Uxu Kalhus Concert History

uxu kalhus are a Portuguese group that label themselves as trad-folk-rock, radical trad, subversive folk, progressive "baile" with chameleonic sounds. A fusion of styles, rhythms and melodies, where the rules is: there are no rules!

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 04, 2008 –
Aug 10, 2008
Andanças 2008
Bailebúrdia / BRUEL / Dazkarieh / Galandum Galundaina / Fol&ar / Mandrágora / múm / Olive tree dance / Pé na Terra / toques do caramulo / Uxu Kalhus
Carvalhais São Pedro do Sul, Viseu, Portugal
Traditional Music
 Nânci Reis

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