Tom Landa & The Paperboys Concert History

Tom Landa & the Paperboys was the name used by Canadian folk music band The Paperboys for their album "Postcards" released in 2000.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 26, 2002 –
Jul 28, 2002
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
Christopher Williams / The Kennedys / Jimmy Lafave / Rhonda Vincent & The Rage / The Storycrafters / Hoopoe the Clown / The Ivy Vine Players / Dave Fry / Laurie's Stories / Billy Jonas / Chris & Meredith Thompson / Zoe Lewis / Eric Schwartz / Trina Hamlin / Nightingale / Kris Delmhorst / DaVinci's Notebook / Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams / Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer / Eddie From Ohio / Nerissa & Katryna Nields / Chris Smither / Railroad Earth / David Massengill / Erin McKeown / Tom Landa & The Paperboys / Jeff Lang / Lucy Kaplansky / Greg Brown / Ani DiFranco Show all bands
Long Hill Farm Hillsdale, NY
Jul 27, 2001 –
Jul 29, 2001
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
Tom Landa & The Paperboys / Gillian Welch and David Rawlings / Jeff Lang / Vance Gilbert / Eddie From Ohio / Dar Williams / The Nields / Jian Ghomeshi / Mary Gauthier / Erin McKeown
Long Hill Farm Hillsdale, NY
Mar 08, 2001
Tom Landa & The Paperboys Pierce Community College Puyallup, Washington, United States
Jul 23, 2000
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
Eddie From Ohio / Moxy Früvous / The Nields / Ruthie Foster / Cliff Eberhardt / Barachois / Lucy Kaplansky / John Gorka / Ann Rabson / Pamela Means / The Nields / Tom Landa & The Paperboys / Rachel Bissex / Mary Gauthier / The Storycrafters / The Nields Show all bands
Long Hill Farm Hillsdale, NY
Jul 22, 2000
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
The Sevens / Mary Gauthier / Hugh Blumenfeld / Rachel Bissex / Ruthie Foster / Small Potatoes / Richard shindell / Eddie From Ohio / janis ian / Mecca Bodega / Jeff Lang / patty larkin / Tom Landa & The Paperboys / Dar Williams / Moxy Früvous / Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer / John Gorka / Pamela Means / Jimmy Lafave / The Nields / Cliff Eberhardt Show all bands
Long Hill Farm Hillsdale, NY
Folk Rock
Celtic Rock
Norwegian Rap
2002 1 concert
2001 2 concerts
2000 2 concerts
 J Andrew World

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