Tilson Xoxo Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
May 19, 2022 –
May 21, 2022
Fisherman's Village Music Festival 2022
SYML / Digable Planets / The Cave Singers / Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears / Haley Heynderickx / Esme Patterson / Deep Sea Diver / Shivas / Big Business / Death Valley Girls / French Cassettes / Acid Dad / S.G. Goodman / Ural Thomas and The Pain / Diamond Cafe / Tropa Magica / Margo Cilker / Lavender Country / Bread Pilot / Steel Beans / Joshy Soul / Mala Suerte / Tres Leches / Monsterwatch / Drench Fries / Beverly Crusher / Mr. Dinkles / The Shivas (OR) / I Will Keep Your Ghost / Coral Grief / Dean Johnson / Biblioteka / The Little Lies / Shaina Shepherd / LAAMB / Bad Optics / Clothing Optional / Tilson Xoxo / Brent Penny / The No Counts / Wilting Show all bands
Fisherman's Village Music Festival 2022 Everett, WA, US
May 18, 2019
Fisherman's Village Music Festival
"Fisherman's Village Music Festival" / Wolf Parade / Black Belt Eagle Scout / Travis Thompson / The Coathangers / Laura Veirs / Broncho / Pickwick / Death Valley Girls / Omni / Frankie and the Witch Fingers / Lithics / Dick Stusso / Parisalexa / Molly Parden / Moaning / Bells Atlas / Wimps / Valley Maker / Chong the Nomad / Sloucher / Spooky Mansion / I Will Keep Your Ghost / Sleepover Club / Super Sparkle / The Tellers / Fuzz Mutt / Tilson Xoxo / Tissue / Actionesse / Weep Wave Show all bands
Downtown Everett Everett, Washington, United States
May 17, 2019
Fisherman's Village Music Festival
"Fisherman's Village Music Festival" / Laura Veirs / Broncho / Pickwick / Death Valley Girls / Geographer / Omni / Frankie and the Witch Fingers / Lithics / Parisalexa / Molly Parden / Moaning / Bells Atlas / Wimps / Valley Maker / Chong the Nomad / Sloucher / Spooky Mansion / I Will Keep Your Ghost / Sleepover Club / Super Sparkle / The Tellers / Fuzz Mutt / Tilson Xoxo / Tissue / Actionesse / Weep Wave Show all bands
Downtown Everett Everett, Washington, United States
May 16, 2019
Fisherman's Village Music Festival
"Fisherman's Village Music Festival" / Wolf Parade / Black Belt Eagle Scout / Travis Thompson / The Coathangers / Laura Veirs / Broncho / Pickwick / Death Valley Girls / Geographer / Omni / Frankie and the Witch Fingers / Lithics / Dick Stusso / Parisalexa / Molly Parden / Wimps / Valley Maker / Chong the Nomad / Sloucher / Spooky Mansion / I Will Keep Your Ghost / Sleepover Club / Super Sparkle / The Tellers / Fuzz Mutt / Tilson Xoxo / Tissue / Actionesse / Weep Wave Show all bands
Downtown Everett Everett, Washington, United States
Nov 03, 2017
Offbeat Arts & Music Festival
"Offbeat Arts & Music Festival" / Whiskey Heroes / Dooms Virginia / The Low Hums / Bang Data / Mojo Green / Ego Death / Spirit Award / Tango Alpha Tango / Kelli Schaefer / Apache / Midtown Social / Slow Motion Cowboys / Bayonics / Tilson Xoxo / Blonde Diamond / Babewatch / The Electric / The Grant Farm / Lounge on Fire / NVO / Drinking With Clowns / The Easy Leaves / Everyone Is Dirty / Fearing / Swoop Unit / The Coffis Brothers / Basha / Tag Along Friend / Marshall Poole / The Good Bad / Karl Blau / The Sam Chase Show all bands
Various Venues Reno, Nevada, United States
May 12, 2017
"Upstream" / Flying Lotus / AlunaGeorge / Beat Connection / Deep Sea Diver / The Long Winters / The Thermals / Brent Amaker & The Rodeo / Brothers From Another / Iska Dhaaf / Gazebos / Helms Alee / Pezzner / Raz Simone / Sandrider / Dust Moth / Kirt Debique / Mackned / Maiah Manser / Ok Sweetheart / Ole Tinder / Romaro Franceswa / Sashay / Sassyblack / Shaprece / Smokey Brights / Tangerine / The Spider Ferns / Versing / Tiffany Wilson / Wild Powwers / Astrocolor / Duke Evers / The Belle Game / Erik Blood / Evening Bell / Fatal Lucciauno / Helvetia / ILLFIGHTYOU / Great Grandpa / Justin Hartinger / Kore Ionz / Tilson Xoxo / Malitia Malimob / Moon Dial / Myke Bogan / Qreepz / Positive Rising / Scarlet Parke / The Soft Offs / Twin River / Two Story Zori / Gems (WA) / Lowman Palace / White Tears / High Praise / Jared Mees & The Grown Children / Louise Burns / Big World Breaks / Spirit Award / Kung Foo Grip / Charlie Hunter / Bill Laurance / Ghoulaveli / Jarv Dee / Jusmoni / Banda Magda / Dot Show all bands
Various Venues Seattle, Washington, United States
Jul 23, 2016
Capitol Hill Block Party
"Capitol Hill Block Party" / ODESZA / Big Wild / Tourist / Car Seat Headrest / Thunderpussy / Israel Nash / Porter Ray / Wand / Pure Bathing Culture / Great Good Fine Ok / On An On / Woods / Ultimate Painting / Tangerine / Prism Tats / Good Company / The Grizzled Mighty / Sego / Duke Evers / Bardot / Tilson Xoxo / Erie / Scott Yoder / The Cave Singers / Jusmoni / Screens / Tape Stacks / Bread & Butter / Acapulco Lips / Boyfriends / Steal Shit Do Drugs / Dude York / Mommy Long Legs / Lisa Prank Show all bands
Capitol Hill Festival Grounds Seattle, Washington, United States
Jul 22, 2016 –
Jul 24, 2016
Capitol Hill Block Party
ODESZA / CHVRCHES / Washed Out / Crystal Castles / STRFKR / MØ / Big Wild / GoldLink / The Joy Formidable / Tourist / Emancipator / The Cave Singers / DJDS / Mick Jenkins / NAO / Head Wound City / Sango / Car Seat Headrest / Pure Bathing Culture / Thunderpussy / Wand / Phoebe Ryan / Israel Nash / The Dip / Porter Ray / Dilly Dally / Great Good Fine Ok / Iska Dhaaf / Pillar Point / On An On / The Grizzled Mighty / Woods / Prism Tats / Ultimate Painting / Tangerine / Good Company / Sego / Duke Evers / Bardot / Tilson Xoxo / Erie / Scott Yoder / Jusmoni / Screens / Tape Stacks / Bread & Butter / Acapulco Lips / Boyfriends / Steal Shit Do Drugs / Dude York / Mommy Long Legs / Lisa Prank / Colorworks Show all bands
Capitol Hill Festival Grounds Seattle, Washington, United States
Jun 08, 2013
Brent Amaker and the Rodeo / The Young Evils / Tilson Xoxo

Brent Amaker and the Rodeo @ Neumos

Neumos Seattle, Washington, United States
Show Duplicate for Jun 08, 2013
2022 1 concert
2019 3 concerts
2017 2 concerts
2016 2 concerts
2013 1 concert
 Tim Gates
 Allie Tikerpuu

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