The Flaming Stars Concert History

The Flaming Stars are a garage band. That's garage as in loud guitars, valve amps, cheap electric organ and trashcan drums. They play live in the studio, live on the radio and live on stage. Formed in December 1994, they have regularly filled venues such as The Garage, and the LA2, and venues around the country, as well as playing sell-out tours around Europe, Japan and the US.

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The Phantom Limbs / The Flaming Stars / Iowaska / Jello Biafra on May 2, 2002 [545-small]

The Phantom Limbs / The Flaming Stars / Iowaska / Jello Biafra
May 2, 2002
 San Francisco, California, United States
  Uploaded by Lilmikesf
Credit: Alternative Tentacles - "Flaming Stars Band Portraits "

Indie Rock
Garage Rock
Garage Punk
2004 3 concerts
2002 3 concerts
1998 1 concert
1997 4 concerts
 Uli Neumann
 Michael Jones
 Paul Wade

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