Start of the End Concert History

A French Deathcore band from Cambrai in the north, near Belgium.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 12, 2004
BetiZFest 2004
Knuckledust / Bloodshot / Burn The Lies / Do Or Die / Drowning / LAWSTREET 16 / Nostradamus0014 / Perkiz / Start of the End
Eclipse Cambrai, France
Jun 14, 2003
Betizfest 2003
Born From Pain / Amain / Black Vampire / Burn The Lies / Es La Guerilla / Firestorm / L'Esprit du Clan / Never Face Defeat / Start of the End
Eclipse Cambrai
Death Metal
Brutal Death Metal
Brutal Deathcore
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2004 1 concert
2003 1 concert

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