The Privates Concert History

Born out of the blossoming Nashville,TN scene come The Privates. Featuring members of The Pink Spiders,The Features,De Novo Dahl and Lambchop this supergroup of sorts deliver perfect indie/pop on their debut album 'Barricades'. Not to be confused with the Japanese band of the same name.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 15, 2014 –
Aug 17, 2014
Crossfaith / Caravan / The Pillows / Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra / fiN / Boom Boom Satellites / Dragon Ash / Soil & Pimp Sessions / ooioo / サカナクション / 木村カエラ / Denki Groove / Ketumeisi / Unicorn / Ua / Old / Special Others / The Folks / Begin / SHISHAMO / ゲスの極み乙女。 / eastern youth / エレファントカシマシ / ストレイテナー / スチャダラパー / Grapevine / Husking Bee / 氣志團 / レキシ / Arukara / Sleepy.ab / フラワーカンパニーズ / Czecho No Republic / フレデリック / A Flood Of Circle / Gotch / ROTTENGRAFFTY / 畠山美由紀 / キュウソネコカミ / Sakanamon / The Privates / DJみそしるとMCごはん / 憂歌団 / Koji Nakamura / 空想委員会 / アン・サリー / 爆弾ジョニー / 片想い / T字路s / D.w.ニコルズ / Namba69 / エマーソン北村 / salyu×salyu / テスラは泣かない。 / サンフジンズ / ザ・チャレンジ / シーナ&ロケッツ / 電撃ネットワーク / →Pia-no-jaC←×DAISHI DANCE / くもゆき / ABEDON / 武藤昭平withウエノコウジ / 電大 / FRIDAY NIGHT SESSION 2014 / avengers in sci-f / 青葉市子 with 小山田圭吾&U-zhaan Show all bands
Ishikari Bay New Port Tarukawa Pier (石狩湾新港樽川ふ頭横野外特設ステージ) Ishikari, Japan
Nov 27, 2010
DC Fontana / Cast / KONICHIWA / Berry Tweed and the Chasers / Them Beatles / Laynes / Button Up / The Privates / JERRY LYONS / Killer Kitsch Djs
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O2 ABC Glasgow Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Feb 22, 2010
Kyle Andrews / BORN EMPTY / Mona / Moon Taxi / The Privates / Parachute Musical / The Non-Commissioned Officers / Ponderosa Mercy Lounge Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Dec 18, 2009
The Privates / Modoc / My Tyger / Judd and Maggie / Reno Bo / The Shazam / Oblio / Derek Hoke / Go Jane Go / Tommy Hans / H.P. Witchcraft The Basement Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Dec 31, 2008
How I Became the Bomb / And The Relatives / The Privates The Basement Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Sep 13, 2008
Next Big Nashville 2008
The Features / Brooke Waggoner / Cali / Carey Ott / Sam & Ruby / Jensen Sportag / Thad Cockrell / Howlies / How I Became the Bomb / Tiger! Tiger! / Forget Cassettes / The Clutters / We Were the States / Ten Out Of Tenn / Evil Bebos / The Privates / Willie Heath Neal / Ghostfinger / Nite Nite / the glib / Armed Forces / The Good Wolves / Coral Castles / .Plex Plex. Show all bands
Cannery Ballroom Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Sep 07, 2007
Next Big Nashville
"Next Big Nashville" / The Privates / The States / Red Hearts / Nite Nite / Black Magic Markers / The Pink Spiders
Exit / In Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Feb 18, 2006
The Features / How I Became the Bomb / The Privates Mercy Lounge Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Aug 27, 2005
The Features / Pine*Am / The Privates
The Earl Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Jul 07, 2005
Diamond Tuck and The Privates / The Privates / Lion Fever / The Nightmares Dante's Portland, Oregon, United States
Japanese Rockabilly
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2014 1 concert
2010 2 concerts
2009 1 concert
2008 2 concerts
2007 1 concert
2006 1 concert
2005 2 concerts

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