Vinterland Concert History

Vinterland is a Melodic Black Metal band from Kvicksund, Sweden. They formed in 1992 and two years later they released two demos entitled "It's Here I Belong" and "A Castle So Crystal Clear".

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 26, 2014
Vinterland iowa city yacht club Iowa City, Iowa, United States
May 23, 2014
Vinterland Wooly's Des Moines, Iowa, United States
May 25, 2013
Maryland Deathfest
"Maryland Deathfest" / Anhedonist / Antaeus / Asthma Castle / Broken Hope / Down / Ihsahn / Iniquity / Kommandant / Loss / Melvins / The Obsessed / Vinterland / Weedeater
Former Sonar Compound Baltimore, Maryland, United States
May 23, 2013 –
May 26, 2013
Maryland Deathfest 2013
Down / Melvins / Converge / Carcass / Sleep / Pelican / Venom / Pentagram / Doc / Pig Destroyer / Bolt Thrower / The Wake / Weedeater / Pallbearer / Ascension / Ihsahn / Sacred Reich / Revenge / Integrity / Tragedy / Weekend Nachos / Rotten Sound / Ringworm / Magrudergrind / Benediction / Midnight / Full of Hell / Repulsion / The Obsessed / Infest / Abigail / Antaeus / Iron Lung / Evoken / Pagan Altar / Cobalt / Broken Hope / Manilla Road / Speedwolf / Vitamin X / Glorior Belli / Heartless / Loss / Aosoth / Noisem / Convulse / Ilsa / Anhedonist / Iniquity / Citizens Arrest / Terveet Kadet / Massgrav / Cruciamentum / Vinterland / Eddie Brock / Hellshock / Ahumado Granujo / Kommandant / Righteous Pigs / Disciples Of Christ / Krömosom / SETE STAR SEPT / Like Rats / Ingrowing / G-Ride / Ambassador Gun / Old Lines / Contrastic / Asthma Castle / Diephago Show all bands
Unknown venue Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Show Duplicate for May 23, 2013
Black Metal
Melodic Black Metal
Symphonic Black Metal
Swedish Black Metal

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2014 2 concerts
2013 2 concerts
 Lotd Podcast
 Ben Levesque
 Michael Burgos

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