / Pond / Japanese Breakfast / Bicep / Beach Bunny / Ashnikko / Connan Mockasin / Angèle / Cautious Clay / Tainy / Kero Kero Bonito / Jamila Woods / Giveon / John Talabot / L'Impératrice / Romy / TOPS / The Automatic / Khaled / Iceage / Nina Kraviz / KHEA / Peggy Gou / High On Fire / Cazzu / 100% / Goldie / Sampa The Great / Nicola Cruz / Les Savy Fav / Celeste / Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever / Monolink / Mi-ke / Shame / Shellac / Turnstile / Molchat Doma / Alex Cameron / Mall Grab / Bad Gyal / Lightning Bolt / Cuban Doll / The Weather Station / Beak> / Danny L Harle / Jehnny Beth / Sons of Kemet / Amelie Lens / Viagra Boys / Gilles Peterson / Perfume / Chariot / Squid / Altın Gün / Chaos In The CBD / Dorian Electra / El Mató a un Policía Motorizado / Hailu Mergia / Tropical Fuck Storm / Kamaal Williams / Nicki Nicole / Noga Erez / Griff / Pile / Yung Beef / Jawbox / Holly Humberstone / Hannah Diamond / Genesis Owusu / Dry Cleaning / Victor! / Fred Again / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / Pangaea / The Murder Capital / Lord Apex / sen senra / L Devine / Isabella / Antònia Font / Bandalos Chinos / Malika / Moonchild Sanelly / Prospa / Pa Salieu / Working Men's Club / FLOHIO / Oranssi Pazuzu / Mafalda / Vladislav Delay / Easyfun / Mujeres / LA MAFIA DEL AMOR / Teki Latex / Gracey / Haai / Erika de Casier / Rigoberta Bandini / Amaarae / Joyhauser / Hidrogenesse / Las Ligas Menores / La Zowi / Shanti Celeste / Enny / Cassandra Jenkins / Craig Richards / Los Bitchos / Penelope Isles / Jockstrap / AROOJ AFTAB / Núria Graham / Lo-key / Young Turks / Sad Night Dynamite / The Albany / Nueva Vulcano / Dark0 / Torus / Soleá Morente / Menta / Jensen McRae / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Disclosure (DJ Set) / Stein / Oli XL / Twin / Gaahls Wyrd / VTSS / Doble Pletina / Kinetic / Namasenda / Wesley Joseph / Priya ragu / Renaldo & Clara / Yasmin Williams / India Jordan / Special Interest / apartamentos acapulco / Senyawa / KeiyaA / 107 Faunos / Angel Bat Dawid / Mary Anne Hobbs / Sinead O'Brien / Steam Down / CMAT / Nala Sinephro / Confeti de Odio / Marco Shuttle / Maeve / Lost Girls / Future Utopia / Anz / Hector Oaks / Da Souza / STR4TA / King Hannah / Dance System / Agoraphobia / Rata Negra / Tim Reaper / Afrikan Sciences / Vulk / KMRU / Casero / Paranoid 1966 / Aksak Maboul / Gabber Modus Operandi / Maria Jaume / Saoirse / Dave P / Ethan P. Flynn / Sourakata Koité / Power Burkas / Marta Knight / Secret Night Gang / John Talabot (DJ Set) / Duma / Tarta Relena / Spelling / Sama' Abdulhadi / sherelle / Sandré / Ben Yart / Hyd / El Punto / Bikökö / A.G. Cook / Dj Black Low / SPFDJ / Dj Fra / Sonido Tupinamba / JOKKO / yung prado / Gazzi / Ikram Bouloum / Virginie / DJ Playero / Dj Seinfield / Dead Normal / Anika Kunst / Alizz / Fenne Lilly / Alanaire / Soccer 96 / mad miran / Soul Jazz Records Sound System / Logic1000 Live / Daniel Avery Live / Acemoma Live / Acemoma Dj Set / Nicola Cruz Dj Set / Wata Igarashi Live / Tarquim / Britanny Howard / Slickback / Bad Gyal's Gogo Club / NYEGE NYEGE / C. Tangan / Marie Montexier / The Weather Nation / Renaldo y Clara / Ela Minis / Courtesy Live / Valentino Mora Live / LCY Live / Efdemim / Sofia Kourtessi Live / El Mató A Un Policia Motorizado Dj's / Unai Muguruza / D.R.O.P: Marvyn + Bonnie Soul / NYGE NYGE / Maria Sommerville / Phillip Sherbourne / Eli Winter + Cameron Knowler / BEAK> Dj Set / Dj Pastis / HARLECORE / Nagui / Diverso: Hi-Ki + La Diabla + Alvva / Awesome Tapes Dj Set / III Considered / Draing Gang / Austrohúngaro / Sabla / Cucina Powera / HIVERN / Dj Brava / SECRETLY GROUP PARTY / Verushka Sirit Dj Set / Seltar Live / SDH Live / MT Formula Dj Set / Julio Tornero Live / Coàgul Live / CØNJUNTØ VACÍØ SHOWCASE / Aufwachen Live / El Bloque Dj's / Dj Naranjito / Los Hijos De Yayo / Amyl & The Sniffers / The Smile / IC3PEAK / Mura Masa Show all bands
Parc del Fòrum Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Apr 29, 2022 –
May 08, 2022
Donaufestival 2022
Shabazz Palaces / Tirzah / William Basinski / The Caretaker / Vladislav Delay / Glam / Matana Roberts / DJ Lag / Sarathy Korwar / Helm / Les Filles de Illighadad / Backxwash / UMFANG / Space Afrika / Keeley Forsyth / 75 Dollar Bill / Hiro Kone / 700 Bliss / Midori Takada / AMMAR 808 / Jessica Moss / Tara Nome Doyle / Blackhaine / Dis Fig / Galya Bisengalieva / Mc Yallah / Lua Preta / Aho Ssan / Jjjjjerome Ellis / Fehler Kuti / Raja Kirik / MC Yallah & Debmaster / Slikback x Weirdcore Show all bands
Donaufestival Krems an der Donau, Lower Austria, Austria
Nov 13, 2021
Le Guess Who? 2021: Zaterdag
Ice Balloons / Vladislav Delay / Damon Locks' Black Monument Ensemble / Duma / Etran de L'Aïr / Pink Siifu / Alabaster dePlume
TivoliVredenburg Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Nov 11, 2021 –
Nov 14, 2021
Le Guess Who? 2021
Osees / The Microphones / Mount Eerie / Suuns / Subhumans / Faust / Jesu / William Basinski / Bohren & Der Club of Gore / Black Country, New Road / Mariee Sioux / Pink Siifu / Pa Salieu / FLOHIO / Ichiko Aoba / Vanishing Twin / Zwangere Guy / Vladislav Delay / Shannon Lay / Oren Ambarchi / John Surman / Matana Roberts / Tenniscoats / Klein / Lucrecia Dalt / AROOJ AFTAB / Felix Kubin / Alabaster dePlume / L'Rain / Ana Roxanne / Old Time Relijun / De Ambassade / Wu-Lu / Aaron Dilloway / OvO / AGF / Kiko Dinucci / Midori Takada / Ghalia Benali / Pink Oculus / Sunwatchers / KeiyaA / sessa / Earth Girl Helen Brown / Angel Bat Dawid / Damon Locks / Gabriels / Kelman Duran / Jessica Moss / Broeder Dieleman / Maarten Vos / Nala Sinephro / Irreversible Entanglements / Lucinda Chua / Lael Neale / Space Afrika / Lyra Pramuk / 青葉市子 / Rian Treanor / Spirit Fest / DJ Lycox / Petter Eldh / DMBQ / Mari Kalkun / Phil Elverum / Alogte Oho and his Sounds of Joy / The Liminañas (FR) / Aksak Maboul / Beatriz Ferreyra / Julián Mayorga / Spill Gold / WaqWaq Kingdom / Lori Goldston / Galya Bisengalieva / Kohti Tuhoa / Ice Balloons / Victor Herrero / Joelle Leandre / Reymour / Alexander Hawkins / CHVE / Tcheser Holmes / Tarta Relena / Eddie Chacon / Duma / Tara Clerkin Trio / Don the Tiger / Coco Maria / Model Home / Ensemble Klang / Tim Koh / Radio Filharmonisch Orkest / Jamael Dean / Sea Urchin / Slumberland / Chúpame El Dedo / Brigid Dawson / Patricia Kokett / Conjunto Papa Upa / DJ Marcelle / Meril Wubslin / Blak Saagan / Juan Juan / Typhonian Highlife / DJ Fitz / Ikram Bouloum / Masma Dream World / Johnny (Collecting Dinosaurs) / Bertie Marshall / Authentically Plastic / Maotik / Don Melody Club / James Holden & Waclaw Zimpel / PAINT / Gustaf / Sons of Kemet / Scotch Rolex feat. MC Yallah & Lord Spikeheart Show all bands
TivoliVredenburg Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Show Duplicates for Nov 11, 2021
Aug 28, 2019 –
Sep 01, 2019
Berlin Atonal 2019
Mark Lanegan / Trevor Jackson / Shackleton / Objekt / HTRK / DBridge / Sybil / Huerco S. / Oceanic / Alessandro Cortini / Vladislav Delay / Bambounou / Lee Gamble / James Ruskin / Function / Amnesia Scanner / Roly Porter / Not Waving / Helm / My Disco / JK Flesh / Terrence Dixon / Jensen Interceptor / rRoxymore / Felicia Atkinson / Samuel Kerridge / Mixmaster Morris / NIVHEK / Soho Rezanejad / Jon K / Shapednoise / Umwelt / Photonz / Forest Drive West / Mor Elian / Clara 3000 / Ziúr / Solid Blake / Nkisi / Søs Gunver Ryberg / Alfio Antico / Metrist / Natalie Beridze / Buttechno / Pablo's Eye / Franco Franco / Rhyw / Annelies Monsere / Marshstepper / E-Saggila / Kinlaw / Nosedrip / Elena Colombi / Shyboi / Jacques Gaspard Biberkopf / Loraine James / Exael / Nene H / Bleid / Aponogeton / Phuong Dan / Yousuke Yukimatsu / Victor De Roo / Marum / Bad Tracking / Mina (UK) / Cyprien Gaillard / Dea Barandana / Gerald Brunson / Cop Envy / Jorjick / Avon Terror Corps / Harrga / Perila / @vtss.pl / @skaelimptom2 / Aho Ssan / TRjj / Jason Kolar / Slow White Fall / Hydromantic / Chee Shimizu / HXE / Odete / Ketia / Pavel Milyakov / UCC Harlo / KALI MALONE / Logic1000 / TUTU (DJ) / Violet (PT) / GOD69 / Sofay / Nika J / Rainer Kohlberger Show all bands
Kraftwerk Berlin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Nov 23, 2018
Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay

Sly & Robbie Meet Nils Petter Molvær

Mousonturm Saal Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
Aug 14, 2015 –
Aug 16, 2015
Flow Festival 2015
Beck / Florence and the Machine / alt-J / Major Lazer / Tove Lo / Belle and Sebastian / Diplo / Flying Lotus / The War On Drugs / Years & Years / Future Islands / Wiley / Skepta / Foxygen / Todd Terje / I Love Makonnen / Elliphant / Clark / French Films / Evian Christ / Regina / Vladislav Delay / Manna / Paperi T / Have You Ever Seen The Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS? / Lännen-Jukka / Run the Jewels / Tyler, The Creator Show all bands
Unknown venue Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland
Mar 29, 2014
Big Ears Festival 2014
Low / Nils Frahm / Television / Son Lux / Oneohtrix Point Never / Julia Holter / Jonny Greenwood / Jenny Hval / Buke and Gase / Marc Ribot / Laraaji / Dawn of Midi / so percussion / Mark McGuire / Vladislav Delay / Susanna / Bill Orcutt / Glenn Kotche / Marc Ribot y Los Cubanos Postizos / Nazoranai Show all bands
The Square Room Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
May 13, 2011 –
May 15, 2011
All Tomorrow's Parties - ATP 2011
Beach House / Animal Collective / Kurt Vile / Big Boi / Floating Points / Atlas Sound / Broadcast / Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti / Oneohtrix Point Never / Grouper / Meat Puppets / Lee "Scratch" Perry / Actress / Gang Gang Dance / Zomby / Dent May / Teengirl Fantasy / Terry Riley / Micachu & The Shapes / Black Dice / Deradoorian / Prince Rama / Spectrum / Vladislav Delay / The Entrance Band / Eric Copeland / Omar-S / Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 / Highlife / Tony Conrad / Ear Pwr / Group Doueh / Kria Brekkan / Tickley Feather / Khaira Arby / The Frogs / Sublime Frequencies / Orthrelm / Mick Barr / I.U.D. / The Brothers Unconnected / Drawlings / Super Khoumeissa / Matt Baetz Show all bands
All Tomorrow's Parties - ATP 2011 Minehead, England, United Kingdom
Show Duplicate for May 13, 2011
Sep 22, 2010 –
Sep 26, 2010
Decibel Festival 2010
Flying Lotus / Gold Panda / Mount Kimbie / Shlohmo / Modeselektor / Beats Antique / Oneohtrix Point Never / Pantha du Prince / Grouper / Machinedrum / Eskmo / Lusine / Teebs / Scuba / Lorn / Carl Craig / Soul Clap / FaltyDL / Distance / Fennesz / Mux Mool / Samiyam / Ben Frost / Sepalcure / Phutureprimitive / Bluetech / Starkey / Theo Parrish / Plastician / Murcof / Kevin Saunderson / Ikonika / Monolake / Vibesquad / Clubroot / Tim Green / Dinky / Tanner Ross / Rafael Anton Irisarri / Vladislav Delay / The Sight Below / Trus'Me / Lawrence English / Noveller / Nastynasty / Novella / Cassy / Headhunter / Pezzner / Demo / Alex B / Moritz Von Oswald Trio / Pressha / Robert Henke / Low Limit / Adlib / Lawnchair Generals / Luke Hess / Deepchild / Mat the Alien / Praveen / Mark Van Hoen / Dubtek / Recess / Ean Golden / Lukki / Splatinum / Press / 214 / Truckasauras / In-Cyde / Just One / Ramiro / Sanso-xtro / Disco Nihilist / Dash EXP / Kid Hops / Surpass / Fax (MX) / Tzr / Energy Flash / Kid Simple / Nordic Soul / Mister Leisure / Jeromy Nail / Jimmy Hoffa / Phidelity / Introcut / THE PERFECT CYN / Kris Moon / Jagga Culture / Lincolnup / Ryan Organ / Aksion / Jon A.d. / Menami Show all bands
Seattle, Washington, United States
Aug 13, 2010 –
Aug 15, 2010
Flow Festival 2010
The xx / Major Lazer / M.I.A. / Diplo / Beach House / Miike Snow / Marina / Broken Bells / Air / Robyn / Caribou / LCD Soundsystem / The Drums / Four Tet / Surfer Blood / Junip / The Radio Dept. / Magnetic Man / Girls / José James / Aeroplane / Owen Pallett / Joker / Ricardo Villalobos / Husky Rescue / Ulver / wovenhand / Omar Souleyman / Konono n°1 / The Clouds / Ballaké Sissoko / Jori Hulkkonen / Vladislav Delay / DJ Harvey / Villa Nah / Tes La Rok / Timo Lassy / Awesome Tapes From Africa / Ricky / Yona / Hannulelauri / Jimi Tenor & Tony Allen / Kiki Pau / Ville Leinonen / Maria Gasolina / Bongo Rock / Vallilan Tango / Darya / We Love Helsinki / DJ Fiskars / DJ Didier Show all bands
Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland
Feb 04, 2010
Sebastian Meissner / Vladislav Delay / Kwartludium / Lillevan Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts New York, New York, United States
Oct 03, 2008
Vladislav Delay / SND / TVO / TV On the Radio / Telepathe / Redshape / The Village Orchestra / Production Unit Cargo London, England, United Kingdom
Aug 13, 2008 –
Aug 17, 2008
c/o pop 2008
will.i.am / José González / Mika / Crystal Castles / Digitalism / Paul Kalkbrenner / Hercules & Love Affair / Brother Ali / SebastiAn / Delorean / Fritz Kalkbrenner / Why? / DJ Koze / Balkan Beat Box / Dillon / Teenagers / Ricardo Villalobos / The KLF / Sven Vath / Sascha Funke / Coma / Television Personalities / Moonbootica / Gabriel Ananda / Mi-ke / Console / Finn / Larry Heard / DJ Mehdi / Vicarious Bliss / Aril Brikha / Thomas Fehlmann / Steed Lord / Trickski / Vladislav Delay / Reinhard Voigt / Maxime Dangles / Eight Legs / Gerd Janson / Supermayer / Sascha Dive / Losoul / Popnoname / Schwefelgelb / Skinnerbox / Superpunk / Natty King / Ewan Pearson / Marcus Worgull / Daddy Rings / Zander VT / Xhin / Patrice Scott / Christian S. / René Breitbarth / Torso / Shumi / Sarah Goldfarb / Burger/Voigt / Schlammpeitziger / Tolouse Low Trax / Mense Reents / Adolf Noise / Nicola Conte Jazz Combo / Paul Brtschitsch / DJ Cem / Andy Vaz / Cellophane Suckers / Chris Tietjen / Pascal Schäfer / Grossprojekt 674 / Leschet & Wilde / Bucaneer / The Glass Ceiling / Greenman / Kenshiro / Xtrak / Andreas Reihse / Schmackes & Pinscher / Navid Tahernia / Nikki Nice / Djs With Bad Haircuts / Leolo Lozone / Tri Minh / The Allophons / The Exotist / Poedra / Ray Soo / Korkut Elbay / Alex C. Multhaup / Without Wax / Henry Foundation / Marcel Janovski / Rubber Inc. / Quake Inc. / Tom Ashcroft / Punk Royal / Ben Crunch / O Pop / Jan Erik Kaiser / Jo Saurbier Show all bands
Filmhaus Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Jun 13, 2008 –
Jun 15, 2008
Synch Festival 2008
Four Tet / Yo La Tengo / Happy Mondays / Róisín Murphy / Stereolab / Liars / The Field / Holy Fuck / Kode9 / Pinch / Luomo / Andrew Weatherall / Poni Hoax / Monika / Juan Atkins / Peverelist / DJ Pierre / Chris and Cosey / Vladislav Delay / I-F / Headhunter / Serafim Tsotsonis / Moritz von Oswald / Pilooski / Pedro / Moritz Von Oswald Trio / Kieran Hebden and Steve Reid / Chronik / Ion / Terre Thaemlitz / Rodes / Carter Tutti / Kreon / Lemos / Your Hand In Mine / Mapstation / Soisong / Khan of Finland / Jamal Moss / My Wet Calvin / Klangwart / Parallel Worlds / elica / tonylight / Tony Light / Black Athena / Eventless Plot / Good Luck Mr Gorsky / ΦΑΝΤΑΣΤΙΚΟΙ ΗΧΟΙ / Menelaos / Dynamons / Silent Stelios / Urban Disco / Angel Feat. Ilpo Visnen, Dirk Dresselhaus , Hildur / Dsl Brothers Show all bands
Athens, Attica, Greece
Mar 21, 2008 –
Mar 22, 2008
Berlin Ruft An 2008
M.I.A. / Housemeister / Vladislav Delay / Justine Electra / Warren Suicide / Die Türen / Dalia / Daniel Meteo / SHRUBBN!! / Khan of Finland
Paard The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Oct 04, 2003
Vladislav Delay / Mikael Stavöstrand / Andreas Tilliander / Alog


Chiostro del Bramante Rome, Latium, Italy
Aug 28, 2003 –
Aug 30, 2003
Pukkelpop 2003
Foo Fighters / The Black Keys / Beck / The All-American Rejects / Massive Attack / Sum 41 / Limp Bizkit / Damien Rice / Staind / PJ Harvey / Goldfrapp / Eels / The Kills / Mogwai / AFI / Devendra Banhart / Michael Franti & Spearhead / Rancid / Alien Ant Farm / Redman / Reel Big Fish / Alkaline Trio / Thrice / The Coral / The Rapture / Suede / Pennywise / Less Than Jake / Ladytron / The Raveonettes / Hot Hot Heat / The Ataris / Lamb / The Mars Volta / Starsailor / blackalicious / Grandaddy / Electric Six / Tiga / Fischerspooner / Wire / Turin Brakes / The Spooks / Saves The Day / Junkie Xl / The Polyphonic Spree / LFO / Lagwagon / Matchbook Romance / GusGus / Audio Bullys / Kosheen / The Vandals / Mad Caddies / Donna Summer / Mint Royale / Adema / Sparta / Richie Hawtin / Ima Robot / Zoot Woman / Kaizers Orchestra / Cult of Luna / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Erol Alkan / Poison the Well / The Datsuns / DJ Format / Boysetsfire / Spinvis / Pretty Girls Make Graves / Adult. / The Hacker / Arsenal / DJ Sneak / Cave In / Sister Bliss / Dave Clarke / Youngblood Brass Band / Radio 4 / Luomo / D.A.F. / DJ Hell / Boom Bip / Danger Mouse & Jemini / Hell Is for Heroes / InMe / Soledad Brothers / Styrofoam / Vladislav Delay / The Matthew Herbert Big Band / Peter Pan Speedrock / Terence Fixmer / Cex / Heideroosjes / Tujiko Noriko / Super Numeri / South San Gabriel / Slovo / Mandoza / Vue / Grand Buffet / Fat Truckers / Dead Man Ray / Atomizer / Radian / Soon / El Tattoo Del Tigre / Dillinja And Lemon D / thisgirl / Noriko Tujiko / Martin Matiske / Calder / The Teenage Idols / Gazzoleen / DJ Leno / DJ C1 / Clarksville / DJ System / DJ Cajmere / Squadra Bossa Ft. Buscemi / Starfield Season / Brekbit / Jan Van Biesen / Lady Vortex / Gamorah Sound Show all bands
Pukkelpop Festival Hasselt, Flanders, Belgium
Jan 12, 2001
Aphex Twin / Req / Vladislav Delay / Richard Devine / Russell Haswell / Brothomstates / Cylob Electrowerkz London, England, United Kingdom

Latest Photos View All Photos

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay on Nov 23, 2018 [374-small]

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay
Nov 23, 2018
 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
  Uploaded by Murmlermicha

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay on Nov 23, 2018 [373-small]

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay
Nov 23, 2018
 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
  Uploaded by Murmlermicha

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay on Nov 23, 2018 [372-small]

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay
Nov 23, 2018
 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
  Uploaded by Murmlermicha

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay on Nov 23, 2018 [371-small]

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay
Nov 23, 2018
 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
  Uploaded by Murmlermicha

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay on Nov 23, 2018 [370-small]

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay
Nov 23, 2018
 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
  Uploaded by Murmlermicha

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay on Nov 23, 2018 [369-small]

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay
Nov 23, 2018
 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
  Uploaded by Murmlermicha

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay on Nov 23, 2018 [368-small]

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay
Nov 23, 2018
 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
  Uploaded by Murmlermicha

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay on Nov 23, 2018 [367-small]

Sly And Robbie / Nils Petter Molvær / Eivind Aarset / Vladislav Delay
Nov 23, 2018
 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
  Uploaded by Murmlermicha

Dark Ambient
Minimal Techno
Dub Techno
Intelligent Dance Music
Deconstructed Club
Fourth World
Outsider House
Sound Art
New Isolationism
Power Noise
Ambient Dub
Dub Metal
Warm Drone
Nordic Ambient
Finnish Experimental
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2022 3 concerts
2021 2 concerts
2019 1 concert
2018 1 concert
2015 1 concert
2014 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2010 3 concerts
2008 4 concerts
2003 2 concerts
2001 1 concert
 Teun Versteeg
 Andy Wilson
 Emily Jones
 Dani Daniel
 Nick Chandler
 Matty Jones

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