Vincas are a rock band from Athens, Georgia, United States. formed by bassist Chris McNeal (of Maserati, Paper Lions, Teenage Methlab, and Some Soviet Station). they play a heavy noisey droney style of garage punk influenced by Suicide and by 80s Australian rock bands like The Scientists & The Birthday Party. their debut record Blood Bleeds is now available via
Flipper / Chat Pile / USA Nails / Vaz / Kal Marks / Child Bite / Wailin Storms / Distorted Pony / Totimoshi / Djunah / traindodge / The Tunnel / Rid Of Me / Multicult / Big'n / A Deer A Horse / Tongue Party / Elephant Rifle / Microwaves / Vincas / GRIZZLOR / NAW / Hands Up Who Wants to Die / Another Heaven / cherubs (us) / Conan Neutron & The Secret Friends / Reptoid / Heet Deth / The Art Gray Noizz Quintet / Moon Pussy / Something is Waiting / Them Teeth / Terminus Victor / Burned Or Buried / Powerwagon / Mr. Phylzzz / Asbestos Worker / Work Party / Nerver (MO) / Facet (US) / Primitive Broadcast Service / haploid / Upright Forms / STILL / FORM / WIIRMZ / Delicious Monsters (MKE) / Animal Bite / Salvation (CH) / Action Chief / Resurrectionists (WI)
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Flipper / Chat Pile / Vaz / USA Nails / Kal Marks / Child Bite / Wailin Storms / Totimoshi / Distorted Pony / traindodge / The Tunnel / Big'n / Multicult / A Deer A Horse / Djunah / Tongue Party / Elephant Rifle / Microwaves / NAW / GRIZZLOR / Vincas / Hands Up Who Wants to Die / Rid Of Me / Reptoid / Conan Neutron & The Secret Friends / Another Heaven / The Art Gray Noizz Quintet / Moon Pussy / Them Teeth / Something is Waiting / Burned Or Buried / Powerwagon / Terminus Victor / Heet Deth / Primitive Broadcast Service / haploid / Asbestos Worker / Mr. Phylzzz / Facet (US) / WIIRMZ / Work Party / STILL / FORM / Resurrectionists (WI) / Action Chief / Salvation (CH) / Upright Forms / Animal Bite / Delicious Monsters (MKE) / Cherubs / NerVer
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Young Widows / Cherubs / Patois Counselors / Bummer / Record Hop / T-Tops / La Glissierre / big hand / big knife / mr.phlyzzz / Neckbolt / The Hammer Party / Microwaves / USA Nails / Child Bite / Psychic Graveyard / Tropical Fuck Storm / Heet Deth / Venus Twins / MTN ISL / New Primals / Bulls / The Kronk Men / The Grasshopper Lies Heavy / Terms / Whep / Vincas / Child Abuse / Big'n / Protomartyr / Metz / Strays / Almanac Man / Pollen / Blk Ops / Moon Pussy / Chat Pile / KEN Mode
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Chat Pile / KEN Mode / USA Nails / Melkbelly / Child Bite / Psychic Graveyard / Venus Twins / Child Abuse / The Grasshopper Lies Heavy / Vincas / Heet Deth / Moon Pussy / New Primals / Bighand//Bigknife / Mr. Phylzzz / The Hammer Party
Chat Pile / KEN Mode / USA Nails / Melkbelly / Child Bite / Psychic Graveyard / Venus Twins / Child Abuse / The Grasshopper Lies Heavy / Vincas / Heet Deth / Moon Pussy / New Primals / Bighand//Bigknife / Mr. Phylzzz / The Hammer Party
Young Thug / Beach House / Erykah Badu / Anderson .Paak / Vince Staples / Andrew Bird / Gary Clark Jr. / Sylvan Esso / Kelela / Wolf Parade / Wye Oak / Car Seat Headrest / Rainbow Kitten Surprise / Television / Baroness / twin peaks / Japanese Breakfast / Julien Baker / Lambchop / Converge / Snails / Milo / Mr. Carmack / Diet Cig / Big Freedia / Quilt / Beach Slang / Kingdom / The Coathangers / Yob / William Basinski / Junglepussy / Ricky Eat Acid / LVL UP / Demdike Stare / Joan Shelley / Palm / Mutoid Man / Tribulation / A Giant Dog / Downtown Boys / Youth Code / DJ Spinn / Kooley High / Adia Victoria / Sneaks / All Dogs / Daniel Bachman / Rabit / The Dead Tongues / Inga Copeland / Gun Outfit / Cobalt / Earthling / Eric Bachmann / Sneakers / Sarah Shook & the Disarmers / Cross Record / Dai Burger / Man Forever / Suzi Analogue / Swizzymack / The Boulevards / Promised Land Sound / Jodi / Hotline / Vhol / Stooges Brass Band / Amanda X / 75 Dollar Bill / Lavender Country / Red Sea / Soldiers of Fortune / WIKI (of Ratking) / Wing Dam / Tom Carter / Earthly / The Dynamite Brothers / Wume / The Powder Room / ET Anderson / The Occultist / Gary Clarke / Tree City / Don Bikoff / Maiden Radio / Leila Abdul-Rauf / Housefire / Battle Trance / Blursome / Vincas / Pink Flag / Hell No / Pie Face Girls / The Charming Youngsters / Bad Friends / beverly tender / necrocosm / CONTAINER (US) / The Wyrms / Treee City / Al Riggs / BODYKIT / GROHG / Eldritch Horror / Konvoi / CRETE / Lacy Jags / No One Mind / Oak City Slums / S.E. Ward / The Dinwiddies / Tushka / Secret Guest (SC) / WEIRD PENNIES OF RALEIGH / Kid Millions/Jim Sauter Duo / The Era Footwork Crew / Voight-Kampff
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Voight-Kampff / Gary Clark Jr. / Converge / Baroness / Wye Oak / Beach House / Cross Record / Andrew Bird / Sylvan Esso / Youth Code / The Coathangers / Al Riggs / Erykah Badu / Promised Land Sound / Big Freedia / The Snails / Lambchop / Quilt / All Dogs / Yob / Vince Staples / LVL UP / Ricky Eat Acid / Beach Slang / Red Sea / Car Seat Headrest / Wing Dam / Milo / Anderson Paak / Tribulation / Television / Young Thug / Stooges Brass Band / A Giant Dog / Amanda X / Mutoid Man / Gun Outfit / Kelela / Downtown Boys / Adia Victoria / ET Anderson / Eric Bachmann / The Powder Room / Diet Cig / Cobalt / Inga Copeland / Julien Baker / Mr. Carmack / Earthling / Bad Friends / Wume / The Dinwiddies / Daniel Bachman / Palm / Soldiers of Fortune / Joan Shelley / Kingdom / William Basinski / Demdike Stare / Rainbow Kitten Surprise / Kooley High / DJ Spinn / Sneakers / Junglepussy / Swizzymack / Rabit / Vhol / Suzi Analogue / Japanese Breakfast / Hotline / The Dynamite Brothers / Dai Burger / The Boulevards / Tom Carter / Man Forever / The Dead Tongues / Tree City / Earthly / WIKI (of Ratking) / Housefire / The Charming Youngsters / 75 Dollar Bill / Pink Flag / Maiden Radio / CONTAINER (US) / Battle Trance / CRETE / Sarah Shook & the Disarmers / The Wyrms / beverly tender / necrocosm / Eldritch Horror / Konvoi / Sneaks (US) / Blursome / WEIRD PENNIES OF RALEIGH / BODYKIT / S.E. Ward / No One Mind / Lacy Jags / Tushka / Vincas / GROHG / Wolf Parade / Lavender Country / The Occultist / Gary Clarke / Don Bikoff / Hell No / Leila Abdul-Rauf / Treee City / Pie Face Girls / Kid Millions/Jim Sauter Duo / Secret Guest (SC) / Oak City Slums / The Era Footwork Crew / twin peaks / Jodi
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