The story of The National Anthems begins in early 2000 in Karlstad, Sweden as Robert Stålbro (vocals/guitar) alone records a two song demo. A full year passed before Stålbro played the tracks for Joakim Johansson (guitar) and the two saw great potential laying within this mere demo; something more had to be done with these songs. The idea was planted and they knew it was time to form a band. Having been in contact with two extremely talented musicians...
These are photos from concerts where The National Anthems played, so they may be of other bands that played the concert as well.
The Boo Radleys / The National Anthems / Alice Pisano Oct 28, 2021 Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom Uploaded by Paul R
This Is For The NHS Sep 16 - 17, 2021 Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom Uploaded by Michael Ridley