The Airfields Concert History

We'd like to tell you that we write our songs in an abandoned airplane hangar, just to account for all the echoing, but that would be very untrue and a little fanciful. Instead, most of the songwriting occurs in the wee hours of the morning, travelling on a shivering bus to nowhere important. Because we are without sleep, we are well-acquainted with the mysterious feeling the city leaves you with when you walk out to the empty streets at 6am with the first few cars quietly puffing along.

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The Airfields / The Patients / The Diableros on Jul 3, 2005 [803-small]

The Airfields / The Patients / The Diableros
Jul 3, 2005
 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  Uploaded by Michael K Newton

Indie Pop
Jangle Pop
Twee Pop
Modern Jangle Pop
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2007 1 concert
2005 3 concerts
 Bobby B: The Vinyl Vagabond
 Michael K Newton

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