Tremoloco Concert History

Even though they are from East Los Angeles and have close ties to Los Lobos, there are few repertoires that scream “Gulf Coast” like Tremoloco’s. No matter whether the language is Spanish or English; the style honky-tonk, Tex-Mex or rock and roll; the dance a two-step, zydeco stomp or slow drag, Tremoloco plays it with a mastery that makes most of our local honky-tonk heroes sound like weekend warriors at best. The accordions whir, the guitars smoke and the blues is the blues no matter the language.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 10, 2017
Sisters Folk Festival
"Sisters Folk Festival" / Hot Club Of Cowtown / The Battle of Santiago / Robbie Fulks / Dustbowl Revival / Phoebe Hunt / Joe Pug / Kahulanui / Parsonsfield / Claire Lynch / Lindsay Lou / Scott Cook / Ben Hunter & Joe Seamons / The Talbott Brothers / Danny Schmidt / Kaia Kater / James Hill / Gangstagrass / Blind Boy Paxton / Chuck Cannon / Freddy & Francine / Lindi Ortega / Kristin Andreassen / The Lil Smokies / Banda Magda / Martha Scanlan / Jon Stickley Trio / Tremoloco Show all bands
Village Green Sisters, Oregon, United States
Sep 09, 2017
Sisters Folk Festival
"Sisters Folk Festival" / Dustbowl Revival / The Lil Smokies / Justin Townes Earle / Gangstagrass / Tremoloco / Western Centuries / Robbie Fulks / Billy Strings / Phoebe Hunt / The East Pointers / Banda Magda / Blind Boy Paxton / David Stoddard / Mai Bloomfield / Justin Farren / Parsonsfield / We banjo 3 / Lindi Ortega / Lindsay Lou / Martha Scanlan / Trevor Green / Jon Stickley Trio / The Talbott Brothers / Carrie Elkin / Chuck Cannon / Scott Cook / Danny Schmidt / Freddy & Francine / Beth Wood / Ben Hunter & Joe Seamons / Kaia Kater / Kahulanui / Amy Helm / The Weather Machine / The Battle of Santiago / Hot Club Of Cowtown / Claire Lynch / Roy Williams / Joe Pug / Kristin Andreassen / James Hill Show all bands
Village Green Sisters, Oregon, United States
Sep 08, 2017
Sisters Folk Festival
"Sisters Folk Festival" / Dustbowl Revival / Kahulanui / We banjo 3 / Claire Lynch / The Battle of Santiago / Amy Helm / Parsonsfield / Lindi Ortega / Sarah Jarosz / Hot Club Of Cowtown / Trevor Green / Kristin Andreassen / Chuck Cannon / Kaia Kater / Jon Stickley Trio / Phoebe Hunt / Ben Hunter & Joe Seamons / Scott Cook / Billy Strings / Lindsay Lou / Robbie Fulks / Martha Scanlan / The Talbott Brothers / James Hill / Carrie Elkin / The East Pointers / Joe Pug / Freddy & Francine / Gangstagrass / Western Centuries / Banda Magda / Tremoloco Show all bands
Village Green Sisters, Oregon, United States
Jun 30, 2017
Tremoloco Ironwood Stage And Grill Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Jan 23, 2011
Wheat & Water / Tremoloco Ironwood Stage And Grill Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Show Duplicate for Jan 23, 2011
Jan 22, 2011
Tremoloco Ironwood Stage And Grill Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Jul 29, 2009
Tremoloco Flamingo Cantina Austin, Texas, United States
May 05, 2009
Tremoloco Berkeley Cafe Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Neo Honky Tonk
2017 4 concerts
2011 2 concerts
2009 2 concerts

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