Supe's 2008 Concert History

Supe (pronounced "shoop") was originally formed in Japan back in 1999. Supe is a nu-metal band — created by vocalist and front-man "Kihiro", Supe was mostly just a fun project. "Guitarist, "ARI" and I were in high school together and he seemed to be the only guy I could talk "rock" to in Japan" says Kihiro. Their friendship and a shared drive for the stage eventually became the nucleus for Supe.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 17, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
The Maine / civet / Treaty Of Paris / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / Cobra Starship / Relient K / Oreskaband / Stick To Your Guns / We The Kings / Angels & Airwaves / Alesana / Between The Trees / August Burns Red / Protest the Hero / Now On / Blameshift / The Action Design / The Bronx / Norma Jean / Forever the Sickest Kids / Fighting The Villain / T.A.T / Reel Big Fish / The Pinkertones / Family Force 5 / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / The Lordz / 1997 / Farewell / Bring It Home / From First to Last / Paige Wood / Your Highness Electric / Street Dogs / Charlotte Sometimes / Entice / The Hooks / Against Me! / Greeley Estates / Shiragirl / Pennywise / The Briggs / Say No More / Set Your Goals / Valencia / Broadway Calls / Murs / Anberlin / Beat Union / Story of the Year / The Departed / Braille / Piotta / Shwayze / A Day To Remember / Say Anything / La Circa / Brave Citizens / As I Lay Dying / Supe / Horrorpops / Jeffree Star / Pierce the Veil / Evergreen Terrace / Love Equals Death / All That Remains / The Aggrolites / Every Time I Die / Miracle Dolls / Peter Distefano / Phathom / The Bleeding Irish / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / MC Chris / Von Iva / The Remus Lupins / The Academy Is... / The Color Fred / Rise Against / Katy Perry / Mayday Parade / The Devil Wears Prada / All Time Low / Confide / Four Year Strong / Bring Me The Horizon Show all bands
Home Depot Center Carson, California, United States
Jul 25, 2008
Supe The Clubhouse Music Venue Tempe, Arizona, United States
Jul 12, 2008
Supe Clicks Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Jul 06, 2008
Vans Warped Tour
"Vans Warped Tour" / Angels & Airwaves / Gym Class Heroes / Say Anything / Against Me! / 3OH!3 / The Aggrolites / The Audition / Alesana / Anberlin / Horrorpops / Beat Union / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / Between The Trees / The Briggs / Broadway Calls / The Bronx / Charlotte Sometimes / Cobra Starship / The Color Fred / The Devil Wears Prada / Evergreen Terrace / Every Time I Die / Fabulous Rudies / From First to Last / Greeley Estates / Katy Perry / The Lordz / Mayday Parade / MC Chris / Norma Jean / Oreskaband / Pierce the Veil / The Pinker Tones / Protest the Hero / Reel Big Fish / Relient K / Set Your Goals / Shwayze / Story of the Year / Street Dogs / We The Kings / A Day to Remember / As I Lay Dying / Bedouin Soundclash / black president / Blake / Family Force 5 / Farewell / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Higher / Hunter Revenge / Jack's Mannequin / The Secret Handshake / TAT / Valencia / The Pink Spiders / Tyga / Jet Lag Gemini / The Academy Is... / August Burns Red / Stick To Your Guns / Fight Fight Fight / Supe / Last Great Assault / Paramore / Entice Show all bands
Sam Houston Race Park Houston, Texas, United States
Show Duplicate for Jul 06, 2008
Jul 04, 2008
Supe Curtain Club Dallas, Texas, United States
Jul 03, 2008
Vans Warped Tour
"Vans Warped Tour" / Angels & Airwaves / Gym Class Heroes / Say Anything / Against Me! / 3OH!3 / The Aggrolites / The Audition / Alesana / Horrorpops / Anberlin / Beat Union / Between The Trees / The Briggs / Broadway Calls / The Bronx / Charlotte Sometimes / Cobra Starship / The Color Fred / The Devil Wears Prada / Evergreen Terrace / Every Time I Die / Fabulous Rudies / From First to Last / Greeley Estates / Katy Perry / The Lordz / Mayday Parade / MC Chris / Norma Jean / Oreskaband / Pierce the Veil / The Pinker Tones / Protest the Hero / Reel Big Fish / Relient K / Set Your Goals / Shwayze / Story of the Year / Street Dogs / We The Kings / A Day to Remember / August Burns Red / As I Lay Dying / Bedouin Soundclash / black president / Entice / Family Force 5 / Farewell / Fight Fight Fight / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Higher / Hunter Revenge / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / Jack's Mannequin / Paramore / Last Great Assault / The Secret Handshake / Stick To Your Guns / Supe / TAT / Jet Lag Gemini / Valencia / The Pink Spiders / Tyga / The Academy Is... / 1997 / The Maine Show all bands
Dos Equis Pavilion Dallas, Texas, United States
Jun 26, 2008
Vans Warped Tour
"Vans Warped Tour" / Angels & Airwaves / Gym Class Heroes / Say Anything / Against Me! / 3OH!3 / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / The Aggrolites / The Audition / Alesana / Anberlin / Beat Union / Between The Trees / The Briggs / Broadway Calls / The Bronx / Charlotte Sometimes / Cobra Starship / The Color Fred / The Devil Wears Prada / Evergreen Terrace / Every Time I Die / Fabulous Rudies / From First to Last / Greeley Estates / Horrorpops / Katy Perry / The Lordz / Mayday Parade / MC Chris / Norma Jean / Oreskaband / Pierce the Veil / The Pinker Tones / Protest the Hero / Reel Big Fish / Relient K / Set Your Goals / Shwayze / Story of the Year / Street Dogs / We The Kings / 1997 / The Action Design / A Day to Remember / August Burns Red / As I Lay Dying / Entice / All-American Rejects / Farewell / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Higher / Hunter Revenge / The Maine / Stick To Your Guns / Jeffree Star / TAT / Love Equals Death / Valencia / Supe / Jet Lag Gemini / Phathom / Tyga / The Academy Is... / Treaty Of Paris / Pennywise Show all bands
New Mexico St. Univ. Practice Field Las Cruces, New Mexico, United States
Show Duplicate for Jun 26, 2008
Jun 25, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / The Maine / Angels & Airwaves / Anberlin / August Burns Red / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Pennywise / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Alesana / Murs / Every Time I Die / Family Force 5 / Sirah / From First to Last / Jeffree Star / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Bronx / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Valencia / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / You, Me, & Everyone We Know / Braille / Tickle Me Pink / Farewell / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / Piotta / T.A.T / 1997 / Oreskaband / Midnight to Twelve / Jet Lag Gemini / The Lordz / Grime / Love Equals Death / The Action Design / Treaty Of Paris / Shiragirl / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Entice / Brave Citizens / Supe / Phathom / The Pinkertones / Paige Wood / Beyond The Citadel Of Coup de Grace / Her Fatal Flaw / What About Pluto? / Dust & Blood / Some Never Sleep / Shapes of Racecars / Defy Everything Show all bands
Ak-Chin Pavilion Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Show Duplicate for Jun 25, 2008
Jun 21, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / The Maine / Angels & Airwaves / Anberlin / August Burns Red / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Pennywise / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Alesana / Every Time I Die / Family Force 5 / From First to Last / Jeffree Star / Set Your Goals / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Bronx / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / The Higher / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / Chaser / Oreskaband / The Departed / The Hooks / The Lordz / Love Equals Death / The Action Design / Treaty Of Paris / Beat Union / The Remus Lupins / Animo / Allura / Brave Citizens / Supe / Peter Distefano / Miracle Dolls / The Hairdos Show all bands
Pier 30/32 San Francisco, California, United States
Jun 20, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day To Remember / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / The Maine / Angels & Airwaves / Anberlin / August Burns Red / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Pennywise / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Alesana / Every Time I Die / From First to Last / Jeffree Star / Set Your Goals / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Bronx / Mulatto / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / The Higher / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / Oreskaband / The Action Design / Treaty Of Paris / Beat Union / Brave Citizens / Supe / Hunter Revenge / Paige Wood / Planes Crash / Miracle Dolls / Your Highness Electric / The Remis Lupins Show all bands
  Photos   Setlists
Fairplex Pomona, California, United States

Photos from 2008 View All 2008 Photos

Vans Warped Tour 2008 on Jun 20, 2008 [875-small]

Vans Warped Tour 2008
Jun 20, 2008
 Pomona, California, United States
  Uploaded by Felix Joel Garcia

Alternative Rock
Hard Rock
Nu Metal
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