The Saturday Knights's 2005 Concert History

The Saturday Knights have been a crucial part of the Seattle music scene, taking on a room of timid rock and rap dwarves with pop smarts as thick as Sonny Liston's fists. Tapping deep into their creative skills and unprecedented personal charm, Mingle is a flawlessly fluid integration of vintage rock, lady-loving soul, and trailer park punk.

Hip Hop
Seattle Hip Hop
Indonesian Folk
2009 1 concert
2008 6 concerts
2007 9 concerts
2006 2 concerts
2005 5 concerts
 Amanda Steger
 Barney Stubble
 Chris Hayden
 Sally Candler
 Grace Bartlett
 So Lu
 Rj Van Liere
 Linzer Kraken
 Cuzin Rhay
 Sayge Isaac
 Buzd Viking

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