The Bad Vibrations Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 30, 2019
Manchester Psych Fest 2019
Courtney Barnett / Temples / Crocodiles / The Holydrug Couple / Babe Rainbow / Goat Girl / The Orielles / The Lovely Eggs / Sam Evian / Tess Parks / Our Girl / Snapped Ankles / The Cult of Dom Keller / Solis / Richard Fearless / Dead Vibrations / MaidaVale / Penelope Isles / Echo Ladies / Working Men's Club / Bonnacons of Doom / Yama Warashi / Indian Queens / Cosmic Strip / The Bad Vibrations / URF / The Bleaches / Donna Leake / Pigspigspigspigspigspigspigs / URF (UK) / JANE WEAVER (DJ SET) / Astral Elevator DJs / Loose Articles / Belle Sonder / Panda Palm DJs / The Beat Chics DJs Show all bands
Manchester Psych Fest 2019 Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Aug 03, 2012 –
Aug 05, 2012
Sappyfest 2012 @ Sappy Fest
Timber Timbre / Fucked Up / Metz / Cold Specks / Eternal Summers / Julie Doiron / Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra / Nap Eyes / Yamantaka // Sonic Titan / Bruce Peninsula / Man Forever / Canailles / Cousins / Dog Day / Andre Ethier / Snailhouse / B.A. Johnston / Mike O'Neill / Each Other / Ponctuation / Michael Feuerstack / Del Bel / Banded Stilts / Mike O'Brien / Marine Dreams / Deloro / Hey Mother Death / Tomboyfriend / The Bad Vibrations / Baby Eagle & the Proud Mothers / Nick Ferrio & His Feelings / Katie and the Lichen Show all bands
Sappy Fest Sackville, NB, Canada
Oct 21, 2011
Osees / The Men / Young Guv / The Bad Vibrations / Ohsees The Horseshoe Tavern Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2019 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2011 1 concert
 Matthew Wisdom

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