Tinner Concert History

Masked and fucked-up crust-junkies from Åland/Turku, Finland. No blastbeats or fancy drumming, D-beat ONLY! Short insane tracks with crust 'n roll guitars and one vocalist that will scream his brains out.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 14, 2015 –
Aug 16, 2015
Ieperfest 2015
En-rage / Judge / Sick of It All / Biohazard / Walls of Jericho / Entombed / Satanic Surfers / Caliban / All For Nothing / All Out War / Anaal Nathrakh / Anchor / Birds In Row / Black Tongue / Black Tusk / Blind Beliefs / Briqueville / Brujería / Bun Dem Out / By the Grace of God / Carnifex / Ceremony / Cheap Drugs / Controlstate / Cryptopsy / Dangers / Deconsecrate / Discharge / DisXease / DOOM / Embraced by hatred / Enough Said / Enrage / Evil Invaders / Extreme Noise Terror / Fall of Messiah / Family of Dog / 50 Caliber / Força macabra / Friend or Foe / GBH / give / God Dethroned / Government Flu / Guns Up! / Gust / Hierophant / Horse the Band / Insanity Alert / KDC / Less Than Jake / Lionheart / Loma Prieta / Make Them Suffer / Maximum Penalty / Monolord / Morser / Nasty / Nathan Gray / Naysayer / Nervous Mothers / Nick Oliveri Death Acoustic / No Turning Back / Oathbreaker / Obey The Brave / Pentagram / Psycroptic / Questions / Ramming Speed / Rattus / xRepentancex / Rosetta / Scheisse Minnelli / Skin Crawler / Slapshot / Steel Nation / Stick To Your Guns / Sweet Jesus / Tinner / Touché Amoré / Treha Sektori / Trial / Venom Prison / War on Women / Whatever It Takes / Swamps Show all bands
Ieperfest 2015 Ypres, Flanders, Belgium
Show Duplicate for Aug 14, 2015
Sep 20, 2013
Incubate Festival
"Incubate Festival" / Immortal / I Am Kloot / Mayhem / The Smith Westerns / Kyle Hall / Wolf Eyes / Giant Drag / Maybeshewill / Brutal Truth / Behexen / I Am Oak / Serafina Steer / Anna von Hausswolff / Thee Stranded Horse / Mujeres / Date Palms / Beneath / Dragged Into Sunlight / East India Youth / Fenster / Eaux / WIFE / Henry & Hazel Slaughter / HEIRS / Plankton Wat / Golden Grrrls / Spookhuisje / Grift / Man Forever / Tinner Show all bands
Incubate Festival Grounds Tilburg, North Brabant, Netherlands
May 26, 2013
Maryland Deathfest
"Maryland Deathfest" / Citizens Arrest / Converge / Iron Lung / Ilsa / Kromosom / Magrudergrind / Tinner
Baltimore Soundstage Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Jul 15, 2010
Cattle Decapitation / Warbringer / Incantation / Haemorrhage / Victims / Master / Cripple Bastards / Avulsed / Martyrdöd / Deranged / Catheter / Insidious Decrepancy / Warpath / Nashgul / Purulent Jacuzzi / Bloody Phoenix / Exhale / Inevitable End...
Cattle Decapitation / Warbringer / Incantation / Haemorrhage / Victims / Master / Cripple Bastards / Avulsed / Martyrdöd / Deranged / Catheter / Insidious Decrepancy / Warpath / Nashgul / Purulent Jacuzzi / Bloody Phoenix / Exhale / Inevitable End / Archagathus / Psychofagist / World Downfall / Trigger / Eardelete / Lycanthrophy / Putrescence / Wasteform / Funerus / Mindflair / Attack Of The Mad Axeman / The Sickening / Ablach / Tinner / Cerebral Bore / NOISEBAZOOKA / Unlearned / trauma moralis / Social Chaos / Passiv dödshjälp / Kruh / Cut To Fit / Xaros / Hovadah / Whoresnation / Facial Abuse / Sexy Police / Obscure Mortuary Show all bands
Na Bojišti Trutnov, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
Jul 05, 2007
Carnal Decay / Behemoth / Brutal Truth / Rotten Sound / Assassin / grave / Magrudergrind / Rompeprop / Birdflesh / General Surgery / Pigsty / Waco Jesus / Yacøpsæ / Cliteater / Human Error / Afgrund / Narcosis / Zubrowska / Mucopus / Extinction of...
Carnal Decay / Behemoth / Brutal Truth / Rotten Sound / Assassin / grave / Magrudergrind / Rompeprop / Birdflesh / General Surgery / Pigsty / Waco Jesus / Yacøpsæ / Cliteater / Human Error / Afgrund / Narcosis / Zubrowska / Mucopus / Extinction of Mankind / Neuropathia / 2 MINUTA DREKA / Hymen Holocaust / Destructive Explosion of Anal Garland / Inhumate / Hybrid Viscery / Gore / Eardelete / Enthrallment / Critical Madness / Vae Victis / Life Is A Lie / Tinner / Sterbehilfe / Herpes De Crachat De Fillette / Satan's Revenge On Mankind / Vulnus Show all bands
Na Bojišti Trutnov, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
Red Dirt
Texas Country
Classic Texas Country
Crust Punk
Finnish Rock
Finnish Pop
Finnish Punk
Finnish Hardcore
Show more genres
2015 1 concert
2013 2 concerts
2010 1 concert
2007 1 concert
 Erin Coogan
 Kris Unshaven
 Michelle Mabelle
 Michael Burgos
 Daria Colaes

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