ToneBlazers Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 27, 2014
"MerleFest" / Claire Lynch / Nora Jane Struthers / Donna the Buffalo / The Kruger Brothers / Richard Watson / Susana and Timmy Abell / Sheila Kay Adams / Banknotes / Buffalo Barfield / Riley Baugus / Rory Block / Roy Book Binder / Laura Boosinger / Fiona Boyes / The Deadly Gentlemen / Eleanor Ellis / Mary Flower / Mitch Greenhill / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / Jim Lauderdale / Jack Lawrence / Jeff Little / Local Boys / The Moore Brothers / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / Del Rey / Carol Rifkin / Tut Taylor / Niall Toner / Happy Traum / The Waybacks / Charles Welch / Pete & Joan Wernick / The Zephyr Lightning Bolts / Dailey & Vincent / Jimmy Fortune / The Fox Fire / Watchhouse / Bill Mathis / Joe Penland / ToneBlazers / Merle Haggard / The Barefoot Movement Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Apr 25, 2014
"MerleFest" / Richard Watson / Susana and Timmy Abell / Sheila Kay Adams / Darin & Brooke Aldridge / Balsam Range / The Barefoot Movement / Buffalo Barfield / Rory Block / Roy Book Binder / Alison Brown / Buncombe Turnpike / Cockman Family / Donna the Buffalo / The Duhks / Josh Farrow / Mary Flower / Wayne Henderson / Bob Hill / The Hillbenders / I Draw Slow / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / Mark Johnson / Chris Jones & the Night Drivers / The Kruger Brothers / Jim Lauderdale / Jack Lawrence / Emory Lester / Jeff Little / Local Boys / Locust Honey String Band / Lonesome River Band / Andy May / Misty River / Nu-Blu / Tim O'Brien / Joe Penland / Missy Raines / Red June / Carol Rifkin / Peter Rowan / Darrell Scott / Scythian / The Sigmon Stringers / Steve and Ruth Smith / Joe Smothers / Todd Snider / The South Carolina Broadcasters / The Steel Wheels / Steep Canyon Rangers / Sutton, Holt & Coleman / Tut Taylor / ToneBlazers / Happy Traum / The Travelin' McCourys / Volume Five / The Waybacks / Pete & Joan Wernick / Shannon Whitworth / Keller Williams / The Zephyr Lightning Bolts / Old Crow Medicine Show Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Sep 21, 2013
Walnut Valley Festival
"Walnut Valley Festival" / Milkdrive / Beppe Gambetta / tom chapin / The Grascals / The Steel Wheels / John McCutcheon / Buddy Greene / Sierra Hull / The Special Consensus / Driven / ToneBlazers / Marley's Ghost / The Haunted Windchimes / David Munnelly Band / Steve and Ruth Smith / Andy May / Still on The Hill / Dave Stamey / Tim And Myles Thompson / Stephen Bennett / Roz Brown Show all bands
Winfield Fairgrounds Winfield, Kansas, United States
Show Duplicates for Sep 21, 2013
Sep 20, 2013
Walnut Valley Festival
"Walnut Valley Festival" / Milkdrive / Beppe Gambetta / Marley's Ghost / The Grascals / The Steel Wheels / Buddy Greene / Sierra Hull / John McCutcheon / ToneBlazers / David Munnelly Band / The Special Consensus / Driven / Stephen Bennett / Byron Berline / Steve and Ruth Smith / Still on The Hill / Dave Stamey / Pete Huttlinger / Tim And Myles Thompson / Andy May / Roz Brown / The Haunted Windchimes Show all bands
Winfield Fairgrounds Winfield, Kansas, United States
Show Duplicates for Sep 20, 2013
Sep 19, 2013
Walnut Valley Festival
"Walnut Valley Festival" / The Steel Wheels / Milkdrive / Beppe Gambetta / Byron Berline / The Special Consensus / The Haunted Windchimes / Mischievous Swing / David Munnelly Band / Still on The Hill / ToneBlazers / Stephen Bennett / Tim And Myles Thompson / Andy May / Pete Huttlinger / Dave Stamey / Steve and Ruth Smith / Roz Brown Show all bands
Winfield Fairgrounds Winfield, Kansas, United States
Apr 28, 2013
The Avett Brothers / Chatham County Line / Richard Watson / Alberti Flea Circus / Susana and Timmy Abell / Banknotes / Buffalo Barfield / Riley Baugus / Blind Boy Paxton / Bobby and Blue Ridge Tradition / Roy Book Binder / Laura Boosinger / T Michael Coleman / Donna the Buffalo / Tom Feldmann / Mitch Greenhill / Wayne Henderson / Bob Hill / Eilen Jewell / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / The Kruger Brothers / Pokey LaFarge / Local Boys / Bill Mathis / Tift Merritt / Michael Martin Murphey / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / The Neighbors (NC) / Paul's Creek Band / Carol Rifkin / The Sheets Family / The Sigmon Stringers / Steve and Ruth Smith / The South Carolina Broadcasters / Kirk Sutphin / Tut Taylor / ToneBlazers / Pete & Joan Wernick / The Wild Rumpus / Pete Wernick / Gov't Mule Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Apr 26, 2013
"MerleFest" / Phil Wiggins / Corey Harris / Chris Smither / The Honeycutters / The Black Lillies / Richard Watson / Susana and Timmy Abell / Alberti Flea Circus / Banknotes / Buffalo Barfield / Riley Baugus / Jim Lauderdale / Matraca Berg / Blind Boy Paxton / Roy Book Binder / Laura Boosinger / Calico Moon / T Michael Coleman / Dehlia Low / Enter the Haggis / Della Mae / Donna the Buffalo / Jerry Douglas / Tom Feldmann / The Greencards / Wayne Henderson / Bob Hill / David Holt / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / Red Molly / Johnson's Crossroad / Kickin Grass / The Kruger Brothers / Jack Lawrence / Local Boys / Doug Macleod / Andy May / Misty River / The South Carolina Broadcasters / Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out / The Neighbors (NC) / The New Familiars / Paul's Creek Band / The Quebe Sisters / Carol Rifkin / Peter Rowan / Scythian / The Sheets Family / The Sigmon Stringers / Steve and Ruth Smith / Joe Smothers / Snyder Family Band / Del McCoury Band / Kirk Sutphin / Keller Williams / Bryan Sutton Band / Pete Wernick / Sutton, Holt & Coleman / Delta Rae / Patrick Sweany / Tut Taylor / ToneBlazers / Radney Foster / The Waybacks / Pete & Joan Wernick / The Wild Rumpus / Tony Williamson Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Jun 30, 2012
Red, White & Bluegrass Festival
"Red, White & Bluegrass Festival" / Steep Canyon Rangers / The Boxcars / US Navy Band / Cody Shuler & Pine Mountain Railroad / Monroeville / ToneBlazers
Catawba Meadows Park Morganton, North Carolina, United States
Apr 29, 2012
Alison Krauss & Union Station / Marty Stuart / Dougie Maclean / The Honeycutters / The Zephyr Lightning Bolts / The Wild Rumpus / Pete & Joan Wernick / Pete Wernick / ToneBlazers / Tut Taylor / Stoney Creek Boys / Steve and Ruth Smith / The Sigmon Stringers / Carol Rifkin / The Neighbors (NC) / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / Andy May / Bill Mathis / Local Boys / Jack Lawrence / Kruger Brothers / Kickin Grass / Jubal's Kin / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / Sierra Hull / Wayne Henderson / Mitch Greenhill / Sarah and Christian Dugas / T Michael Coleman / Buffalo Barfield / Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys / Laura Boosinger / Roy Book Binder / Banknotes / Assembly of Dust / Alberti Flea Circus / Timmy Abell / Richard Watson / Doc Watson Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Show Duplicate for Apr 29, 2012
Apr 28, 2012
"MerleFest" / Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys / Dehlia Low / The Waybacks / Punch Brothers / Casey Driessen / John Hammond / Enter the Haggis / Donna the Buffalo / Pete Wernick / The Honeycutters / The Gibson Brothers / Tedeschi Trucks Band / Charles Welch / The Zephyr Lightning Bolts / The Greencards / Wylie & The Wild West / Jim Lauderdale / The Wild Rumpus / Tony Williamson / Pete & Joan Wernick / Viper's Dream / Happy Traum / ToneBlazers / Tut Taylor / Stoney Creek Boys / Snyder Family Band / Joe Smothers / Steve and Ruth Smith / The Sigmon Stringers / Scythian / Peter Rowan / Jonathan Scales Fourchestra / The Michael Roach Band / Carol Rifkin / The Neighbors (NC) / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / Misty River / Andy May / Bill Mathis / Claire Lynch / Local Boys / Jack Lawrence / The Kruger Brothers / Kickin Grass / Jubal's Kin / Johnson's Crossroad / Fruteland Jackson / Sierra Hull / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / David Holt / Bob Hill / Wayne Henderson / Stefan Grossman / Mitch Greenhill / Mary Flower / Sarah and Christian Dugas / T Michael Coleman / Sam Bush / Buffalo Barfield / Brooke and George Buckner / Laura Boosinger / Roy Book Binder / Assembly of Dust / Banknotes / Alberti Flea Circus / Timmy Abell / Richard Watson / Doc Watson Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Apr 27, 2012
"MerleFest" / Béla Fleck & the Flecktones / The Waybacks / Enter the Haggis / Donna the Buffalo / Casey Driessen / The Steel Wheels / Pete Wernick / John Hammond / The Honeycutters / The Greencards / The Deep Dark Woods / Jim Lauderdale / Los Lobos / The Zephyr Lightning Bolts / Wylie & The Wild West / Tony Williamson / The Wild Rumpus / Pete & Joan Wernick / Viper's Dream / Happy Traum / ToneBlazers / Tut Taylor / Steep Canyon Rangers / Snyder Family Band / Joe Smothers / Steve and Ruth Smith / The Sigmon Stringers / Scythian / Jonathan Scales Fourchestra / Peter Rowan / The Michael Roach Band / Carol Rifkin / The Neighbors (NC) / Misty River / Andy May / Claire Lynch / Lost Bayou Ramblers / Local Boys / Jack Lawrence / The Kruger Brothers / Kickin Grass / Jubal's Kin / Johnson's Crossroad / Phil & Gaye Johnson / Fruteland Jackson / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / David Holt / Bob Hill / Wayne Henderson / Stefan Grossman / Mary Flower / Sarah and Christian Dugas / T Michael Coleman / Sam Bush / Buffalo Barfield / Laura Boosinger / Roy Book Binder / Blind Boy Chocolate and the Milk Sheiks / Banknotes / Alberti Flea Circus / Timmy Abell / Richard Watson / Doc Watson / Patrick Simmons Jr. / Darrell Scott / John Cowan Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Apr 26, 2012
"MerleFest" / Vince Gill / The Greencards / Claire Lynch / Enter the Haggis / Donna the Buffalo / Casey Driessen / The Steel Wheels / The Boxcars / Pete Wernick / Dailey & Vincent / Jim Lauderdale / The Wild Rumpus / Pete & Joan Wernick / Viper's Dream / ToneBlazers / Tut Taylor / Steve and Ruth Smith / The Sigmon Stringers / Misty River / Lost Bayou Ramblers / Local Boys / Kickin Grass / Jubal's Kin / Johnson's Crossroad / The Deep Dark Woods / Blind Boy Chocolate and the Milk Sheiks / Banknotes Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Nov 26, 2011
Evergreen / Moonshine Racers / ToneBlazers / Jack Lawrence / David Via Neighborhood Theatre Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
May 01, 2011
"MerleFest" / Robert Plant and the Band of Joy / Doc Watson / Richard Watson / Susana and Timmy Abell / Alberti Flea Circus / Roy Book Binder / Alison Brown / Buffalo Barfield / Mitch Greenhill / George Hamilton IV / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / Veronika Jackson / The Kruger Brothers / Jeff Little / Red Molly / Scythian / Shana Banana / Happy Traum / Banknotes / T Michael Coleman / Johnson's Crossroad / Jack Lawrence / Local Boys / Tut Taylor / Pete & Joan Wernick / The Zephyr Lightning Bolts / David Holt / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / The Neighbors (NC) / Tim O'Brien / Paul's Creek Band / The Sigmon Stringers / The Infamous Stringdusters / Pete Wernick / Blind Boy Chocolate and the Milk Sheiks / Laura Boosinger / The Corklickers / The Freight Hoppers / Wayne Henderson / Rusty Knox / Bill Mathis / Bryan Sutton Band / Crooked Still / ToneBlazers / Jim Lauderdale Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Apr 30, 2011
Laura Boosinger / "MerleFest" at Wilkes Community College
Laura Boosinger / "MerleFest" / Phil Wiggins / Corey Harris / Doc Watson / Richard Watson / Susana and Timmy Abell / Alberti Flea Circus / Roy Book Binder / Buffalo Barfield / Alison Brown / Mitch Greenhill / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / Veronika Jackson / The Kruger Brothers / Jeff Little / Red Molly / Scythian / Shana Banana / Happy Traum / Banknotes / T Michael Coleman / Johnson's Crossroad / Jack Lawrence / The Infamous Stringdusters / Rory Block / Cadillac Sky / Donna the Buffalo / Emmitt Nershi Band / George Hamilton IV / Paul Geremia / Harper / Bob Hill / Jeff & Vida / Jim Lauderdale / Catfish Keith / Andy May / Joe Smothers / The Waybacks / Josh Williams Band / Tony Williamson / Michael Cleveland and Flamekeeper / Casey Driessen / Charles Welch / John Hartford String Band / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / David Holt / The Neighbors (NC) / Tim O'Brien / Snyder Family Band / Town Mountain / Paul's Creek Band / The Sigmon Stringers / Sinai Mountain Ramblers / Crooked Still / Steve and Ruth Smith / Sarah Jarosz / Pete Wernick / Peter Rowan / The Tony Rice Unit / Blind Boy Chocolate and the Milk Sheiks / Ken Crouse / The Freight Hoppers / Buddy Greene / Wayne Henderson / Lyle lovett / Rusty Knox / Bill Mathis / Slate Mountain Ramblers / Bryan Sutton Band / Tut Taylor / ToneBlazers / Pete & Joan Wernick / The Zephyr Lightning Bolts / Local Boys / Joan Osborne Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
2014 2 concerts
2013 5 concerts
2012 5 concerts
2011 3 concerts

As Seen On: