Trashmonkeys Concert History

This is how it starts: a riff, a barrage of drums, an alright shouted out into the darkness and bang! The third release by the TRASHMONKEYS, that incredible rocknroll band from yeah, you heard right Bremen / Germany that has been causing teeth to chatter and concert goers around the globe to hyperventilate since 1998, who have been getting people to shake, right down to the very last uninvited guest, with their high-voltage songs that aim straight...

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 14, 2009 –
Aug 16, 2009
Dockville Festival 2009
MGMT / Metronomy / Wavves / The Whitest Boy Alive / Black Lips / William Fitzsimmons / HEALTH / Bill Callahan / Patrick Wolf / Turbonegro / Wintersleep / Panteon Rococo / dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip / Miss Li / These New Puritans / Soap&Skin / Good Shoes / Chew Lips / Extrawelt / Bonaparte / Coma / Scroobius Pip / Crystal Antlers / Black Box Revelation / Frittenbude / Element of Crime / Kettcar / Blumentopf / Hundreds / Dan Le Sac / Indian Jewelry / Hjaltalín / Spectrum / Voltaire / Glint / Beat!Beat!Beat! / Turbostaat / We Are Enfant Terrible / Sonic Boom / Beta / Herrenmagazin / Super700 / Mediengruppe Telekommander / DJ Phono / Mikroboy / Vierkanttretlager / The Kabeedies / Locas In Love / Pascal Finkenauer / Dj Mad / Ghost of Tom Joad / Vincent Van Go Go / Jan / I-FIRE / Trashmonkeys / Dennis Lisk / GoldieLocks / Malakoff Kowalski / Goldie Locks / Sprout / Tilman Tausendfreund / Dancing Pigeons / Super 700 / I Am Austin / Junopilot / R.S.S. / JIM PANSEN / Nobelpenner / Fello / Misses Next Match / revolver club / Dan Treacy / Fickscheisse / MIO MYO / Estuar / Xrfarflight / Exits to Freeways / Terrible Eagle / Xochil / Electric Set / Sutsche / Andy Strauss / Raf & Superdefekt / Dancing Pigeons Like Ice Cream / The Haina / Sulaiman Masomi / Ratkat / Fickscheie / marcus carp / The Ricky Kings / Scufx / Pascal Finkenhauer / Same Teens / MOTORBOOTY! Show all bands
Wilhelmsburg Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Jul 25, 2009
Therapy? / Dúné / P:lot / Trashmonkeys

Eier Mit Speck 2009

Eier Mit Speck 2009 Viersen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Jul 24, 2009 –
Jul 26, 2009
Eier Mit Speck 2009
The Real McKenzies / Backbeat Trio / Adam Bomb / Luis and Laserpower / Disco Ensemble / Jaya The Cat / The Real McKenzies / Eleonore / Therapy? / Prisma / Boppin B / Monsters Of Liedermaching / Die Rakede / Sixxxten / Buttermaker / She's All That / The Dead Flags / Stigma / Dog Eat Dog / Muff Potter / Mark Foggo's Skasters / Dúné / Trashmonkeys / P:lot / Age of Orange / Without Wax Show all bands
Eier Mit Speck Festival Grounds Viersen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
May 28, 2009 –
May 31, 2009
Trashmonkeys / ClickClickDecker / The Fountains / Aloha From Hell / Pillow Fight Club / Das Actionteam

Schlossgrabenfest 2009

Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany
May 02, 2009
The Butterfly Effect / Trashmonkeys / Belasco

Visions Party

Mar 27, 2009
Electric Six / Friska Viljor / Trashmonkeys JKZ Glad-House Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany
Mar 23, 2009
Electric Six / Friska Viljor / Trashmonkeys LKA Longhorn Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Mar 01, 2009
Trashmonkeys / Electric Six

Jägermeister Rock Liga

Bürgerhaus Stollwerk Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Dec 27, 2008
Donots / Trashmonkeys / Claus Grabke Rosenhof Osnabrück, Lower Saxony, Germany
Jul 05, 2008
Rheinkultur 2008
Ben Folds / The Futureheads / Anti-Flag / Casper / Dúné / Sportfreunde Stiller / Air Traffic / Prinz Pi / Blueprint / Tomte / Martin Jondo / Fard / Louis Logic / Schandmaul / Blackmail / Manuellsen / Olli Banjo / Blumio / Morlockk Dilemma / F.R. / Trashmonkeys / Roman Fischer / Bloodlights / Schelmish / Eternal Tango / Hans Nieswandt / Jonas Goldbaum / Dn / Elektrodrei / Wohnraumhelden / Hemmi / ***Der Neue Westen*** / Pull A Star Trip / Mb 1000 / Rohdiamanten / Dave de Bourg / LOUIS LAMENT / DON BONN / Trusting Nolan / Tobias Becker / Dicki Fliszar / Sl Stereo Show all bands
Panama Festival Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Indie Rock
Acid Jazz
English Indie Rock
German Indie
German Indie Rock
Show more genres
2009 8 concerts
2008 2 concerts
2006 1 concert
2005 1 concert
 Larissa Bollig
 Junk Bond Trader
 Uli Neumann
 Mihara Arcadia

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