Steel Attack Concert History

Formed in the beginning of 1995 in Sala Sweden by guitarist John Allan. In 1998 Steel Attack recorded their first demo-tape and sent it to different labels in Europe and signed a record deal with AFM Records in June 1998 and the debut album "where mankind fails" was recorded in Studio Underground, co-produced by Pelle Saether and released in 1999. The press agreed the album was maybe not a masterpiece, but a warning for what to come.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 19, 2008
Rock Weekend
"Rock Weekend" / Alice Cooper / Thin Lizzy / Firewind / The Heat / Lion's Share / Dead By April / Soilwork / Nightrage / Babylon Bombs / Steel Attack / Gasoline Queen / Dawn of Silence
Kilafors Mansion Kilafors, Sweden
May 03, 2008
Steel Attack / Dawn of Silence

Steel Attack + Dawn of Silence

Tantogården Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden
Apr 05, 2002 –
Apr 06, 2002
March Metal Meltdown 2002
Manowar / Saxon / Cannibal Corpse / Diamond Head / D.R.I / Nuclear Assault / Dark Funeral / Dying Fetus / Incantation / Arch Enemy / Skinless / Fleshgrind / Macabre / Virgin Steele / Mastodon / Burnt By the Sun / Shai Hulud / Pissing Razors / A Life Once Lost / The Crown / Pessimist / Twiztid / Wolfpac / Bongzilla / Scar Culture / Chthonic / Defiled / Gargantua Soul / George is Dead / Ceremonium / Liquid Violence / Insatanity / Rest in Peace / Rune / Lethal Aggression / Deceased / Cadaver Inc. / Skudd / Beheaded / December / Eastwing / Dementianon / Skinslip / Flawd / Saphic Code / Law / Down Driven / Method Zero / Gothic Knights / October 31 / Tapping the Vein / Mortality / Blitzkrieg / Witchfynde / Nightmare / Emok / Utopia Banished / Carv / Episode One / Charnel House / All Boro Kings / The Hoods / Anybody Killa / Blaze / M16 / Reflux / Ankxt / Sic Seed / Beyond The Flesh / Gorehammer / Dead End / Red Right Hand / 137 / 5ive / Kalibas / Halo / Amber Asylum / Anal Blast / Disinter / Antipathy / SFSF / Filth Porn / Protect the Head / Vesperian Sorrow / Eviserate / Dick Delicious & The Tasty Testicles / Blackfate / Bloodthrone / Deteriorot / Putrilage / Dragon Green / The Fallen / Incinerate / Sorrow's End / Havochate / Impaler / Beyond the Embrace / Cryptameria / Haiz Rail / Ground Swell / Endever / Bludgeon / Rob Rock / Steel Attack / Artch / Ink Lip / Pow7 / Core Device / Anguish In Exile / Forest Gloom / Abdullah / Terrabyte / Distrust / Thyk / CSDO / Grey Skies Fallen / Wicked Habit / Under Threat / Xbreed / Leukorrhea / The Step Kings Show all bands
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Asbury Park Convention Hall Asbury Park, New Jersey, United States
Aug 04, 2000 –
Aug 05, 2000
Wacken Open Air 2000
Dezperadoz / Agathodaimon / Ancient / Angel Witch / Annihilator / Artillery / Black Sweden / Black Label Society / Blaze Bayley / Breaker / Chantal Chevalier / Dark at Dawn / Dark Age / Dark Funeral / Dee Snider / Demon / Doro / Deranged / Late Nite Romeo / Praying Mantis / Engine / Entombed / Freedom Call / Gamma Ray / Gaskin / Grim Reaper / Hades / Heir Apparent / Hypocrisy / Iced Earth / Immolation / Jacob’s Dream / Knorkator / Labyrinth / Nightwish / Liege Lord / Lizzy Borden / Lock Up / Marduk / Molly Hatchet / Morbid Angel / Mob Rules / Nightmare / Skew Siskin / October 31 / Overkill / Pain / Pink Cream 69 / Praying Mantis / Raise Hell / Rhapsody / Rose Tattoo / Royal Hunt / Samson / Savage / Sentenced / Six Feet Under / Venom / Zakk Wylde / Solstice / Spiritual Beggars / Squealer / Steel Attack / Stratovarius / Testament / Tom Angelripper / Twisted Tower Dire / Umbra et Imago / Vader / Vanishing Point Show all bands
Wacken Open Air 25596 Wacken, Germany
Show Duplicates for Aug 04, 2000

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March Metal Meltdown 2002 on Apr 5, 2002 [588-small]

March Metal Meltdown 2002
Apr 5 - 6, 2002
 Asbury Park, New Jersey, United States
  Uploaded by C.Ell Arts

March Metal Meltdown 2002 on Apr 5, 2002 [587-small]

March Metal Meltdown 2002
Apr 5 - 6, 2002
 Asbury Park, New Jersey, United States
  Uploaded by C.Ell Arts

Heavy Metal
Speed Metal
Power Metal
Melodic Metal
Symphonic Metal
Neo Classical Metal
Symphonic Power Metal
Neo-Trad Metal
Swedish Power Metal
Melodic Power Metal
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2008 2 concerts
2002 1 concert
2000 1 concert
 Ollie Assault
 Rob Holland
 C.Ell Arts
 Chris Casey
 Walther La Nicols
 Markus G.

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