The Sisterhood was a short-lived English musical project, consisting of Andrew Eldritch (writer and producer), his drum machine Doktor Avalanche, and "The Chorus Of Vengeance" (Lucas Fox -- percussion and vocals, Patricia Morrison -- vocals, James Ray -- guitar and vocals, and Alan Vega). Eldritch could not perform vocals on the studio recordings because of his earlier recording contract for his band The Sisters Of Mercy. The Sisterhood was created by Eldritch after The Sisters Of Mercy's 1985 breakup.
These are photos from concerts where The Sisterhood played, so they may be of other bands that played the concert as well.
Nashville meets London 2018 Jul 28 - 29, 2018 London, England, United Kingdom Uploaded by Mark Fossitt
The Sisterhood / Laura Oakes Dec 9, 2016 Manchester, England, United Kingdom Uploaded by Mark Sanderson
The Sisterhood / Laura Oakes Dec 9, 2016 Manchester, England, United Kingdom Uploaded by Mark Hutchinson
Rod Stewart / The Sisterhood Dec 8, 2016 Manchester, England, United Kingdom Uploaded by Didymus Holmes