Jun 23, 2023
Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
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Aug 26, 2022
– Aug 28, 2022
Leeds Festival 2022
Arctic Monkeys / Bastille / Halsey / The 1975 / Bring Me The Horizon / All Time Low / Glass Animals / Megan Thee Stallion / Willow / Denzel Curry / Danny Brown / Wallows / Jack Harlow / Polo G / Dave / Madison Beer / Run the Jewels / Måneskin / Gorgon City / Wolf Alice / Sigma / bbno$ / Beabadoobee / Dayglow / Little Simz / Enter Shikari / Snow / Ashnikko / Krept & Konan / Circa Waves / Gus Dapperton / PinkPantheress / Vic / Wilkinson / Barns Courtney / JPEGMAFIA / DMA'S / D-Block Europe / Bakar / Fontaines D.C. / Role Model / Poppy / Mallrat / 100 Gecs / Sueco / Tai Verdes / Pale Waves / Chloe Moriondo / Joy Crookes / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Delta Heavy / Knucks / Hybrid Minds / Joesef / As It Is / Gayle / Bru-C / Unknown T / FEVER 333 / Black Honey / Griff / ArrDee / cleopatrick / Koven / The Sherlocks / Fumez the Engineer / Ld / DYLAN (UK) / Ho99o9 / Glaive / Bad Boy Chiller Crew / The Blinders / carolesdaughter / LUUDE / Everyone You Know / Kanine / A1 x J1 / The Lathums / Phem / Pa Salieu / Nia Archives / French The Kid / BISCITS / Joey Valence & Brae / TS7 / Tigercub / Potter Payper / Sir Spyro / Ojerime / Stone / Bou / Sad Night Dynamite / A.M.C / De'Wayne / Jbee / Morrisson / Kid Kapichi / The k's / Corella / Cassyette / Bilk / Jaguar / Caity Baser / Static Dress / AMA / The Skinner Brothers / Courting / Jords / SwitchOTR / Wes Nelson / Christian Alexander / Obskür / Caspr / Beauty School Dropout / Kid Brunswick / Witch Fever / flowerovlove / Honeyglaze / Panic Shack / Thumper / Hazey / Lice / Dan D'Lion / Brooke Combe / Abby Roberts / Comfy / alissic / Claudia Valentina / Deadletter / The Stickmen Project / Miso Extra / Country Dons / PIRI AND TOMMY / Tommy Farrow / Daisy Brain / Priestgate / Sisi / CVC / Police Car Collective / TBC / JOE UNKNOWN / Meg Ward / Anorak Patch / DJ Target / Dolores Forever / Just Wondering / TAIPEI HOUSTON / The Scratch (IRE) / Bemz / Jazmine Flowers / Emby / Crawlers (UK) / M'WAY / Gabe Coulter / Grove (UK) / The Native (UK) / Meduulla / KASST x AJFRMTHE8 / Crystal Millz / Uninvited (UK) / Mugun / Scene Queen
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Bramham Park
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
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Aug 26, 2022
– Aug 28, 2022
Leeds Festival 2022
Arctic Monkeys / Bastille / Halsey / The 1975 / Bring Me The Horizon / All Time Low / Glass Animals / Megan Thee Stallion / Willow / Denzel Curry / Danny Brown / Wallows / Madison Beer / Run the Jewels / Dave / Polo G / Jack Harlow / Gorgon City / Sigma / Wolf Alice / Måneskin / bbno$ / Snow / Enter Shikari / Krept & Konan / Circa Waves / Gus Dapperton / Little Simz / Beabadoobee / Vic / Ashnikko / Dayglow / Wilkinson / Barns Courtney / DMA'S / JPEGMAFIA / PinkPantheress / D-Block Europe / Mallrat / Bakar / Poppy / Role Model / Fontaines D.C. / 100 Gecs / Sueco / Pale Waves / Delta Heavy / Chloe Moriondo / Tai Verdes / Joy Crookes / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Hybrid Minds / As It Is / Black Honey / FEVER 333 / Knucks / Unknown T / Joesef / Gayle / Koven / cleopatrick / The Sherlocks / Ld / Bru-C / Griff / ArrDee / Ho99o9 / Fumez the Engineer / DYLAN (UK) / The Blinders / Glaive / carolesdaughter / Everyone You Know / Bad Boy Chiller Crew / Phem / Kanine / LUUDE / Pa Salieu / The Lathums / TS7 / Sir Spyro / Tigercub / A1 x J1 / BISCITS / Stone / French The Kid / A.M.C / Potter Payper / De'Wayne / Morrisson / Bou / Ojerime / Sad Night Dynamite / The k's / Nia Archives / Kid Kapichi / Jaguar / Corella / AMA / Bilk / Cassyette / The Skinner Brothers / Jords / Christian Alexander / Jbee / Static Dress / Caspr / Caity Baser / Courting / Wes Nelson / Thumper / Dan D'Lion / Kid Brunswick / Obskür / Lice / Witch Fever / Honeyglaze / SwitchOTR / Hazey / Panic Shack / Beauty School Dropout / flowerovlove / Claudia Valentina / Abby Roberts / Brooke Combe / Comfy / alissic / The Stickmen Project / Miso Extra / Tommy Farrow / Daisy Brain / Sisi / Priestgate / Country Dons / Deadletter / Police Car Collective / TBC / DJ Target / Anorak Patch / Meg Ward / CVC / Just Wondering / The Scratch (IRE) / JOE UNKNOWN / Emby / Jazmine Flowers / Joey Valence & Brae / Bemz / PIRI AND TOMMY / Dolores Forever / Crawlers (UK) / Gabe Coulter / Grove (UK) / M'WAY / Pendulum / AJ Tracey
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Bramham Park
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
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Aug 26, 2022
– Aug 28, 2022
Leeds Festival 2022
Arctic Monkeys / Bastille / Halsey / Bring Me The Horizon / All Time Low / Glass Animals / Megan Thee Stallion / Willow / Denzel Curry / Danny Brown / Wallows / Madison Beer / Run the Jewels / Dave / Polo G / Charlie XCX / Gorgon City / Sigma / Wolf Alice / The 1975 / bbno$ / Snow / Enter Shikari / Krept & Konan / Circa Waves / Gus Dapperton / Little Simz / Vic / Beabadoobee / Wilkinson / Ashnikko / Dayglow / Barns Courtney / DMA'S / JPEGMAFIA / PinkPantheress / D-Block Europe / Mallrat / Poppy / Bakar / Role Model / Fontaines D.C. / 100 Gecs / Sueco / Pale Waves / Delta Heavy / Chloe Moriondo / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Joy Crookes / Tai Verdes / Hybrid Minds / As It Is / Black Honey / FEVER 333 / Unknown T / Knucks / Koven / Joesef / Gayle / cleopatrick / The Sherlocks / Ld / Bru-C / Griff / ArrDee / Ho99o9 / Fumez the Engineer / The Blinders / DYLAN (UK) / Glaive / carolesdaughter / Everyone You Know / Bad Boy Chiller Crew / Phem / Kanine / LUUDE / Pa Salieu / The Lathums / TS7 / Sir Spyro / Tigercub / BISCITS / STONE Liverpool / A1 x J1 / French The Kid / A.M.C / Potter Payper / De'Wayne / Morrisson / Bou / The k's / Ojerime / Nia Archives / Kid Kapichi / Jaguar / AMA / Corella / Bilk / Cassyette / The Skinner Brothers / Jords / Christian Alexander / Static Dress / Caspr / Caity Baser / Courting / Jbee / Sad Night Dynamite / Thumper / Dan D'Lion / Wes Nelson / Kid Brunswick / Lice / Obskür / Witch Fever / Honeyglaze / Hazey / Panic Shack / SwitchOTR / Beauty School Dropout / Claudia Valentina / flowerovlove / Abby Roberts / Brooke Combe / Comfy / The Stickmen Project / alissic / Miso Extra / Tommy Farrow / Daisy Brain / Sisi / Priestgate / Police Car Collective / TBC / Deadletter / DJ Target / Country Dons / Anorak Patch / Meg Ward / CVC / Just Wondering / The Scratch (IRE) / JOE UNKNOWN / Emby / Bemz / PIRI AND TOMMY / Crawlers (UK) / Gabe Coulter / Dolores Forever / Grove (UK) / M'WAY / The Native (UK) / Uninvited (UK) / TAIPEI HOUSTON / KASST x AJFRMTHE8 / Crystal Millz / Jazmine Flowers / Meduulla / Mugun / Joey Valence & Brae
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Bramham Park
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
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Aug 26, 2022
– Aug 28, 2022
Leeds Festival 2022 @ Bramham Park
Arctic Monkeys / Halsey / Bastille / The 1975 / Bring Me The Horizon / Glass Animals / Megan Thee Stallion / All Time Low / Jack Harlow / PinkPantheress / Måneskin / Wallows / Dave / Willow / beabadoobee / Polo G / Madison Beer / Denzel Curry / Bakar / Danny Brown / Wolf Alice / Run the Jewels / Dayglow / Little Simz / Gorgon City / Ashnikko / bbno$ / Sigma / Fontaines D.C. / JPEGMAFIA / D-Block Europe / Wilkinson / Circa Waves / Knucks / Gus Dapperton / Role Model / Enter Shikari / Tai Verdes / 100 gecs / Poppy / Snow / Krept & Konan / Barns Courtney / DMA’s / Vic / Mallrat / Nia Archives / Joy Crookes / Griff / LUUDE / Joesef / Chloe Moriondo / Sueco / Joey Valence & Brae / Bru-C / Gayle / Hybrid Minds / Fumez the Engineer / Pale Waves / ArrDee / Unknown T / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Delta Heavy / Glaive / Ojerime / DYLAN / Bou / Bad Boy Chiller Crew / A1 x J1 / BISCITS / Corella / Jbee / As It Is / cleopatrick / FEVER 333 / Koven / Black Honey / French The Kid / Kanine / The Lathums / carolesdaughter / Potter Payper / The Sherlocks / Caity Baser / Ld / Static Dress / Ho99o9 / Cassyette / The Blinders / The K’s / Everyone You Know / Beauty School Dropout / Pa Salieu / flowerovlove / Tigercub / Kid Kapichi / Stone / Phem / TS7 / Sad Night Dynamite / SwitchOTR / Bilk / Obskür / De'Wayne / Deadletter / Courting / Wes Nelson / A.M.C / Kid Brunswick / Morrisson / Sir Spyro / The Skinner Brothers / CVC / Panic Shack / Honeyglaze / Witch Fever / Jords / Hazey / Comfy / Brooke Combe / Miso Extra / Jaguar / Country Dons / PIRI AND TOMMY / Dolores Forever / The Stickmen Project / Caspr / AMA / Abby Roberts / Tommy Farrow / Sisi / Christian Alexander / alissic / Thumper / JOE UNKNOWN / Lice / Priestgate / Claudia Valentina / Dan D'Lion / Daisy Brain / Police Car Collective / TAIPEI HOUSTON / Meduulla / Meg Ward / Bemz / Anorak Patch / M'WAY / TBC / The Scratch (IRE) / DJ Target / Just Wondering / Jazmine Flowers / Crawlers (UK) / Gabe Coulter / Emby / KASST x AJFRMTHE8 / Grove / Crystal Millz / Uninvited (UK) / The Native / Mugun
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Bramham Park
Wetherby, England, United Kingdom
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Aug 26, 2022
– Aug 28, 2022
Leeds Festival 2022
Arctic Monkeys / Bastille / Halsey / The 1975 / Bring Me The Horizon / All Time Low / Glass Animals / Megan Thee Stallion / Willow / Denzel Curry / Wallows / Danny Brown / Jack Harlow / Polo G / Dave / Madison Beer / Run the Jewels / Måneskin / Gorgon City / Wolf Alice / Sigma / bbno$ / Beabadoobee / Dayglow / Little Simz / Enter Shikari / Snow / Ashnikko / Krept & Konan / Circa Waves / Gus Dapperton / PinkPantheress / Wilkinson / Vic / JPEGMAFIA / Barns Courtney / DMA'S / D-Block Europe / Bakar / Fontaines D.C. / Role Model / Poppy / Mallrat / 100 Gecs / Tai Verdes / Sueco / Pale Waves / Chloe Moriondo / Joy Crookes / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Delta Heavy / Knucks / Hybrid Minds / Joesef / As It Is / Gayle / Bru-C / Unknown T / FEVER 333 / Black Honey / Griff / ArrDee / cleopatrick / Koven / The Sherlocks / Fumez the Engineer / Ld / DYLAN (UK) / Glaive / Ho99o9 / Bad Boy Chiller Crew / The Blinders / carolesdaughter / LUUDE / Everyone You Know / Kanine / A1 x J1 / Nia Archives / The Lathums / Phem / Pa Salieu / French The Kid / BISCITS / Joey Valence & Brae / TS7 / Tigercub / Potter Payper / Ojerime / Sir Spyro / Stone / Bou / Sad Night Dynamite / A.M.C / Jbee / De'Wayne / Morrisson / Corella / Kid Kapichi / The k's / Cassyette / Bilk / Caity Baser / Static Dress / Jaguar / AMA / Courting / The Skinner Brothers / SwitchOTR / Jords / Wes Nelson / Obskür / Christian Alexander / Caspr / Beauty School Dropout / Witch Fever / Kid Brunswick / flowerovlove / Honeyglaze / Panic Shack / Thumper / Hazey / Lice / Dan D'Lion / Brooke Combe / Abby Roberts / Comfy / alissic / Claudia Valentina / Deadletter / The Stickmen Project / Miso Extra / PIRI AND TOMMY / Country Dons / Tommy Farrow / Daisy Brain / Priestgate / CVC / Sisi / Police Car Collective / JOE UNKNOWN / TBC / Meg Ward / Anorak Patch / Dolores Forever / DJ Target / Just Wondering / TAIPEI HOUSTON / The Scratch (IRE) / Bemz / Jazmine Flowers / Crawlers (UK) / Emby / M'WAY / Grove (UK) / Gabe Coulter / Meduulla / The Native (UK) / Uninvited (UK) / KASST x AJFRMTHE8 / Crystal Millz / Mugun / Charli XCX
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Bramham Park
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
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Show Duplicates for Aug 26, 2022
Apr 08, 2021
Suzi / Vic / Eagle Mont Bridge
I Like It Better On Tour
Wesley Anne
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Aug 02, 2008
House of Blues Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
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May 18, 2008
Trina / David Banner / One Chance / Cherish / Big Kuntry King / Vic / Teyana Taylor / Chingy / UNK / Twista / Murphy Lee / Sean Garrett
The Pageant
St. Louis, Missouri, United States
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May 01, 2008
Soulja Boy / Lil Mama / Tiffany Evans / Vic
House of Blues Sunset Strip
West Hollywood, California, United States
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Apr 30, 2008
Soulja Boy / Lil Mama / Tiffany Evans / Vic
City National Grove of Anaheim
Anaheim, California, United States
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Apr 25, 2008
Soulja Boy / Lil Mama / Vic
Old National Centre
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
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Apr 24, 2008
21 / Lil Mama / Vic / Soulja Boy / Tiffany Evans
House of Blues Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio, United States
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Apr 18, 2008
Soulja Boy / Lil Mama / Vic
Conference Center Niagara Falls
Buffalo, New York, United States
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