The Ghost Inside, formerly known as A Dying Dream, is an American metalcore band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 2004. The band currently consists of vocalist Jonathan Vigil, guitarists Zach Johnson and Chris Davis, and drummer Andrew Tkaczyk. They have released one EP and four studio albums, with their latest, The Ghost Inside, released in June 2020 through Epitaph Records and peaking at number 141 on the US Billboard 200 chart.
These are photos from concerts where The Ghost Inside played, so they may be of other bands that played the concert as well.
Every Time I Die / The Ghost Inside / Architects UK / Hundredth Dec 18, 2014 Buffalo, New York, United States Uploaded by Mike Kellerson
Asking Alexandria / The Ghost Inside / Crown The Empire / SECRETS Nov 5, 2014 Southampton, England, United Kingdom Uploaded by Pumpkin
I Killed the Prom Queen / The Ghost Inside / In Hearts Wake / Bury Tomorrow / Hellions Sep 12, 2014 Fortitude Valley, Queensland, Australia Uploaded by Wattoson
Vans Warped Tour 2014 Jul 31, 2014 Bonner Springs, Kansas, United States Uploaded by Cass