The Inflation Kills Concert History

Nearly 6 years passed before the internal tension that fused satirical art-rockers kitchens & bathrooms eventually killed the band (close, but not literally). After 5 tours in 2-and-a-half years, 3 full-length albums and 2 onstage fistfights, and 1000 bottles of Labatt 50, the band expired. Phil Williams soon became anxious concerning who would play a half-written album with him – and drive his ass across Canada. Matt Fleming of Hoosier Poet was the first solid answer.

Date Concert Venue Location
Dec 16, 2005
Sonic Unyon Christmas Stirfry
"Sonic Unyon Christmas Stirfry" / Don Vail / Bill Priddle / Alive & Living / Sleeper Set Sail / The Inflation Kills / Cursed / Bombs Over Providence / Electroluminescent / A Northern Chorus / Jon Rae & The River / Sailboats Are White
The Casbah Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Sep 15, 2005
Frog Eyes / The Inflation Kills Broken City Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Indie Rock
Skate Punk
Math Rock

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