Upon His Flesh Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 28, 2015
The Faceless / After the Burial / Reflections / Rings of Saturn / Texas In July / Toothgrinder / To the Wind / Invent Animate / Reaping Asmodeia / By the Thousands / Zealot / Upon His Flesh / Mithya / Portraits of War / Soulkeeper / The Birth Of A...
The Faceless / After the Burial / Reflections / Rings of Saturn / Texas In July / Toothgrinder / To the Wind / Invent Animate / Reaping Asmodeia / By the Thousands / Zealot / Upon His Flesh / Mithya / Portraits of War / Soulkeeper / The Birth Of An Empire / Oklahoma Caddy Shack / Skyhaven / Descriptions Show all bands
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Skyway Theater Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Show Duplicate for Nov 28, 2015
Death Metal
Slam Death Metal
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