Supersilent is a Norwegian improvisational avant-garde / electroacoustic group from Oslo, Norway, formed in 1997 and signed on Rune Grammofon. The band reportedly never rehearse together or communicate about their music outside of live sets and studio sessions.
Eve Stainton with Mica Levi / Mourning [A] BLKstar / The Notwist / Sote & Tarik Barri / Noori & His Dorpa Band / Alabaster dePlume / The Master Musicians of Jajouka / Divide And Dissolve / clipping. / Dos Monos / They Hate Change / CURL / Širom / Dry Cleaning / billy woods / Zs / Injury Reserve / Goat / Lole Montoya / Cate Le Bon / Lucrecia Dalt / Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids / Surya Botofasina, Nate Mercereau & Carlos Niño / bar italia / GNOD / Marina Herlop / Horse Lords / EIGEN RISICO / Slauson Malone 1 / Panda Bear & Sonic Boom / Supersilent / Valentín Clastrier
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"Big Ears Festival" / The Magnetic Fields / Gavin Bryars / Supersilent / Deerhoof / Maya Beiser / Glenn Kotche / Henry Grimes / Meredith Monk / Colin Stetson / Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith / The Crossing / Joan Shelley / Steve Lehman / Theo Bleckmann / TWEEDY / Nels Cline / Yuka Honda / Horse Lords / Xiu Xiu / Six Organs of Admittance / DJ Rupture / Nief-Norf / Jessica Moss / Nils Økland / Philip Jeck / Xylouris White / Yasmine Hamdan / Sir Richard Bishop / Ståle Storløkken / White Magic
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Wilco / Blonde Redhead / The Magnetic Fields / Deerhoof / Tortoise / My Brightest Diamond / Xiu Xiu / Johann Johannsson / Colin Stetson / Laetitia Sadier / Aoife O'Donovan / Matmos / Colleen / Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith / Yasmine Hamdan / Six Organs of Admittance / Julian Lage / Anna Meredith / Michael Hurley / DM Stith / Joan Shelley / Gavin Bryars / Meredith Monk / Yuki Numata Resnick / DJ Rupture / Arve Henriksen / Shye Ben Tzur / Xylouris White / The Rajasthan Express / Rachel Grimes / Dakha Brakha / Sir Richard Bishop / White Magic / Oliver Coates / Philip Jeck / Theatre of Voices / Shara Worden / Maya Beiser / Carla Bley / Dave Harrington / Supersilent / Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge / Glenn Kotche / Ahleuchatistas / Nathan Salsburg / Acme / Horse Lords / Deathprod / Sarah Kirkland Snider / Frederic Rzewski / Theo Bleckmann / Rangda / Alvin Curran / Gavin Bryars Ensemble / Steve Lehman / Lisa Moore / Dave Harrington Group / Nils Økland / Junun / On Fillmore / Claire Chase / Frode Haltli / Matthew Shipp Trio / Henry Threadgill's Zooid / Emilia Amper / Wu Fei / The American Contemporary Music Ensemble / Knoxville Jazz Orchestra / Sélébéyone / Henry Grimes / Stale Storlokken / Padma Newsome / Shane Parish / Richard Teitelbaum / Musica Elettronica Viva / Nils Økland Band / Nief-Norf / Julius Eastman Memorial Dinner
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"Incubate Festival" / And So I Watch You from Afar / Dead Meadow / Supersilent / The Wedding Present / Hooded Fang / Gilla Band / Dead Existence / Khold / Gehenna / Mayhem / Immortal / Dragged Into Sunlight / Public Service Broadcasting / DOOM / Hexis / Prurient / Residual Echoes / White Manna / Lorelle Meets The Obsolete / harmony molina / Carlton Melton / Faal / Psychic Ills / Barn Owl / Worship / Front 242 / Shonen Knife
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"Sonar" (Barcelona) / Fatboy Slim / Richie Hawtin / Amon Tobin / Friendly Fires / DJ James Murphy / Lana Del Rey / James Blake / Squarepusher / Nicolas Jaar / Peaking Lights / Mouse on Mars / Simian Mobile Disco / Austra / John Talabot / Nina Kraviz / Jacques Greene / Supersilent / John Paul Jones / Untold / Trevor Jackson (UK) / Flying Lotus / Brodinski / Gesaffelstein / Jack Beats / Nguzunguzu
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Lana Del Rey / James Blake / Deadmau5 / New Order / Fatboy Slim / The Roots / Hot Chip / Metronomy / Flying Lotus / Die Antwoord / Thundercat / Pretty Lights / Madeon / Friendly Fires / Gesaffelstein / Nicolas Jaar / Simian Mobile Disco / Keys N Krates / Amon Tobin / Austra / Modeselektor / Jesse Boykins III / Maya Jane Coles / Squarepusher / John Talabot / Lapalux / Luciano / Nina Kraviz / Julio Bashmore / Jacques Greene / Trevor Jackson / Laurent Garnier / Daedelus / The 2 Bears / Star Slinger / Brodinski / Azari & III / Richie Hawtin / Jack Beats / When Saints Go Machine / Peaking Lights / Daniel Miller / Salva / Trust / Jacques Lu Cont / Mouse on Mars / Untold / Kode9 / Blawan / Club Cheval / Coyu / James Murphy / Yosi Horikawa / Om Unit / XXXY / Arbol / Brenmar / Sinjin Hawke / Andrea Balency / Sizarr / Cooly G / DVA / Annie Mac / UNER / John Paul Jones / Maria Minerva / Kutmah / Nguzunguzu / Ital / Zora Jones / Scratcha DVA / Nightwave / Supersilent / Darkside (Pink Floyd Tribute) / Diamond Version / Esperanza / The Suicide of Western Culture / The Magic Touch / LA Vampires / Eduardo De La Calle / Psilosamples / Ricardo Donoso / Pegasvs / T.E.E.D / Dago / Clip / Mary Anne Hobbs / Fabel / Dj Amable / James Blake (DJ Set) / Stand Up Against Heart Crime / Igor Marijuán / Masaki Batoh / Esperit / Exeter / Logical Nonsense / Mostly Robot / Santiago Latorre / Dj2d2 / Raisa K / Lenticular Clouds / Plapla Pinky / Atsuhiro Ito / Blastto / Microfeel / Koulomek / Radiorifle / Monki Valley / Machine Beats / D.Forma / YALLbcn
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The National / Diplo / Iron & Wine / Fleet Foxes / Sigur Rós / Lykke Li / José González / Janelle Monáe / Metronomy / N.E.R.D / Cut Copy / Yeasayer / Mogwai / A-Trak / Girl Talk / The Whitest Boy Alive / My Bloody Valentine / Bigbang / Boys Noize / The Presets / Okkervil River / Fat Freddy's Drop / The Dodos / Jamie Lidell / Ane Brun / Clipse / Booka Shade / Los Campesinos! / Drive-By Truckers / Bonnie 'Prince' Billy / HEALTH / Ida Maria / No Age / The Notwist / The Sword / Grinderman / Dirty Pretty Things / Sonic Youth / Claude VonStroke / A Place To Bury Strangers / Kid Sister / Håkan Hellström / The Field / Lindstrøm / The Sonics / Holy Fuck / Turbonegro / Mayhem / El Guincho / Buraka Som Sistema / Lightspeed Champion / Kaizers Orchestra / Dengue Fever / Sunn O))) / Casiokids / The Ocean / The Wave Pictures / Telepathe / The Death Set / Moddi / LA Riots / Konono n°1 / Grand Archives / The Mae Shi / Les Petits Pilous / Howl / The Shining / Raga Rockers / Diskjokke / Stella Mwangi / Keep of Kalessin / Strip Steve / Isis / Ingrid Olava / Coliseum / White Williams / Saviours / Animal Alpha / The Night Marchers / Lukestar / Nisennenmondai / Thom Hell / Rockettothesky / Pilooski / We / Grand Island / Luca C / Supersilent / Best Fwends / Silje Nes / Lars Horntveth / Årabrot / Lama / Jerry Bouthier / The Urges / Elephant9 / THE DiSCiPLiNES / El Cuero / Rumble in Rhodos / Dark Meat / Tommy Tokyo & Starving For My Gravy / Yoyoyo Acapulco / Tommy Tokyo / Noxagt / Subsonic / Haust / Gerilja / Pirate Love / Ingeborg Selnes / Sun O / Truls and the Trees / Kenge Kenge / Sigh And Explode / Kung Fu Girls / Original Silence / Philippe Lalanne / Master Piece Of Cake / Fitts For Fight / Tvang / go ahead drink drink / Tore Jazztobakk / diskJokke Band / rampant dogs / iconoclastic / Electric Lane / Roger Grsberg & the Anti-music Bonanza
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Diplo / The National / Iron & Wine / Fleet Foxes / Lykke Li / Sigur Rós / José González / Janelle Monáe / Metronomy / N.E.R.D. / Cut Copy / Mogwai / Yeasayer / A-Trak / Bigbang / My Bloody Valentine / The Whitest Boy Alive / Girl Talk / Boys Noize / Fat Freddy's Drop / The Presets / Ane Brun / Okkervil River / Clipse / The Dodos / Booka Shade / Jamie Lidell / Drive-By Truckers / Los Campesinos! / HEALTH / Bonnie 'Prince' Billy / Ida Maria / The Sword / The Notwist / Grinderman / No Age / Håkan Hellström / Dirty Pretty Things / Claude VonStroke / El Guincho / A Place To Bury Strangers / Lindstrøm / The Sonics / The Field / Sonic Youth / Holy Fuck / Mayhem / Kid Sister / Turbonegro / Buraka Som Sistema / Sunn O))) / Kaizers Orchestra / Lightspeed Champion / Dengue Fever / The Ocean / Casiokids / The Wave Pictures / Moddi / Telepathe / The Death Set / LA Riots / Konono n°1 / Grand Archives / The Mae Shi / Les Petits Pilous / Howl / Raga Rockers / Stella Mwangi / Keep of Kalessin / The Shining / Diskjokke / Strip Steve / Ingrid Olava / Isis / Coliseum / Animal Alpha / White Williams / Saviours / Thom Hell / Nisennenmondai / The Night Marchers / Pilooski / Lukestar / Rockettothesky / We / Subsonic / Grand Island / Luca C / Supersilent / Lama / Årabrot / Best Fwends / Silje Nes / Lars Horntveth / Jerry Bouthier / Elephant9 / The Urges / El Cuero / THE DiSCiPLiNES / Tommy Tokyo / Rumble in Rhodos / Tommy Tokyo & Starving For My Gravy / Dark Meat / Yoyoyo Acapulco / Noxagt / Gerilja / Haust / Pirate Love / Ingeborg Selnes / Sun O / Truls and the Trees / Sigh And Explode / Kung Fu Girls / Kenge Kenge / Original Silence / Master Piece Of Cake / Philippe Lalanne / Fitts For Fight / Tvang / go ahead drink drink / rampant dogs / Electric Lane / diskJokke Band / Tore Jazztobakk / iconoclastic / Roger Grsberg & the Anti-music Bonanza
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"Roskilde Festival" / Jay-Z / Anti-Flag / At The Gates / Campbell Brothers / Hot Chip / Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings / Slayer / DSL / Path Of No Return / Loungeclash / Islam B / Supersilent / Henrik Hall / Babylove & The Van Dangos / Kim Gronborg / Lars Frost / Peter Laugesen / Ian Ion / Tina Dicklow / Tone / Miss Platnum / Von Hertzen Brothers / Jay Reatard / The Black Seeds / Awadi / Culcha Candela / A Kid Hereafter / Lulu Rouge / Fuck Buttons / Cat Power / Bonnie "Prince" Billy / Bob Hund / Enter Shikari / Digitalism
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Kings Of Leon / Radiohead / MGMT / Jay-Z / Lupe Fiasco / M.I.A. / Band of Horses / Neil Young / Lykke Li / Chemical Brothers / Hot Chip / José González / Santigold / Gnarls Barkley / Bullet for My Valentine / Cat Power / Robyn / The Ting Tings / Duffy / Goldfrapp / Yeasayer / Mogwai / Judas Priest / Slayer / Kate Nash / Gossip / The Streets / Digitalism / Tokyo Police Club / Fedde le Grand / Girl Talk / My Bloody Valentine / CocoRosie / Enter Shikari / Battles / The Raveonettes / The Dø / Skream / The Asteroids Galaxy Tour / Clutch / Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings / Anti-Flag / Dan Deacon / Alphabeat / Seasick Steve / Bonnie 'Prince' Billy / Liars / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Efterklang / No Age / The Notwist / Black Mountain / Grinderman / Fuck Buttons / Orishas / Holy Fuck / Joan As Police Woman / Job for a Cowboy / Culcha Candela / Choir of Young Believers / Swollen Members / At The Gates / The Black Seeds / The Duke Spirit / Frisco / Lady Saw / Shantel / Tina Dico / Nicole Atkins / AaRON / When Saints Go Machine / The Hellacopters / Teitur / Dengue Fever / L.O.C. / Casiokids / Beardyman / Familjen / Boy Better Know / Vieux Farka Toure / Burhan G / Miss Platnum / Count & Sinden / Veto / Slagsmålsklubben / Säkert! / Motorpsycho / Queen Ifrica / Shackleton / Fashion / Wildbirds & Peacedrums / Bob Hund / Lulu Rouge / DJ Disse / Polarkreis 18 / Boom Clap Bachelors / Dunkelbunt / Spleen United / Mugison / Cadence Weapon / Canon Blue / Tone / Lucy Love / Rotten Sound / Raunchy / Bloodgroup / Von Hertzen Brothers / Tumi and the Volume / Juan Formell y los Van Van / Various Production / Orquestra Imperial / Isam B / Extra Golden / Supersilent / Shantel & Bucovina Club Orkestar / Valravn / Sunburned Hand of the Man / Anthony Joseph & the Spasm Band / Badboe / Kiss Kiss Kiss / Jay Reatard / Solomon Burke / La Kinky Beat / La Shica / Grand / Krusseldorf / Shape of Broad Minds / Majors / The Good The Bad / DJ Scotch Egg / Rumble in Rhodos / 18th Dye / Campbell Brothers / The Late Parade / Fanfara Tirana / Maria Timm / Frederic Galliano / The River Phoenix / beta satan / Rumskib / Erik Levander / Wagner Pa / Babylove And The Van Dangos / Noize / Jong Pang / Jomi Massage / Henrik Hall / Press Play On Tape / Awadi / A Kid Hereafter / Troels Boberg / Ove-naxx / Freudian Slip / Kenge Kenge / Vira / Various Productions / Mamar Kassey / Spokfrevo Orquestra / ricoloop / Albertslund Terror Korps / PILGRIMZ / Path Of No Return / Maruosa / FredNukes / sleep with all your friends / Thesmashingpumpkins / Le Fiasko / Riffelsyndikatet / August Engkilde / Peter Laugesen / A Kid Hereafter in the Grinding Light / LOUNGECLASH! / The Brazierlights in the Window / Tivolis Symfoniorkester / Bogulta / Kirsten Ketsjer / Dee Pee / Ian Ion / MC Jabber / Klaus Lynggaard / A Kid Hereafter & the Slaves to Truth / Lars Frost / Yoke & Yohs / Osaka Invasion / Sidi Goma / Wagner P / Thomas Boberg / DJ Banel / Frdric Galliano / T.s. H_eg
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Cat Power / Mogwai / Converge / Tortoise / Prefuse 73 / Turbonegro / Shellac / Dead Meadow / Lightning Bolt / Envy / mclusky / Boredoms / Trans Am / Acid Mothers Temple / ENTRANCE / Sun City Girls / Lungfish / Isis / Part Chimp / Papa M / Sonic Boom / Growing / a Whisper in the Noise / Supersilent / Bobby Conn / Todd / arcwelder / Uzeda / Phillip Roebuck / Stinking Lizaveta / The Seconds / French Toast / Botnledja / Mike Watt and the Secondmen / Azita / Atombombpocketknife / The Dishes / James Orr Complex / Mike Watt and the Tom and Jerry Show
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