Tomorrowland's 2018 Concert History

Nick Brackney and Steve Baker started playing together as Tomorrowland after the demise of Brackney's previous group Children's Ice Cream. At that point in time, around 1996, the Detroit metropolitan area was fertile ground for bands playing with the spatial and electronic aspects of music. Labels like Burnt Hair and Mind Expansion were documenting the scene and releases by Windy & Carl and Fuxa drew the attention of the outside world.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 28, 2018
Tomorrowland Autodromo Monza Monza, Lombardy, Italy
2019 1 concert
2018 1 concert
 Teo Cap
 Joost Van Den Besselaar
 Marieke De Jong
 Damla Van Dijk
 Liz Buurman

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