The Backcorner Boogie Band Concert History

… John Fogerty die met Booker T & The MG’s in de oefenruimte van The Black Crowes songs van Sam & Dave en The Red Devils staan te jammen. The Staple Singers steken ook regelmatig hun neus om de hoek en na afloop van de repetitie staat het krakende vinyl van Robert Johnson op, onder het genot van een goeie whiskey en een sigaret met weldadige inhoud...

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 27, 2013
Zwarte Cross 2013
Kate Nash / Bloodhound Gang / Sticky Fingers / Dragonforce / Golden Earring / Sabaton / Protoje / The Thermals / Kensington / At The Gates / Shantel / Riverside / Guus Meeuwis / Royal Republic / Black Sun Empire / Eric Burdon And The Animals / Dark Funeral / U-Roy / The Skints / Heaven's Basement / Bitty McLean / A.N.I.M.A.L. / Amsterdam Klezmer Band / Jaya The Cat / Die Apokalyptischen Reiter / Pat Kelly / Mister and Mississippi / five horse johnson / Beans & Fatback / Normaal / Bob Wayne / Peter Pan Speedrock / Twr72 / Saint Jude / Beef / The Inspector Cluzo / The Deaf / Broken Brass / Wallace Vanborn / The Oddword / Memphis Maniacs / BZB / Automatic Sam / Herder / The Movers / VNNR / Protoje & The Indiggnation / Shaking Godspeed / Hausmagger / White Cowbell Oklahoma / Fragment / Punky Donch / Vanderbuyst / Henzel & Disco Nova / Pendejo / DJ Panko / Texas Radio / Blackbone / Dearworld / Headfirst / Seita / The Rhythm Chiefs / The Backcorner Boogie Band / Macka B & The Roots Ragga Band / The Dublicators / Best of Foo / The Heinoos / Wannabe a Star / Them Lewis Boys / Iron Ites / Poor John / Def Americans / Plork Show all bands
De Schans Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Aug 25, 2012
Brabant Open Air 2012
Kaiser Chiefs / Simple Minds / Milow / The Kyteman Orchestra / The Asteroids Galaxy Tour / Racoon / Miss Montreal / The Backcorner Boogie Band
Strijp-S Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands
Jul 21, 2012
Zwarte Cross 2012
Kaiser Chiefs / Within Temptation / Modestep / Suicidal Tendencies / Beth Hart / Exodus / Kreator / Alestorm / Sonata Arctica / Chef'Special / Di-rect / Municipal Waste / The Answer / Eli 'Paperboy' Reed / Pain / Doro / Textures / Kenny B / Fiddler's Green / DeWolff / Dog Eat Dog / Russkaja / Deadbeat / Breakfast / Frei.Wild / Hell / Che Sudaka / Lizzy Borden / Baskerville / Bertolf / Ziggi Recado / Suicidal Angels / Quique Neira / Heideroosjes / Drive Like Maria / Beef / Postmen / Nobody Beats The Drum / The Excitements / The Deaf / Boo Boo Davis / Boemklatsch / Memphis Maniacs / BZB / Ben Prestage / Tornado / Automatic Sam / Lenny Keylard / Jah6 / Fragment / Joggo / Maison Du Malheur / The Dirty Denims / Henzel & Disco Nova / Veron / DJ Panko / Feuerengel / Leeways / Danny Panadero / Plork En De Aannemers / The Backcorner Boogie Band / The Heinoos / Motorband / The Wild Berrys / Meisjes Zonder Smaak / Ruben Hoeke / The Tuners / Warboel / Cuban Heels (NL) / The Voederbietels Show all bands
De Schans Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Apr 07, 2012
Paaspop 2012
Steve Aoki / The Wombats / Hardwell / Bingo Players / In Flames / Within Temptation / Golden Earring / The Magician / Bassjackers / Dannic / Sick Individuals / Emalkay / Triggerfinger / Kensington / Korpiklaani / Chef'Special / Sandro Silva / Terror / Gers Pardoel / Ali B / Pulled Apart By Horses / Blaudzun / Drop The Lime / Karma to Burn / Will and the People / Jungle By Night / Legendary Shack Shakers / Death Before Dishonor / The Kyteman Orchestra / Joeysuki / De Kraaien / Peter Pan Speedrock / Villa / TrollfesT / Nobody Beats The Drum / The Pine Box Boys / Rats On Rafts / Sticks & A.r.t. / Gomes / Soul Sinners / 80's Verantwoord / Timmietex / Note to Amy / MC Crazy D / The Backcorner Boogie Band / Brutuzz / Crazy Piano's / Paul Zerdin / House of Cash / The Devil's Blood Show all bands
Festivalterrein de Molenheide 's-Hertogenbosch, North Brabant, Netherlands
Jul 17, 2011
Zwarte Cross 2011
Blondie / The Black Crowes / Anthrax / Sepultura / Helloween / Monster Magnet / Ill Niño / JD McPherson / Third World / Death Angel / Terror / Madball / Fozzy / Katzenjammer / Ilse DeLange / De Staat / Life Of Agony / The California Honeydrops / La Pegatina / Go Back to the Zoo / Miss Montreal / $miley / Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra / Jacqueline Govaert / Tim Knol / Rowwen Heze / Pagan's Mind / Beans & Fatback / Crimson Glory / The .357 String Band / Normaal / Dieter Thomas Kuhn / Mayan / Broken Glass Heroes / Psychotic Waltz / Death Letters / BZB / Scrum / The Cubical / Vanderbuyst / Fragment / Krach / Mother Misery / Ralph de Jongh / Bradley's Circus / Malle Pietje And The Bimbos / My City Burning / Piepschuim / The Backcorner Boogie Band / Striking Justice / Loco Loco Discoshow / The Wild Berrys / The Heinoos / Kees Van Hondt / Motorband / Poor John / Kasha Nasha / Warboel / Max Tax Y Sus Banditos / Thevoederbietels / Joechee / Ayatollahs Show all bands
De Schans Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jul 15, 2011
Zwarte Cross 2011
Blondie / The Black Crowes / Anthrax / Sepultura / Helloween / Monster Magnet / JD McPherson / Ill Niño / Third World / Chef'Special / Death Angel / Annihilator / Royal Republic / Fozzy / Terror / Madball / The California Honeydrops / Ilse DeLange / $miley / De Staat / La Pegatina / Katzenjammer / Life Of Agony / Miss Montreal / Go Back to the Zoo / Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra / Marlon Asher / Jacqueline Govaert / Chef / Tim Knol / Rowwen Heze / Pagan's Mind / Birth of Joy / Beans & Fatback / Normaal / Crimson Glory / Ziggi Recado / The .357 String Band / Orange Grove / Dieter Thomas Kuhn / Andreas Kisser / Mayan / Psychotic Waltz / Broken Glass Heroes / Maikal X / BZB / Scrum / Fragment / The Cubical / Vanderbuyst / Krach / Ralph de Jongh / Mother Misery / Tommy Ebben / Malle Pietje And The Bimbos / Bertus Borgers / My City Burning / Piepschuim / The Backcorner Boogie Band / Loco Loco Discoshow / Striking Justice / The Heinoos / Motorband / The Wild Berrys / Kees Van Hondt / Kasha Nasha / De Motorband / Poor John / Herman Brusselmans / The Sensationals / Warboel / Max Tax Y Sus Banditos / Joechee / Thevoederbietels / 30 Euro Live / Gummbah / Ayatollahs Show all bands
Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Show Duplicate for Jul 15, 2011
Jul 16, 2010 –
Jul 18, 2010
Zwarte Cross 2010
Papa Roach / Volbeat / Meshuggah / Caro Emerald / DevilDriver / Airbourne / Converge / The Baseballs / Paradise Lost / Kamelot / K's Choice / Triggerfinger / Di-rect / Guus Meeuwis / King Khan & The Shrines / My Dying Bride / Friska Viljor / Moss / Waylon / DeWolff / Mahones / Loudness / Tim Knol / forbidden / Kontrust / Normaal / The Devils Blood / God Dethroned / Marike Jager / The Deaf / Jon Oliva's Pain / Coparck / Automatic Sam / Campbell Brothers / Black Spider / Want Want / Zwarte Cross / Shaking Godspeed / Mala Vita / Mad Manoush / The Dirty Denims / Camping / Black Bottle Riot / Cirrha Niva / The Backcorner Boogie Band / The Heinoos / De Motorband / KUDRA MATA / Big Shampoo / Vrijdag Show all bands
De Schans Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jam Band
Progressive Bluegrass
Big Band
Instrumental Funk
Instrumental Soul
Show more genres
2013 1 concert
2012 3 concerts
2011 2 concerts
2010 1 concert
 Angela Felida
 Igor Schoevaart
 Always Nick
 Michelle Mabelle
 Annebelle De Groot
 Angela Smook

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