Stuntface Concert History

Welsh punkers STUNTFACE started life in May 1999, born from various defunct but legendarily dangerous punk rock bands from the Wrexham area. Playing their first show in November 1999 has led onto a hard, constant year round touring schedule including Ireland, Europe, countless appearances on the Holidays In The sun / Wasted festivals and tentative plans to attack the U.S.A. in the near future. Having played shows with such luminaries as Suicidal Tendencies, Poison Idea, D.

Date Concert Venue Location
Feb 21, 2025 –
Feb 22, 2025
Pentre Fest 2025
Dystopian Sun / Miserable Sinner / Judgement / Edd Case / Apollyon Rising / Edd Case / Mother Thunder / Edd Case / Collateral / Stuntface / Bad Earth / Toranaga / The Raging Mabels / Deliberate Miscarriage / Mike West And The Missing Links / Cry For Mercy / Victim Of Damp / Dxrk Winter Show all bands
Mcleans Pub Pentre, Wales, United Kingdom
Dec 08, 2007
Subhumans / Assert / Middle Finger Salute / Lowlife UK / Stuntface / Bug Central / Homebrew / One Man Down / Swine The Well Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Aug 09, 2007
The Adicts / Abrasive Wheels / The Animals / The Damned / Slade / Alabama 3 / The Vibrators / Leftöver Crack / UK Subs / The Adverts / Dwarves / Cockney Rejects / 999 / The Business / Subhumans / The Ruts / Anti-Nowhere League / Blood Or Whiskey /...
The Adicts / Abrasive Wheels / The Animals / The Damned / Slade / Alabama 3 / The Vibrators / Leftöver Crack / UK Subs / The Adverts / Dwarves / Cockney Rejects / 999 / The Business / Subhumans / The Ruts / Anti-Nowhere League / Blood Or Whiskey / Citizen Fish / Conflict / Varukers / Peacocks / Eddie and the Hot Rods / Sonic Boom Six / Vice Squad / Discipline / Deadline / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Los Fastidios / John Cooper Clarke / The King Blues / Penetration / The Lurkers / time again / Turbo A.C.'s / Neck / Funeral Dress / Howards Alias / Blitzkrieg / The Filaments / Captain Everything! / Stage Bottles / Mouthwash / Hard-Ons / Klasse Kriminale / Chas 'n' Dave / Splodgenessabounds / Suicide Bid / Special Duties / The JB Conspiracy / English Dogs / Rejected / Random Hand / Criminal Class / Pama International / Riot squad / The Last Resort / Pickled Dick / Shark Soup / Section 5 / Foreign Legion / Failsafe / The Restarts / Frank Sidebottom / TV Smith / John Otway / Hogwash / MDM / Intro5pect / Argy Bargy / Resistance 77 / Crack / Newtown Neurotics / Krawallbrder / The Lancashire Hotpots / On Trial / Forgotten / Grown At Home / Church of Confidence / Northern Uproar / Evil Conduct / APB / Buzzkill / Reazione / The Agitators / Pain / The Wall / Goldblade / Ghouls / Rory McLeod / External Menace / Pork Dukes / The Tights / Martha Tilston / Ari Up / Sick on the Bus / Dragster / No Choice / Kunt And The Gang / The Duel / Billy No Mates / Mr Shiraz / Intensified / Demob / Threats / Babar Luck / The Neville Staple Band / The Rebels / KrawallBrueder / Paranoid Visions / Instant Agony / BabyBoom / Duff Muffin / Outl4w / Urban Dogs / Blame / Matthew Reynolds / D.B.D / Strawberry Blondes / Captain Hotknives / Texas Terri Bomb / Scrub / Fire Exit / Picture Frame Seduction / Flamingo 50 / Hardskin / The Casual Terrorist / Roddy Radiation / East End Badoes / Wild Youth / Middle Finger Salute / Bastard Squad / Splitters. The / Smith And Jones / Paul Carter / The Straps / Choking Susan / Jonny One Lung / The Emotional Problems of Dirk Diggler / Guilty Pleasures / Holy Racket / Dirty Love / Sofa Head / Dik Guru / Stuntface / Barnyard Masturbator / The Kirkz / Nick Cash / The Dead Class / The Blaggers / Lowlife UK / Western Promise / Max Splodge / Kelly Kemp / Lay Out The Traps! / The Baghdaddio's / Harakiri Karaoke / Pink Hearse / The Booze Boys / Pink Torpedoes / Martha Tilson / CHEMICAL KAOS / Alias Smith & Jones / Havana A Go Go / Play Daisy / Monkish Show all bands
Winter Gardens Blackpool Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Apr 08, 2007
Sonic Boom Six / Ella / Weapons Of Brass Destruction / Random Hand / Anon / Pickled Dick / Young Guns / Catch-it Kebabs / Phinius Gage / Disarm / Mea Culpa / Illuminatus / Chronicles Of Adam West / Amenti / Plastic Toys / Soulfracture / Castor Tro...
Sonic Boom Six / Ella / Weapons Of Brass Destruction / Random Hand / Anon / Pickled Dick / Young Guns / Catch-it Kebabs / Phinius Gage / Disarm / Mea Culpa / Illuminatus / Chronicles Of Adam West / Amenti / Plastic Toys / Soulfracture / Castor Troy / No Consequence / From Almost The End / Rainbow of Death / Conscience / Patchwork Grace / Snub / Blueprint To A Downfall / Obsessive Compulsive / Drugdealer Cheerleader / Mia Hope / For Love and Hate / The Hand / Cinders Fall / WITH SCISSORS / Fate / Zen Motel / Mel Gimpsuit / Red; the Resistance / Gimble / Carrion of Vigrid / Stuntface / Sixty Mile Smile / Xmas Lights / Insofar / Thracia / Second In Line / Witchsorrow / SinTuition / Cromwell St. Show all bands
The Face Bar Reading, England, United Kingdom
Aug 10, 2006
Cock Sparrer / The Damned / The Exploited / The Adicts / Leftöver Crack / The Vibrators / The Selecter / The Slits / UK Subs / Capdown / The Business / GBH / Anti-Nowhere League / Blood Or Whiskey / Skeletal Family / Varukers / Sonic Boom Six / Vi...
Cock Sparrer / The Damned / The Exploited / The Adicts / Leftöver Crack / The Vibrators / The Selecter / The Slits / UK Subs / Capdown / The Business / GBH / Anti-Nowhere League / Blood Or Whiskey / Skeletal Family / Varukers / Sonic Boom Six / Vice Squad / Antidote / Deadline / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Los Fastidios / Total Chaos / Slaughter and the Dogs / Chelsea / Hazel O'Connor / Neck / Funeral Dress / One Way System / Captain Everything! / Stage Bottles / Red Alert / Adequate Seven / Guns On The Roof / Splodgenessabounds / JERRY'S KIDS / Eddie and the Hot Rods / Angel City Outcasts / Random Hand / Criminal Class / Pama International / Gorgeous / MDC / Riot squad / The Last Resort / Pickled Dick / Section 5 / Bones / Hugh Cornwell / The Lurkers / TV Smith / The Grit / Beerzone / MDM / Argy Bargy / Resistance 77 / Crack / Vöx Pöpüli / Church of Confidence / The Dead Pets / Buzzkill / Reazione / Pain / Subculture / Goldblade / Pork Dukes / Astronauts / Sick on the Bus / Viva Las Vegas / Vanilla Pod / Devilish Presley / The Duel / Notsensibles / Demob / 3dbs Down / The Red Eyes (UK) / Babar Luck / The Neville Staple Band / Knox / Molotov Cocktail / The Bleach Boys / Paranoid Visions / Uxb / Templeton Pek / The Agitators / BabyBoom / Down And Outs / Outl4w / Urban Dogs / Destructors / Skylar / Drongos For Europe / Crashed Out / Captain Hotknives / Saht / Dubtones / Texas Terri Bomb / Fire Exit / Flamingo 50 / Roddy Radiation / East End Badoes / P.O.G. / 3CR / The Blaggers / Bus Station Loonies / Garden Gang / Holy Racket / Pko / Bookstore / Glueball / Stuntface / Glen Matlock / Nick Cash / Max Splodge / New York Alcoholic Anxiety Attack / Kelly Kemp / VAS DEFERENS / Debrettes / The Straps / Sick 56 / Crack Howard / Spitting Dummies / CHEMICAL KAOS / The Mercury League / Rock and Roll Gypsies / The United Kingdom of America / Mouth Guard / Arthur Kitchener / Attila the Stockbroker Show all bands
Winter Gardens Blackpool Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
May 19, 2005
Splodgenessabounds / The Crabs / Instant Agony / Skyular / Stuntface / Boobietrap

Wasted 2005 Carleton Thursday

The Carleton Morecambe, UK
Show Duplicates for May 19, 2005
Jun 19, 2003
The Damned / Big D And The Kids Table / The Adicts / Leftöver Crack / The Vibrators / The Slits / The Real McKenzies / UK Subs / T.S.O.L. / Nerf Herder / 999 / The Business / GBH / Youth Brigade / Angry Samoans / Anti-Nowhere League / Blood Or Whi...
The Damned / Big D And The Kids Table / The Adicts / Leftöver Crack / The Vibrators / The Slits / The Real McKenzies / UK Subs / T.S.O.L. / Nerf Herder / 999 / The Business / GBH / Youth Brigade / Angry Samoans / Anti-Nowhere League / Blood Or Whiskey / Poison Idea / Citizen Fish / Cock Sparrer / Varukers / Discipline / Antidote / The Boys / Deadline / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Total Chaos / Slaughter and the Dogs / The Virus / The Lurkers / Greenland Whalefishers / Neck / Funeral Dress / King Prawn / Menace / Abrasive Wheels / One Way System / Captain Everything! / Lightyear / Defiance / Red Alert / Jesse James / Major Accident / nocomply / Splodgenessabounds / Special Duties / Iron Cross / Pistol Grip / The Foamers / Criminal Class / Haggis / Channel 3 / MDC / Foreign Legion / Hardcor-e / 4ft Fingers / TV Smith / Beerzone / Five Knuckle / MDM / Phinius Gage / Argy Bargy / Resistance 77 / Crack / Vöx Pöpüli / Reazione / The Agitators / Expelled / Goldblade / Da Skywalkers / Pork Dukes / Sick on the Bus / The Krays / Mad Parade / Fletcher / Ga$h / Midnight Creeps / Red Flag 77 / Demob / The Red Eyes (UK) / The Warriors / The Skels / The Pits / Molotov Cocktail / Ny Rel-x / Sidekick / Drongos For Europe / The Filaments / Skint / Crashed Out / Skeptix / Assert / Star Strangled Bastards / Billyclub / Savage Circle / The Negatives / Anti Maniax / Sensa Yuma / X-Possibles / Glueball / Effervescent! / Stuntface / Poundaflesh / Capo Regime / Swellbellys / Striknien D.C / Crucified Venus / Shove It / Apocalypse Babys / Uncle Fester / Brigade O.D. / Synko / Worm Show all bands
The Dome Morecambe, UK
Jul 20, 2002
Holidays In The Sun 2002 - Day 2 of 3
The Dickies / TV Smith / The Gonads / Beerzone / Demob / Bus Station Loonies / Deadline / Zero Tolerance / The Virus / Dead Pets / Instant Agony / Age Of Chaos / The Exploited / Anti-Nowhere League / UK Subs / Peter & The Test Tube Babies / 999 / U.S. Bombs / The Skeptix / Total Chaos / The Vibrators / The Templars / Undead / Antidote / Pink Torpedoes / Suicidal Tendencies / DRI (Dirty Rotten Imbeciles) / Down By Law / Assert / Knuckledust / Freebase / Glueball / The Filaments / Stuntface / New York Rel-X / Adolf & The Piss Artists Show all bands
Blackpool Winter Gardens Blackpool, England, United Kingdom

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Wasted 2005 - Day 1 of 4 on May 19, 2005 [746-small]

Wasted 2005 - Day 1 of 4
May 19, 2005
 Morecambe, UK
  Uploaded by Rut

Wasted 2005 - Day 1 of 4 on May 19, 2005 [708-small]

Wasted 2005 - Day 1 of 4
May 19, 2005
 Morecambe, UK
  Uploaded by Rut

Pop Punk
Melodic Hardcore
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Progressive Trance
Uplifting Trance
Progressive Uplifting Trance
Deep Uplifting Trance
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2025 1 concert
2007 3 concerts
2006 1 concert
2005 1 concert
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 Andy Kennesion

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