The Recovering Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 27, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
3OH!3 / A Day To Remember / Acceptance / Against Me! / Alesana / All That Remains / All Time Low / Anarbor / Anberlin / Angels & Airwaves / Animo / Architects / As I Lay Dying / August Burns Red / Authority Zero / Automatic love letter / Be Your Own Pet / Beat Union / Bedouin Soundclash / Between The Trees / big drill car / black president / Blase Debris / Bring Me The Horizon / Broadway Calls / Buffalo Casket / Casket Architects / Charged GBH / Charlotte Sometimes / Chiodos / Cinder Road / Cinematic Sunrise / Cobra Starship / Cold Fusion / Confide / CrashCarBurn / Crime In Stereo / Culture Shock Camp / D.I. / Danger Radio / Dead Legend / Disco Ensemble / Dodger / Does it offend you yeah? / Dr. Manhattan / Edreys / Entice / Every Avenue / Every Time I Die / Fall From Grace / Family Force 5 / Farewell / Fear / Fear Nuttin' Band / Fight Fight Fight / Forever the Sickest Kids / Four Year Strong / From First to Last / The Gaslight Anthem / GBH / Germs / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Greeley Estates / Gym Class Heroes / Horrorpops / Hunter Revenge / Ivens / Jack's Mannequin / Jeffree Star / Jet Lag Gemini / Just Surrender / Katy Perry / Last Great Assault / Lordz of Brooklyn / Lost Point / Love Equals Death / Ludo / M.I.A. / Madina Lake / Massive Monkees / Matisyahu / Mayday Parade / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / MC Chris / Medium Troy / Middle Finger Salute / Midnight to Twelve / Mike Watt & The Missingmen / Miracle Dolls / Mo Bigsley / Moe Pope / Motion City Soundtrack / Motionless Is White / Norma Jean / Now On / Oceana / On the Surface / Oreskaband / Othello / Paige Wood / Panima / Paramore / Patent Pending / Pato / Pennywise / Peter Distefano / Phathom / Pierce the Veil / Piotta / Protest the Hero / PULL the PIN / Red Car Wire / Reel Big Fish / Relient K / Revolution Mother / Rise Against / Saint Alvia / Say No More / Set Your Goals / Settings / Shwayze / Sick City / Single File / Sky Eats Airplane / Stick To Your Guns / Story of the Year / Street Drum Corps / Street Dogs / T.S.O.L. / TAT / The Academy Is... / The Bouncing Souls / The Briggs / The Bronx / The Classic Crime / The Color Fred / The Devil Wears Prada / The Dickies / The Dillinger Escape Plan / The Flatliners / The Higher / The Human Abstract / The Johnstones / The Maine / The Pink Spiders / The Pinker Tones / The Randies / The Recovering / The Secret Handshake / The Vandals / Thrice / Treaty Of Paris / Underoath / Valencia / Vanna / We The Kings / You, Me, And Everyone We Know Show all bands
The Pavilion at Montage Mountain Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States
Jul 24, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Bring Me The Horizon / All Time Low / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / All That Remains / Anberlin / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Pennywise / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / The Academy Is... / Four Year Strong / Alesana / Every Time I Die / Does It Offend You, Yeah? / The Bouncing Souls / Every Avenue / Family Force 5 / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Bronx / Madina Lake / The Audition / Ludo / MC Chris / Street Dogs / The Aggrolites / Confide / Between The Trees / Just Surrender / Evergreen Terrace / The Human Abstract / Automatic Loveletter / Charlotte Sometimes / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / The Pinker Tones / A Loss for Words / Dante / It Dies Today / Broadway Calls / Disco Ensemble / The Color Fred / A Cursive Memory / T.A.T / Chaser / Cinder Road / Oreskaband / Moe Pope / Ajax / Drive A / Good Guys In Black / Staylefish / Dr. Manhattan / The Lordz / Fear Nuttin Band / Longway / Shanti / Othello / Shiragirl / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / The A.K.A.s / CrashCarBurn / Cry to the Blind / Pato / Honor Bright / The Randies / Settings / The Saint Alvia Cartel / Animo / Allura / I Am The Pilot / All Left Out / THE BOY AND HIS MACHINE / Kelsey and the Chaos / Megaphone / Alamance / Remember Tomorrow / Citizen X / Blase Debris / Hollywood Lies / Paige Wood / Crooked Looks / The Recovering / Edreys / Culture Shock Camp / Massive Monkees / The Japanese War Machine / Buffalo Casket / Born as a Ghost / Steve Steadham Show all bands
Darien Lake Performing Arts Center, Six Flags Darien Lake Darien Center, New York, United States
Jul 18, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / Anberlin / LIGHTS / Jack's Mannequin / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Pennywise / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Four Year Strong / Chiodos / Alesana / Every Time I Die / The Bouncing Souls / Every Avenue / Family Force 5 / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Bronx / Madina Lake / The Audition / CHIEF / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Just Surrender / Evergreen Terrace / Automatic Loveletter / Charlotte Sometimes / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / The Pinker Tones / The Higher / The Pink Spiders / Patent Pending / Braille / After Midnight Project / Farewell / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / A Cursive Memory / T.A.T / Chaser / Cinder Road / Oreskaband / Good Guys In Black / The Lordz / Longway / Shanti / Othello / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / CrashCarBurn / Pato / Settings / The Saint Alvia Cartel / Animo / Allura / The Weakend / Know Lyfe / Alamance / Vice Grip / ATAVAN / Farwell / Citizen X / D. Allie / Paige Wood / Dante Lasalle / The Recovering / Add.verse / View From Ida / Culture Shock Camp / Massive Monkees / Storms In May / Time of Plague / Steve Steadham / Our Film Star Show all bands
Comerica Park Detroit, Michigan, United States
Jul 17, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / Anberlin / LIGHTS / Jack's Mannequin / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Pennywise / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Four Year Strong / Alesana / Every Time I Die / The Bouncing Souls / Every Avenue / Family Force 5 / Bedouin Soundclash / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Bronx / Madina Lake / The Audition / CHIEF / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Just Surrender / Evergreen Terrace / Automatic Loveletter / Charlotte Sometimes / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / The Pinker Tones / Dante / The Higher / The Pink Spiders / Patent Pending / After Midnight Project / Farewell / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / A Cursive Memory / T-Bone Burnett / Tropidelic / T.A.T / Chaser / Cinder Road / Oreskaband / Dez / Good Guys In Black / The Lordz / Longway / Shanti / Othello / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / CrashCarBurn / Pato / Settings / The Saint Alvia Cartel / Animo / Allura / All Left Out / Know Lyfe / Alamance / Vice Grip / Juice Lee / Citizen X / Paige Wood / Ill Patriot / Promise Me Scarlet / The Recovering / Box The Stars / Silence of Thoughts / Culture Shock Camp / Massive Monkees / Deep Sleep Empire / Steve Steadham Show all bands
Time Warner Cable Amphitheater Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Jul 14, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / A Day to Remember / 3OH!3 / Mayday Parade / Pierce the Veil / Cobra Starship / We The Kings / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / The Gaslight Anthem / Anberlin / Motionless In White / The Devil Wears Prada / Jack's Mannequin / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Story of the Year / Against Me! / Forever the Sickest Kids / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Four Year Strong / Alesana / Every Time I Die / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Every Avenue / Family Force 5 / Bedouin Soundclash / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Bronx / Madina Lake / The Audition / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Just Surrender / The Briggs / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Pinker Tones / The Higher / The Pink Spiders / After Midnight Project / Farewell / Broadway Calls / Cinematic Sunrise / The Color Fred / A Cursive Memory / T.A.T / Pivot / Chaser / Oreskaband / Cinder Road / Good Guys In Black / The Lordz / Longway / Othello / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / CrashCarBurn / Pato / Animo / The Saint Alvia Cartel / Allura / I Am The Pilot / All Left Out / Mike P / Alamance / Paige Wood / Dead Legend / Dante Lasalle / The Jealousy Game / The Recovering / Kevin Elliot and The Broken / Massive Monkees / Culture Shock Camp / The Darlings (LA/OC) / Haneda / Steve Steadham / Here's Looking at You Kid / Days Off Screen / Asian Cafe / Aloretta Show all bands
PNC Music Pavilion Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Jul 13, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Angels and Airwaves / All Time Low / Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / Cobra Starship / Matisyahu / Relient K / The Gaslight Anthem / Jack's Mannequin / Anberlin / Shwayze / Say Anything / Reel Big Fish / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Academy Is... / Story of the Year / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / Alesana / Four Year Strong / Every Avenue / Family Force 5 / Every Time I Die / Between The Trees / Murs / Bedouin Soundclash / Go Radio / S.K.I.P. / Oreskaband / Set Your Goals / A Day to Remember / From First to Last / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / Madina Lake / The Audition / The Bronx / MC Chris / Street Dogs / The Aggrolites / Horrorpops / Just Surrender / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Pink Spiders / Darlings / The Briggs / The Dollyrots / Braille / After Midnight Project / Farewell / Broadway Calls / Cinematic Sunrise / A Cursive Memory / The Color Fred / Red Car Wire / Disco Ensemble / T.A.T / Cinder Road / Stages & Stereos / Drive A / Jet Lag Gemini / The Lordz / Longway / Beat Union / Josephine Collective / Pato / CrashCarBurn / The Saint Alvia Cartel / Embraced / The Pinkertones / Dead Legend / Pegleg / Kevin Elliot and The Broken / The Recovering / My Anomaly / Haneda / We The Kings / Mayday Parade / Pierce the Veil / Motionless in White Show all bands
Unknown venue Jacksonville, Florida, United States
Jul 12, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / Alesana / The Audition / Anberlin / The Aggrolites / The Academy Is... / Angels and Airwaves / Animo / After Midnight Project / Alamance / All Left Out / Allura / And Then There Was You
Bicentennial Park Miami, Florida, United States
Show Duplicate for Jul 12, 2008
Jul 11, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Motionless In White / The Maine / Braille / Angels & Airwaves / We The Kings / Street Dogs / Pegleg / Prospect / The Bouncing Souls / Four Year Strong / Disco Ensemble / Haneda / Horrorpops / Hovercraft Pirates / Anberlin / The Aggrolites / MC Chris / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Pato / Dr. Manhattan / Valencia / Pennywise / Drive A / Josephine Collective / Katy Perry / The Gaslight Anthem / The Lordz / The Vandals / T.A.T / Cinder Road / The Pinker Tones / Evergreen Terrace / Greeley Estates / The Bronx / CrashCarBurn / Relient K / Terra Terra Terra / Matisyahu / Longway / Jack's Mannequin / Jet Lag Gemini / Beat Union / The Color Fred / Just Surrender / Pierce the Veil / Every Avenue / The Devil Wears Prada / Gym Class Heroes / The Briggs / Oreskaband / Forever the Sickest Kids / Norma Jean / 3OH!3 / Broadway Calls / Red Car Wire / GBH / The Pinkertones / The Recovering / Permanent Holiday / Bedouin Soundclash / Family Force 5 / All That Remains / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Reel Big Fish / Alesana / August Burns Red / Protest the Hero / Set Your Goals / Darlings / The Fabulous Rudies / A Cursive Memory / Burning Tree / Farewell / Murs / Cinematic Sunrise / The Saint Alvia Cartel / SILAS / A Day to Remember / Against Me! / Kevin Elliot and The Broken / All Time Low / Dead Legend / Every Time I Die / Madina Lake / Story of the Year / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Between The Trees / The Pink Spiders / Shwayze / Street Drum Corps / Mayday Parade / Tyga / Say Anything / After Midnight Project / Cobra Starship / Charlotte Sometimes / From First to Last Show all bands
  Photos   Setlists
Vinoy Park St. Petersburg, Florida, United States
Jul 10, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Matisyahu / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / The Gaslight Anthem / Anberlin / Jack's Mannequin / Reel Big Fish / Motionless In White / Say Anything / Shwayze / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Four Year Strong / Alesana / Murs / Every Time I Die / Every Avenue / Family Force 5 / Nothing More / Bedouin Soundclash / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Bronx / Madina Lake / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Valencia / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Just Surrender / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / The Pink Spiders / The Dollyrots / Braille / Darlings / After Midnight Project / Farewell / Broadway Calls / Disco Ensemble / Cinematic Sunrise / The Color Fred / Red Car Wire / T.A.T / Cinder Road / Oreskaband / S.K.I.P. / Drive A / Jet Lag Gemini / The Lordz / Longway / Beat Union / Transmit Now / CrashCarBurn / Josephine Collective / Pato / Shoreline / The Saint Alvia Cartel / Chasing Thrill / Fire At Will / Dr. Madd Vibe / The Pinkertones / T13C! / PAPER STREET SOAP COMPANY! / Dead Legend / The Recovering / Pegleg / Awesome and the Ass Kickers / Kevin Elliot and The Broken / Haneda Show all bands
Orlando, Florida, United States
Show Duplicates for Jul 10, 2008
Jul 09, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
The Devil Wears Prada / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Angels and Airwaves / Mayday Parade / Street Dogs / Norma Jean / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / MC Chris / Family Force 5 / The Pink Spiders / Cinder Road / Gym Class Heroes / The Bronx / 3OH!3 / Reel Big Fish / Madina Lake / Red Car Wire / The Dillinger Escape Plan / The Aggrolites / Drive A / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Academy Is... / As I Lay Dying / Every Time I Die / idea of beauty / Madison Fadeout / Bedouin Soundclash / Anberlin / Motionless In White / A Day to Remember / Say Anything / Vonnegutt / The Recovering / Oreskaband / Evergreen Terrace / Kevin Elliot and The Broken / Piotta / From First to Last / Darlings / Matisyahu / Beat Union / Shwayze / Relient K / Charlotte Sometimes / Set Your Goals / Every Avenue / The Briggs / Cobra Starship / Braille / Four Year Strong / T.A.T / Against Me! / Katy Perry / Murs / Just Surrender / The Gaslight Anthem / Quanstar / Valencia / Jack's Mannequin / Protest the Hero / The Pinkertones / AMEND / CrashCarBurn / The Lordz / Disco Ensemble / Farewell / Nothing More / The Color Fred / Dr. Madd Vibe / Story of the Year / The Saint Alvia Cartel / Jet Lag Gemini / Alesana / Dead Legend / Longway / Broadway Calls / Greeley Estates / Alamance / Horrorpops Show all bands
Cellairis Amphitheatre at Lakewood Atlanta, Georgia, United States

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Vans Warped Tour 2008 on Jul 11, 2008 [086-small]

Vans Warped Tour 2008
Jul 11, 2008
 St. Petersburg, Florida, United States
  Uploaded by David Johnson

Instrumental Hip-Hop
 Ben Taylor2014
 Ron Mc Intyre
 Seth Osenkarski
 Myles Machado
 Aye Aye Music
 A Double Dare Away
 Kyra Clark
 Nick M
 Brian Smith
 Paige W

As Seen On: