Student Film Concert History

Formed in 2003 in Norman, Oklahoma, Student Film is a busy little band from the dusty Midwest. Their new record, Generator, Operator, Destroyer comes out in Fall 2008 on Little Mafia. Student Film has shared the stage with the likes of Pinback, the Starlight Mints, Jeremy Egnik, Shearwater, Eagles of Death Metal, the Octopus Project, Caribou, Mirah, Ilya, the Paperchase and many more. Look for them on tour this summer.

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 22, 2016
Norman Music Festival
"Norman Music Festival" / Tallows / Oil Boom / GUM / The Hitt Boyz / Michael Huff / Ali Harter / Carly Gwin / Joe Mack / Milo / Power Trip / Deerpeople / Gabriel Knight Hancock / Jabee / Helen Kelter Skelter / Ester Drang / Locust Avenue / Bloody Knives / Sierra Rose / Ghetto Ghouls / Feel Spectres / Naturalist / Darden Pierce / Costello / Travis Linville & The Burtschi Bro / Wess McMichael / Honey / Student Film / Algebra / Brother Gruesome / JUNEBUG SPADE / Autumn Ray / The Bourgeois / Speak Memory / Giraffe Massacre / Limp Wizurdz / Matthew Stratton / Hidden Ritual Show all bands
Downtown Norman Norman, Oklahoma, United States
Apr 28, 2011 –
Apr 30, 2011
Norman Music Festival 2011 @ Downtown Norman, Ok
Ty Segall / White Denim / The Walkmen / Other Lives / Broncho / Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears / Keller Williams / THE GUNSHIP / John Moreland / Daniel / Audra Mae / Kylie Morgan / Neighborhood / Hex / Skating Polly / Colour Revolt / Stardeath and White Dwarfs / The Damn Quails / The Burning Hotels / Lumerians / Colourmusic / Unwed Sailor / Monte Negro / Horse Thief / Non / Josh Sallee / Ok Sweetheart / Peelander-Z / The Trishas / Debris / Ali Harter / Los Hollywood / Rainbows Are Free / Deerpeople / Chrome Pony / Bulletproof Tiger / Carter Sampson / Travis Linville / traindodge / Foot Patrol / Beau Jennings / The Boom Bang / Sherree Chamberlain / Psychotic Reaction / Montú / Soye / Pretty Black Chains / The Luna Moth / thirteen stars / Dustin Prinz / JUNEBUG SPADE / K.C. Clifford / Chase Kerby / Mama Sweet / Love Collector / Dr. Pants / Ben Kilgore / Nathan Brown / Tony Romanello / The Stuffies / Native Lights / Followed By Static / Student Film / Penny Hill / Camille Harp / Brendan Parker / The Rockettops / Monty Harper / Vandevander / Kite Flying Robot / The Wurly Birds / John Calvin / Green Corn Revival / Depth & Current / Scott Hartman / O Fidelis / Denver Duncan / The Copperheads / Gentle Ghost / Hush Hush, Commotion / Saturday Sirens / The Rum Fellows / The Nghiems / The Electric Primadonnas / Jd Thompson / Brother Gruesome / Black Canyon / Brad Fielder / Bottle Service / Locust Avenue / Brine Webb / Klipspringer / Will Gardner / The Purple Church / Easy Lovers / Daniel Walcher / Glister / Dorian Small / Jacob Abello / Pidgin Band / Addlib / Crown Imperial / The Gentle Art of Floating / Bloody Ol' Mule / Love Button / Magnificent Bird / Rats Rats Rats / Ryan Lawson / Frmr / Rude Amps / Samurai Conquistadors / The Workweek / Flatland Travelers / Resident Funk / Scales Of Motion / Russell Kabir / Travis Pierce / Caravact / Brotherbear / Shitty / Unmarked Cars / The Mimsies / The Gussissin / Anna Kinder / Riley Jantzen / Bitchwizard / Zombie Vs. Shark / Acoustic Ross / Of the Tower / Syloken / A Fate Far Worse / Los Hijos Del Diablo / Tim Jennings / Psymbience / Tod Barrett / Emory Grey / The Needlepoints Show all bands
Downtown Norman, Ok Norman, OK, US
Apr 24, 2010 –
Apr 25, 2010
Norman Music Festival 2010
Dirty Projectors / Electric Six / The Sword / Broncho / Leon Russell / the Gourds / Graham Colton / James McMurtry / The Octopus Project / Those Darlins / Audra Mae / Ishi / Edan / Indian Jewelry / The Burning Hotels / Grupo Fantasma / Colourmusic / T.I.P. / Li'l Cap'n Travis / Evangelicals / Unwed Sailor / Wild Moccasins / Non / Current / Ali Harter / Psychedelic Horseshit / Red Alert / The Orbans / Deerpeople / Bear Colony / Eagle claw / Rainbows Are Free / Debris / Chase Pagan / The Hillbenders / Radiant / Hosty / traindodge / Dikes Of Holland / The Boom Bang / The City Lives / Beau Jennings / Chuck Allen Floyd / Sherree Chamberlain / Maggie McClure / Marcy Priest / Paul Benjaman Band / Lost at Sea / Montú / JUNEBUG SPADE / Sugar Free Allstars / Odis / Dustin Prinz / Psychotic Reaction / Mama Sweet / Dead Sea Choir / Student Film / Native Lights / Fate Lions / The Panda Resistance / Shane Henry / Fiawna Forte / John Calvin / Depth & Current / Kite Flying Robot / Camille Harp / Green Corn Revival / Dante Schmitz / Wondernaut / The Copperheads / Venus Bogardus / Jesse Aycock / Hush Hush, Commotion / Gentle Ghost / mayola / Son Del Barrio / Brother Gruesome / Locust Avenue / Anvil Salute / Easy Lovers / Bloody Ol' Mule / Daniel Walcher / Cécada / Jacob Abello / Brine Webb / Klipspringer / Ghost Of Monks-hood / Scales Of Motion / Social Klash / Brad Fielder / Love Button / The Workweek / Miss Blues / HipHopotamus / Katie Mariah / Shitty / Zombie Vs. Shark / Plaid Rabbit / Radio Deception / Dylan Hammett / Berkeley To D.C. Show all bands
Downtown Norman Main St. Norman, Oklahoma, United States
Oct 03, 2009
The Walkmen / Student Film Meacham Auditorium, University of Oklahoma Norman, OK, US
Apr 25, 2009
Norman Music Festival 2009
of Montreal / The Black Angels / Other Lives / Man Man / Todd Snider / Tea Leaf Green / THE GUNSHIP / Stardeath and White Dwarfs / Starlight Mints / The Absolute / Brandon Jenkins / The Uglysuit / Galapagos / Crocodile / Travis Linville / Blue Turtle Seduction / El Paso Hot Button / Mama Sweet / Separation / Dead Sea Choir / Student Film / Camille Harp / Gentle Ghost / Hush Hush, Commotion / Lemma / mayola / Early Beat / Locust Avenue / Resident Funk / Ford Chastain / Sheree Chamberlain / Here Is There Show all bands
Norman Music Festival Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
Apr 09, 2006
Wall Of Sound Festival
"Wall Of Sound Festival" / Faux Fox / Radiant / Super Love Attack / Shanghai 5 / Smile Smile / Okkervil River / Man Factory / George Neal / Student Film / The Hero Factor / El Gato / Collin Herring / The Burning Hotels / Baboon / A-hummin' Acoustical Acupuncture / STUMPTONE / Starlight Mints / Berry / Black Tie Dynasty / The Deathray Davies / The Czars / The Dark Romantics / Chemistry Set / Crushed Stars / Sorta / Octopus Project / Happy Bullets / Red Animal War / The Golden Falcons / Darth Vato / Deadman / What Made Milwaukee Famous / Soft Environmental Collapse / Calhoun / Theatre Fire / [DARYL] / Stella Maris / Jet Screamer Show all bands
Ridglea Theater Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Indie Rock
Okc Indie
2016 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2010 1 concert
2009 2 concerts
2006 1 concert
 Matthew Walter
 Michael Melvin 95
 Adam Seely

As Seen On: