Springdale Quartet's 2014 Concert History

Formed in a time when the definition of “live music” seems in constant flux, Colorado’s Springdale Quartet may upon first inspection seem slightly out of place with some of their contemporaries. Their sound and style, based foremost on a compositional foundation with its roots in the jazz and blues traditions, has been described at times as “vintage”. But the real stuff- the music itself- cannot be so readily labeled. Drawing additionally from the musical institutions of Heavy organ...

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 04, 2014
Springdale Quartet Cervantes' Other Side Denver, Colorado, United States
Jan 09, 2014
Turkuaz / Springdale Quartet / In Due Time

Turkuaz / Springdale Quartet at Fox Theatre

Fox Theatre Boulder, Colorado, United States
Bow Pop
Cello Ensemble
2014 2 concerts
2013 1 concert
2012 2 concerts
2011 1 concert
2010 5 concerts
2009 2 concerts
2008 4 concerts
 B Fay
 Dubu Soop
 Whitney Testa

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