Tús Nua Concert History

Since their debut album “Horizons”, a marvelous blend of shoegaze, post-rock, noise, and dream pop, Zagreb-based Tús Nua (Jordi Ilić and Jelena Božić) has been one of the most talked-about bands on the Croatian and regional alternative scene. The duo’s debut received praise from critics and audience, found its way to numerous Best Albums Of 2017 lists in their home country, and established the band as one of the most attractive live acts in the region.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 25, 2018 –
Jun 27, 2018
INmusic festival #13
Queens of the Stone Age / Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds / Interpol / David Byrne / Alice In Chains / St. Vincent / Portugal. The Man / The Kills / Bombino / PINS / Superorganism / Reykjavíkurdætur / General Elektriks / Straight Mickey and the Boyz / Šumski / She Loves Pablo / Tshegue / Super Besse / Jinx / Témé Tan / Them Moose Rush / Irena Žilić / J.R. August / Sana Garić / Tyger Lamb / Lika kolorado / Tús Nua / Koala Voice / Cubies / Killed A Fox / ZMaJ / Ischariotzcky / Bad Notion / Nellcote / False Heads / Futurski / Rival Bones / Grapevine Babies / Moskau / Rens Argoa / YEM Kolektiv / DJ Ilko / DJ Veles Show all bands
Jarun Zagreb, City of Zagreb, Croatia
Noise Rock
Croatian Indie
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 Die Anne
 Patrix Matrix

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