The Exploding Boy Concert History

Lineup 2010

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 09, 2023
The Exploding Boy / Dryland / Double Eyelid / The Dead Seasons

Bats in The Attic

The Alhambra Morecambe, England, United Kingdom
Jun 03, 2022 –
Jun 06, 2022
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2022
KMFDM / Combichrist / clan of xymox / Aesthetic Perfection / Soft Kill / Corvus Corax / S.P.O.C.K / Choir Boy / Ritual Howls / Lacrimas Profundere / Cabaret Nocturne / And Also the Trees / Whispering Sons / A Split Second / Tanzwut / Dawn of Ashes / Letzte Instanz / Rezurex / Minuit Machine / Stahlmann / Blacklist / Rabia Sorda / WARFIELD / The Exploding Boy / ESA / Girls Under Glass / Boytronic / Children On Stun / Xotox / Kontrast / Cut Hands / Unzucht / Funhouse / Shireen / Storm Seeker / Korine / Eisfabrik / SRSQ / Astari Nite / Lizette Lizette / Cultus Ferox / Hord / Cesair / Culk / Kaizer / Jihad / Fïx8:Sëd8 / Metallspürhunde / Death in Rome / Soko Friedhof / New Days Delay / Horskh / Liebknecht / Beyond Obsession / Devil-m / Future Lied To Us / Schneewittchen / SJÖBLOM / She Owl / Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys / Collection D'arnell Andrea / Terrorfrequenz / VV & The Void / Totenwald / BY THE SPIRITS / Nightnight / Loell Duinn / RIKI (LA) / Dead Lights / Kontrolle / Diodati / Paralyzzer / Messer (GE) / Enter Tragedy / Feuerdorn / funhouse (Official) / Noisuf-X / Welle:erdball / The 69 Eyes / S Y Z Y G Y X / Donnertrummel / Fiddlers Green / Kingspipers / Feuerdorn / Garmana / Trobar de Morte / Tvinna / Vroudenspil Show all bands
Wave-Gotik-Treffen Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Jul 29, 2012
Combichrist / Diary of Dreams / Haujobb / in the nursery / Sieben / Straftanz / Suicide Commando / Triarii / Vomito Negro / Winterkälte / Faerydae / Finvarra / Parade Ground / Peter Hook / Surgyn / The Crüxshadows / The Dutch Lemmings / Michel Ban...
Combichrist / Diary of Dreams / Haujobb / in the nursery / Sieben / Straftanz / Suicide Commando / Triarii / Vomito Negro / Winterkälte / Faerydae / Finvarra / Parade Ground / Peter Hook / Surgyn / The Crüxshadows / The Dutch Lemmings / Michel Banabila / Camerata Mediolanense / Incubite / Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat / Talvekoidik / The Exploding Boy Show all bands
Summer Darkness Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Indie Rock
New Wave
Cold Wave
Dark Post-Punk
Deep Gothic Post-Punk
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2023 1 concert
2022 1 concert
2012 1 concert
 Lisa Nocturne
 Andreas Nachtplan

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