Totally Michael's 2005 Concert History

Sometimes, boredom takes us great places. At 20 a musician named Michael, who had amassed some fairly significant musical experience playing in a "crappy punk band" in high school, was living at home with his mom in Cabot, Arkansas, just a little perplexed about what to do with his life. Driven by boredom, armed with a guitar and a swift talent for using home recording software, Michael transformed himself into Totally Michael, a buoyant musician with a penchant for pop hooks and an adoration for blink-182.

2011 1 concert
2009 16 concerts
2008 41 concerts
2007 1 concert
2006 1 concert
2005 1 concert
 Old Man Winter
 Stacey Lansing
 Joseph Erbentraut
 Jonas Karlsson

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