Three Second Rule Concert History

THREEsecondRULE is made up of 4 guys with a variety of tastes in popular music (and unpopular music) that share a love of melody and simple heartfelt lyrics. We all met in Manchester when we were students (Chris and Brad graduated, Dave and Yox got kicked out) at a special little place known as Satan's Hollow. After a few line up changes (i.e. More bassists than Spinal Tap had Drummers) we are now the four piece we always wanted to be but never expected.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 26, 2017
Colonial Fest III - Gamer Edition
Kryptic Memories / Sour Diesel / Exiled From Grace / Heat of Damage / Three Second Rule / Light Up Super Heroes / Atlas Park / Kill the Cute / Continuum Kingdom
Colonial Theatre Sacramento, California, United States
Noise Rock
Latinx Alternative
 Sacramento Shows

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