Timmy Abell Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 29, 2012
Alison Krauss & Union Station / Marty Stuart / Dougie Maclean / The Honeycutters / The Zephyr Lightning Bolts / The Wild Rumpus / Pete & Joan Wernick / Pete Wernick / ToneBlazers / Tut Taylor / Stoney Creek Boys / Steve and Ruth Smith / The Sigmon Stringers / Carol Rifkin / The Neighbors (NC) / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / Andy May / Bill Mathis / Local Boys / Jack Lawrence / Kruger Brothers / Kickin Grass / Jubal's Kin / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / Sierra Hull / Wayne Henderson / Mitch Greenhill / Sarah and Christian Dugas / T Michael Coleman / Buffalo Barfield / Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys / Laura Boosinger / Roy Book Binder / Banknotes / Assembly of Dust / Alberti Flea Circus / Timmy Abell / Richard Watson / Doc Watson Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Show Duplicate for Apr 29, 2012
Apr 28, 2012
"MerleFest" / Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys / Dehlia Low / The Waybacks / Punch Brothers / Casey Driessen / John Hammond / Enter the Haggis / Donna the Buffalo / Pete Wernick / The Honeycutters / The Gibson Brothers / Tedeschi Trucks Band / Charles Welch / The Zephyr Lightning Bolts / The Greencards / Wylie & The Wild West / Jim Lauderdale / The Wild Rumpus / Tony Williamson / Pete & Joan Wernick / Viper's Dream / Happy Traum / ToneBlazers / Tut Taylor / Stoney Creek Boys / Snyder Family Band / Joe Smothers / Steve and Ruth Smith / The Sigmon Stringers / Scythian / Peter Rowan / Jonathan Scales Fourchestra / The Michael Roach Band / Carol Rifkin / The Neighbors (NC) / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / Misty River / Andy May / Bill Mathis / Claire Lynch / Local Boys / Jack Lawrence / The Kruger Brothers / Kickin Grass / Jubal's Kin / Johnson's Crossroad / Fruteland Jackson / Sierra Hull / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / David Holt / Bob Hill / Wayne Henderson / Stefan Grossman / Mitch Greenhill / Mary Flower / Sarah and Christian Dugas / T Michael Coleman / Sam Bush / Buffalo Barfield / Brooke and George Buckner / Laura Boosinger / Roy Book Binder / Assembly of Dust / Banknotes / Alberti Flea Circus / Timmy Abell / Richard Watson / Doc Watson Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Apr 27, 2012
"MerleFest" / Béla Fleck & the Flecktones / The Waybacks / Enter the Haggis / Donna the Buffalo / Casey Driessen / The Steel Wheels / Pete Wernick / John Hammond / The Honeycutters / The Greencards / The Deep Dark Woods / Jim Lauderdale / Los Lobos / The Zephyr Lightning Bolts / Wylie & The Wild West / Tony Williamson / The Wild Rumpus / Pete & Joan Wernick / Viper's Dream / Happy Traum / ToneBlazers / Tut Taylor / Steep Canyon Rangers / Snyder Family Band / Joe Smothers / Steve and Ruth Smith / The Sigmon Stringers / Scythian / Jonathan Scales Fourchestra / Peter Rowan / The Michael Roach Band / Carol Rifkin / The Neighbors (NC) / Misty River / Andy May / Claire Lynch / Lost Bayou Ramblers / Local Boys / Jack Lawrence / The Kruger Brothers / Kickin Grass / Jubal's Kin / Johnson's Crossroad / Phil & Gaye Johnson / Fruteland Jackson / The Interactive Theater Of Jef / David Holt / Bob Hill / Wayne Henderson / Stefan Grossman / Mary Flower / Sarah and Christian Dugas / T Michael Coleman / Sam Bush / Buffalo Barfield / Laura Boosinger / Roy Book Binder / Blind Boy Chocolate and the Milk Sheiks / Banknotes / Alberti Flea Circus / Timmy Abell / Richard Watson / Doc Watson / Patrick Simmons Jr. / Darrell Scott / John Cowan Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
May 01, 2005
"MerleFest" / Roy Book Binder / Mollie O'Brien / Alison Krauss + Union Station feat. Jerry Douglas / The Little Rascals / Sam Bush / Gospel Jubilators / Timmy Abell / Darrell Scott / Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer / Alberti Flea Circus / Pat Flynn / Donna the Buffalo / Josh Pinkham & The Pinkham Family Band / Zoe Speaks / David Holt / Brack Llewellyn / R.G. Absher & Extra Measure / Buddy Miller / The Greencards / Joe Smothers / Scott Ainslie / Br549 / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / The Hushpuppies (NC) / Joe Thompson / Tony Ellis / Bob Carlin / Pete Wernick / Happy Traum / Rodney Crowell / John Cowan / Hayes Carll / George Hege Hamilton V / George Hamilton IV / The Chieftains / The Crooked Jades / Balfa Toujours / The Avett Brothers / Richard Watson / The Tony Rice Unit / CanJoe John / Allison Moorer / Mary Flower / Jack Lawrence / Pete & Joan Wernick / Jim Lauderdale / Mel Jones / Billy Jonas / Béla Fleck & The Acoustic Trio / Peter Rowan / Shana Banana / Eustace Conway / Charles Welch / Local Boys / The Kruger Brothers / Bob Hill / Bernie Leadon / Doc Watson / Carl Jones & Beverly Smith / Laura Boosinger / Si Kahn Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Apr 30, 2005
"MerleFest" / Doc Watson / Joe Smothers / Roland White / John Jorgenson Quintet / Local Boys / Jack Lawrence / Henry Butler / Deer Clan Singers / Dixie Dawn / Eustace Conway / Laura Boosinger / Peter Rowan / Del McCoury Band / Railroad Earth / Tater Tate / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / Gigi Dover / The Little Rascals / The Chieftains / Bob Hill / Pat Flynn / Sam Bush / Corey Harris / Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer / Josh Pinkham & The Pinkham Family Band / Bobby Hicks / Pete & Joan Wernick / Zoe Speaks / Etta Baker / CanJoe John / The Wilders / The Avett Brothers / John Mooney / Balfa Toujours / Richard Watson / The Crooked Jades / Hayes Carll / Allison Moorer / Billy Jonas / George Hamilton IV / Scott Ainslie / Jerry Douglas / King Wilkie / Robin & Linda Williams / John Cowan / Robert Lockwood, Jr. / Mary Flower / Alberti Flea Circus / Si Kahn / Jim Lauderdale / Shana Banana / The Kruger Brothers / The Hushpuppies (NC) / Darrell Scott / Donna the Buffalo / Daybreak / Gospel Jubilators / Stillhouse Bottom Band / Tony Ellis / Roy Book Binder / Old School Freight Train / Ricky Skaggs / Timmy Abell / Happy Traum / David Holt / The Tony Rice Unit / Earl Scruggs / Tim O'Brien / George Hege Hamilton V / Bryn Bright / Charles Welch / Jeff Little / The Duhks / Tony Rice / The Waybacks / R.G. Absher & Extra Measure / Carl Jones & Beverly Smith / Brack Llewellyn / Béla Fleck & The Acoustic Trio / Pete Wernick / Mel Jones / The Greencards / Rodney Crowell Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Apr 29, 2005
"MerleFest" / Tony Ellis / John Jorgenson Quintet / Timmy Abell / Dixie Dawn / Happy Traum / Mollie O'Brien / Roy Book Binder / Sam Bush / Doc Watson / Darrell Scott / Local Boys / The Hushpuppies (NC) / Zoe Speaks / The Little Rascals / CanJoe John / Wayfaring Strangers / Hayes Carll / Josh Pinkham & The Pinkham Family Band / Corey Harris / John Mooney / The Waybacks / Mary Flower / Jerry Douglas / Jim Lauderdale / Allison Moorer / Caroline Herring / Joe Smothers / Jack Lawrence / Shana Banana / Scott Ainslie / The Kruger Brothers / Tracy Bonham / Tony Rice / Carl Jones & Beverly Smith / Béla Fleck & The Acoustic Trio / Peter Rowan / Si Kahn / Bryn Bright / Eustace Conway / Jay Ungar & Molly Mason / Donna the Buffalo / Old School Freight Train / Daybreak / Railroad Earth / Pat Flynn / Gigi Dover / Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer / The Crooked Jades / Jeff Little / David Holt / Tim O'Brien / The Tony Rice Unit / John Cowan / The Avett Brothers / Alberti Flea Circus / Brack Llewellyn / Balfa Toujours / Pete & Joan Wernick / The Wilders / Charles Welch / Mel Jones / Billy Jonas / Richard Watson / Tony Trischka / Robin & Linda Williams / The Greencards / R.G. Absher & Extra Measure / Pete Wernick / The Duhks / Laura Boosinger / Bob Hill Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Soulful House
2012 3 concerts
2005 3 concerts

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