The Kleins Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 30, 2010
Queens Day Festival
"Queens Day Festival" / The Bouncing Souls / The Dead Brothers / Banner Pilot / Kepi Ghoulie / The Hip Priests / The Bamboo Kids / Dead Elvis & His One Man Grave / Delaney Davidson / Pour Habit / Shaking Godspeed / Drip Dry Man / Accelerators (NL) / Thee Vicars / The Do Its / Candy Snatchers / The Point Drains / The Real Danger / Beyond Lickin / The Kleins Show all bands
Perron 55 Venlo, Limburg, Netherlands
May 29, 2009 –
May 30, 2009
Ruhrpott Rodeo Festival 2009
Me First And The Gimme Gimmes / Cock Sparrer / Toy Dolls / Talco / Mad Sin / Bonecrusher / Kasa / Rasta Knast / Emscherkurve 77 / I Walk the Line / Fuckin' Faces / Scheisse Minnelli / 2nd District / Kleins / Atemnot / Chefdenker / Zaunpfahl / The Kleins / Gewapend Beton / Montreal / Los Fastidios / Cowboy Prostitutes / Bluttat Show all bands
Flugplatz Schwarze Heide Hünxe, Germany
Punk Rock
Punk N Roll
2010 1 concert
2009 1 concert

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