Tenhi Concert History

Tenhi is a journey. Our music is mainly composed to be a voyage thru different landscapes and feelings. In a way the music is scenery painting. A song is like a canvas for a painting — instruments are like brushes to draw a vision for inner eyes to see. We use instruments freely to achieve the wanted feeling to a song; there is no right way of playing. It is the feel of it that counts.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 19, 2015
Prophecy Fest
Empyrium / Amber Asylum / Camerata Mediolanense / Crone / Darkher / Lifelover / Tenhi / Vemod / Wöljager
Balver Höhle Balve, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Dark Ambient
Folk Metal
Neoclassical Darkwave
Dark Jazz
Medieval Folk
Dark Folk
Rune Folk
Nordic Folk
Viking Folk
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