Up the irons's 2015 Concert History

1) Hungarian: http://uptheirons.uw.hu

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 19, 2015 –
Jun 21, 2015
Graspop Metal Meeting 2015
A Day To Remember / Aborted / Age of Torment / Airbourne / Alcest / Alice Cooper / Amorphis / Arch Enemy / Asking Alexandria / At The Gates / Avatarium / Battle Beast / Betraying The Martyrs / Black Stone Cherry / Bliksem / Blues Pills / Butcher Babies / Cannibal Corpse / Cavalera Conspiracy / Chelsea Grin / Children Of Bodom / Code Orange / Counterparts / Cradle of Filth / Danko Jones / Den Saakaldte / Der Weg Einer Freiheit / devilment / Diolegacy / DJ Carl / Dragonforce / Ensiferum / Epica / Equilibrium / Evergrey / Every Time I Die / Evil Invaders / Exodus / Faith No More / Five Finger Death Punch / FM / God Seed / Godsmack / H.E.A.T. / Hawk Eyes / Heidevolk / Hell City / Hollywood Undead / Ihsahn / In Flames / In Hearts Wake / Judas Priest / Kataklysm / King Hiss / KISS / Kobra and the Lotus / Korn / Korpiklaani / Lacuna Coil / Lamb Of God / Life Of Agony / Like a Storm / Lower Than Atlantis / Marduk / Marilyn Manson / Morgoth / Motionless In White / Motörhead / My Dying Bride / Ne Obliviscaris / Oceans Of Sadness / Orchid / Orphaned Land / Papa Roach / Parkway Drive / Pop Evil / Powerstroke / Present Danger / Primordial / Red Pepper Bullwhip / Samael / Sarke / Scorpions / Septicflesh / Set Things Right / Shining / Sigh / Slipknot / Snot / Sonata Artica / Stray From The Path / Sylosis / Terror / Texas In July / The Charm the Fury / The Dead Daises / The Haunted / The Lounge Kittens / The Ocean / Thunder / Tremonti / Up the irons / Upon A Burning Body / Vallenfyre / We Are Harlot / Winterfylleth / Wolves / Scream / Your Highness / Slash featuring Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators / Within Temptation / Body Count / Ice-T Show all bands
Festivalpark Stenehei Dessel, Flanders, Belgium
Show Duplicate for Jun 19, 2015
Jun 18, 2015 –
Jun 21, 2015
Graspop Metal Meeting 2015
Diolegacy / The Art Of Pantera / Up the irons / Present Danger / Powerstroke / Age of Torment / Wolves Scream / Hell City / Your Highness / Oceans Of Sadness / Bliksem / H.E.A.T. / Thunder / Epica / Cavalera Conspiracy / Slash / KISS / The Dead Dasies / Butcher Babies / Asking Alexandria / Life Of Agony / Body Count / In Flames / Marilyn Manson / Der Weg Einer Freiheit / Aborted / Sigh / God Seed / Cannibal Corpse / Marduk / My Dying Bride / King Hiss / Avatarium / Blues Pills / Ne Obliviscaris / Sarke / Evergrey / Samael / Ihsahn / In Hearts Wake / Snot / Northlane / Heidevolk / Stray From The Path / Lower Than Atlantis / Hollywood Undead / A Day To Remember / Godsmack / Five Finger Death Punch / Korn / Slipknot / Orchid / Danko Jones / Exodus / Sonata Arctica / Alice Cooper / Judas Priest / Orphaned Land / Morgoth / Kataklysm / Vallenfyre / Korpiklaani / Arch Enemy / At The Gates / Hawk Eyes / The Haunted / Shining / The Ocean / Lacuna Coil / Primordial / Alcest / Upon A Burning Body / Chelsea Grin / Code Orange / We Are Harlot / Every Time I Die / Pop Evil / Tremonti / Black Stone Cherry / Airbourne / Motörhead / Scorpions / Like a Storm / Betraying The Martyrs / Parkway Drive / Papa Roach / Lamb Of God / Withing Temptation / Faith No More / Den Saakaldte / Winterfylleth / Sylosis / Ensiferum / Septicflesh / Amorphis / Children Of Bodom / Cradle of Filth / Kobra and the Lotus / Battle Beast / Evil Invaders / devilment / Equilibrium / FM / Dragonforce / The Charm the Fury / Motionless In White / Counterparts / Texas In July / Terror Show all bands
Festivalpark Stenehei Dessel, Flanders, Belgium
Heavy Metal
Lo-Fi Sleep

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