Tieflader Concert History

TIEFLADER is a German-"SchwerMetall"-band with homebase in Stuttgart: Driven by energy, straightforward, aggressive and hard sounds. After 4 EPs and countless shows, they are now making their first LP: TIEFLADER - "Hier kommt der Hammer" ("Here comes the hammer"). Right now the production is on the way and the release is scheduled for spring 2007. Official homepage: www.tieflader.com & www.myspace.com/tieflader...

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 19, 2010 –
Aug 21, 2010
Summer Breeze
1349 / AOD / Agnostic Front / Ahab / Anathema / Annotations of an Autopsy / Asphyx / Barren Earth / Be’Lakor / Blasmusik Illenschwang / Bleeding Red / Breschdleng / Callisto / Cannibal Corpse / Children of Bodom / Count Raven / Cumulo Nimbus / Dark Funeral / Dark Tranquillity / Das Pack / Deadstar Assembly / Despised Icon / Destinity / Dew-Scented / Die Apokalyptischen Reiter / disbelief / Down Spirit / Dream Evil / Dying Fetus / Eisbrecher / Eisregen / End of Green / Endstille / Ensiferum / Equilibrium / Fejd / Feuerschwanz / Fiddler’s Green / Gorgoroth / Grailknights / Gwar / Hacride / Hail of Bullets / Heaven Shall Burn / Hypocrisy / Ill Niño / InMe / Insomnium / Johnny and the Hot Rods / Kadavrik / Korpiklaani / Kylesa / Leaves’ Eyes / Letzte Instanz / Leviathan / Long Distance Calling / Macabre / Månegarm / Maroon / Milking the Goatmachine / Mono Inc / My Dying Bride / Napalm Death / Necrophagist / Obituary / Origin / Orphaned Land / Pantheon I / Parasite Inc / Parkway Drive / Poisonblack / Psychopunch / Rage / Raised Fist / Rebellion / Sepultura / Sick of It All / Sideblast / Sólstafir / Subway to Sally / Suffocation / Suicidal Angels / Swallow the Sun / The 69 Eyes / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Crown / The Devil’s Blood / The Foreshadowing / The Smack Ballz / The Very End / Tieflader / Torturized / Tracedawn / Triptykon / Undertow / Unleashed / Van Canto / War from a Harlots Mouth / Warbringer / Watain / We Butter the Bread with Butter / FreiWild Show all bands
Flugplatz Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, Germany
Aug 18, 2010 –
Aug 21, 2010
Summer Breeze Open Air 2010
Children Of Bodom / subway to sally / Heaven Shall Burn / Hypocrisy / Sick of It All / Dark Tranquillity / Cannibal Corpse / Obituary / Sepultura / My Dying Bride / Die Apokalyptischen Reiter / Agnostic Front / Parkway Drive / Gorgoroth / Unleashed / Rage / Equilibrium / Suffocation / Suicidal Angels / Annotations of an Autopsy / MILKING THE GOATMACHINE / Ensiferum / Dark Funeral / Eisbrecher / End Of Green / Korpiklaani / Gwar / The 69 Eyes / Behemoth / Anathema / Frei.Wild / Raised Fist / Eisregen / Napalm Death / Poisonblack / Ill Nino / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Crown / Hail of Bullets / Fiddler's Green / The Devil's Blood / Dying Fetus / Triptykon / Necrophagist / Maroon / Leave's Eyes / Despised Icon / Asphyx / 1349 / Letzte Instanz / Psychopunch / Macabre / Swallow the Sun / Orphaned Land / Dream Evil / Disbelief / Watain / Count Raven / Dew-Scented / Warbringer / Insomnium / Månegarm / Origin / Kylesa / Rebellion / Sólstafir / Tracedawn / Van Canto / Long Distance Calling / Ahab / War From a Harlots Mouth / Barren Earth / Mono Inc. / undertow / InMe / Deadstar Assembly / We Butter The Bread With Butter / Hacride / Grailknights / Callisto / Feuerschwanz / The Foreshadowing / Destinity / Cumulo Nimbus / Fejd / Pantheon I / Sideblast / Be'lakor / Bleeding Red / Kadavrik / Parasite Inc. / Leviathan / A.O.D / Torturized / Breschdleng / The Very End / Tieflader / Das Pack / The Mean / Smack Ballz / Johnny & The Hot Rods / Bülent Ceylan Show all bands
  Photos   Setlists
Flugplatz Dinkelsbühl-Sinbronn 91550 Dinkelsbühl, Germany
Feb 03, 2003
Mudvayne / Tieflader Röhre Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Oct 19, 2001
Tieflader Jugendzentrum Abseits Vaihingen an der Enz, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Sep 21, 2001
Tieflader Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Farbstraße Bietigheim-Bissingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

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Summer Breeze Open Air 2010 on Aug 18, 2010 [530-small]

Summer Breeze Open Air 2010
Aug 18 - 21, 2010
 91550 Dinkelsbühl, Germany
  Uploaded by Laza

Heavy Metal
Groove Metal
2010 2 concerts
2003 1 concert
2001 2 concerts
 Patrick Butterer
 Ohngil Unkenbein

As Seen On: