Still Flyin''s 2012 Concert History

More of a collective than an actual rock band, Still Flyin' is the brainchild of singer/songwriter Sean Rawls, who formed it in late 2004 in San Francisco after relocating there from Athens, GA, in 2003. Rawls was inspired to put the group together by a song he had written with a member of Je Suis France, "Never Gonna Touch the Ground." To jam on the song, he invited a wide range of friends to rehearse, resulting in an ever-shifting personnel of upwards of 15 musicians and singers at a time, performing locally.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 01, 2012
Still Flyin' / Joseph Bell / Dial-up First Avenue and 7th St Entry - 7th St Entry Room Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Jun 26, 2012
Still Flyin' Black Cat Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Jun 05, 2012
Still Flyin' / Marina
Uebel & Gefährlich Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
May 21, 2012
Still Flyin' / Poppy Perezz / Cosines
The Lexington London, England, United Kingdom
May 18, 2012
Liverpool Sound City
"Liverpool Sound City" / The Temper Trap / Michael Kiwanuka / White Denim / Niki & The Dove / Lower Than Atlantis / Eugene McGuinness / The Jezabels / Charli XCX / Pond / Clock Opera / Don Broco / White Arrows / Yukon Blonde / Jake Bugg / Bear In Heaven / Post War Years / Mugstar / Wet Nuns / Jonquil / Said the Whale / Swiss Lips / The Shields / Vukovi / Fine Young Firecrackers / Still Flyin' / Ben Caplan / The Bendal Interlude / Bird / Bow And Arrow / Bwani Junction / Catfish and the Bottlemen / Cheap Thrills / Daytona Lights / Dead Cities / Dead Wolf Club / Dinosaur Bones / Elmo And The Styx / Farryl Purkiss / Funeral Suits / Get Back Colquitt / Bad Pop / Iktsuarpok / Inland Sea / Johnny Sands / Kazimier Krunk Band / Kestrels / The Lake Poets / The Marginals / Lilliput / Mammal Club / Man Get Out / Millions / Mind Mountain / Oliver Tank / Patterns / People of K / Pete & the Harmonics / Ratty Little Fingers / Reptile Youth / Revere / Salem Rages / Scams / Slow Down, Molasses / Some Community / Spring Offensive / Step-Panther / Strike / The Dead Class / The Red Suns / The Second Grace / The Union Dolls / The Vermin Suicides / Thomas Speight / We Are Animal Show all bands
Various Venues Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
May 17, 2012 –
May 19, 2012
Liverpool Sound City Festival 2012
alt-J / Charli XCX / The Temper Trap / Michael Kiwanuka / Jake Bugg / James Vincent McMorrow / Catfish and the Bottlemen / Electric Guest / Django Django / Professor Green / Alkaline Trio / Mystery Jets / White Denim / Pond / Dan Croll / Peace / Death In Vegas / Slow Club / The Jezabels / Still Corners / Niki & The Dove / Don Broco / Last Dinosaurs / Ghostpoet / Tim Hecker / Lower Than Atlantis / Willy Mason / Bear In Heaven / Low Roar / The Wedding Present / Kids In Glass Houses / Bleached / Forest Swords / Toy / Fossil Collective / Princess Chelsea / Coma / All We Are / Chew Lips / Algiers / Yukon Blonde / Theme Park / White Arrows / Oliver Tank / Jinja Safari / Clock Opera / Arcane Roots / Eugene McGuinness / Willis Earl Beal / Jonquil / Patterns / Melé / fiN / Dave Hause / PINS / Lulu James / Toys / D/R/U/G/S / Shields / Gush / Fitz / Kasst / The History of Apple Pie / Concrete Knives / The Daydream Club / Owls / W.I.M. / Fixers / Library Voices / Ahab / The Heartbreaks / Bird / Waa Wei / The Lake Poets / Post War Years / The Midnight Youth / The Computers / Be Forest / Millions / Big Sleep / Sweet Billy Pilgrim / Crash of Rhinos / Still Flyin' / Sietta / Bad Pop / Bwani Junction / Chelcee Grimes / Kites / Dinosaur Bones / Mugstar / Cheap Thrills / Hey Sholay / People in the Box / Towns / Ben Caplan & the Casual Smokers / The Invaders / People of K / Flip Grater / Emma-louise / By the Sea / The Folks / Ej / Golden Fable / Jethro Fox / Pikachunes / Inland Sea / I am Dive / Crusades / Sissy & The Blisters / Kestrels / Goodnight Lenin / Esco Williams / Farryl Purkiss / Cazadores / Fabrizio Cammarata / Bleeding Heart Narrative / Highfields / Ben Salter / Slow Down, Molasses / Jackson Firebird / We Are Animal / Coffee & Cakes for Funerals / Bonfire Nights / I Dream In Colour / Peggy Hsu / Daytona Lights / Common Tongues / The Hideaways / Mammal Club / Death at Sea / Fine Young Firecrackers / Ninetails / The Bendal Interlude / Like Spinning / The Bowers / Lilliput / Pete Bentham & The Dinner Ladies / Johnny Sands / Ironside / Bow & Arrow / Ghost Outfit / Manuka / Clutter / Dead Wolf Club / Dead Cities / Alex Hulme / Man Get Out / Luke Fenlon / Oxygen Thieves / Flat Back Four / Jay Stansfield / Broken Lungs / Mont Blanc / Get Back Colquitt / Nokies / Sun Drums / Peter & The Harmonics / Jazzhands / Ex Easter Island Head / Heartbeat Parade / Hugh Keice / Anna-Anna / The Ratty Little Fingers / Elmo & the Styx / Mind Mountain / Barbieshop / Monkey Pilot / Jessie Rose / Long Finger Bandits / Kazimier Krunk Band / Blunt Truth / Hey Carrianne / Jeanclaudegoddamn / Miss Stylie / Iktsuarpok / Milla and the Geeks / Artwork & Mc Pokes / Daniel Kuhle / Faceless Nation Show all bands
Liverpool Sound City Festival 2012 Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Show Duplicate for May 17, 2012
Apr 15, 2012
PCL presents Stag & Dagger
White Denim / The Phantom Band / Django Django / Passenger / A Plastic Rose / To Kill A King / The New Piccadillys / Vigo Thieves / Chasing Owls / Will Hanson / Eleanor Friedberger / Washington Irving / Willy Mason / White Arrows / Post War Years / Still Corners / Jonquil / Niki & The Dove / Miaoux Miaoux / Random Impulse / Bear In Heaven / EMA / Forest Swords / Adam Stafford / Bwani Junction / Milk Music / Holy Mountain / Michael Anguish / Hot Panda / Honeyblood / The Heartbreaks / Die Hard / Ryan Keen / Holy Esque / Still Flyin' / HIDDEN MASTERS / Discopolis Show all bands
  Photos   Setlists
Various Venues Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Photos from 2012 View All 2012 Photos

PCL presents Stag & Dagger  on Apr 15, 2012 [774-small]

PCL presents Stag & Dagger
Apr 15, 2012
 Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Dosh

PCL presents Stag & Dagger  on Apr 15, 2012 [775-small]

PCL presents Stag & Dagger
Apr 15, 2012
 Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Dosh

Indie Rock
San Francisco
2016 4 concerts
2012 7 concerts
2011 9 concerts
2010 6 concerts
2009 32 concerts
2008 6 concerts
2007 6 concerts
2006 1 concert
2005 5 concerts
 Sacramento Shows
 Darrenof Sydney
 Buz Zann
 Shania Blanton
 Bryan P.
 Jen Pope
 Dan Stapleton
 Ashleigh Huber
 Virginia H
 Peter De Vries

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