The Coolers Concert Photos

On a steaming day in summer 2006, Michal Dvořáček, a singer and composer and Slávek Hamaďák, a producer, were pondering some recordings by a rock group ENTER in a rented appartment in Hradec Králové, when the doorbell rung three times to interrupt the session. Michal Dvořáček opened the door, but nobody was there. "I gotta run down to get it," he shouted and slammed the door shut. Meanwhile, out of sheer curiosity Slávek browsed through the music files on Michal's computer and discovered several pieces of music sung in Swahili.

Safari Sam's All Star Jam on Mar 17, 1985 [097-small]

Safari Sam's All Star Jam
Mar 17, 1985
 Huntington Beach, California, United States
  Uploaded by Gfuhrer

The Fad / Turmoil / Children's Day / The Hags / The Coolers / The Flies on Mar 9, 1985 [189-small]

The Fad / Turmoil / Children's Day / The Hags / The Coolers / The Flies
Mar 9, 1985
 Huntington Beach, California, United States
  Uploaded by Gfuhrer

The Fad / Turmoil / Children's Day / The Hags / The Coolers / The Flies on Mar 9, 1985 [096-small]

The Fad / Turmoil / Children's Day / The Hags / The Coolers / The Flies
Mar 9, 1985
 Huntington Beach, California, United States
  Uploaded by Gfuhrer

The Coolers / Blue Trapeze / Western Skies on Feb 27, 1985 [819-small]

The Coolers / Blue Trapeze / Western Skies
Feb 27, 1985
 Huntington Beach, California, United States
  Uploaded by Gfuhrer

1985 4 photos

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