Southlands Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 10, 2012 –
Aug 11, 2012
Out of Spite XII 2012
The Caves / Great Cynics / The Bangers / Arteries / The Magnificent / Above Them / Rivals / Attack! Vipers! / Leagues Apart / Milloy / Bear Trade / Well Wisher / Wooderson / A Page of Punk / Southlands
Brudenell Social Club Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Sep 17, 2011
Southsea Fest 2011
Kyla La Grange / Dry the River / Matthew and the Atlas / Fionn Regan / Pete and The Pirates / Kill it Kid / Clock Opera / Beans on Toast / Fear of Men / Johnny Foreigner / The Xcerts / Trophy Wife / Paper Aeroplanes / Treetop Flyers / Polarsets / Contra / Kal Lavelle / Adam Barnes / The Miserable Rich / Foe / Tangled Hair / Muncie Girls / Worship / The Caves / Sound of Rum / Race Horses / Fiona Bevan / Hymns / Jake Morley / Kassassin Street / Dead Rabbits / Stagecoach / My First Tooth / The Bangers / Final Flash / Antonio Lulic / Gideon Conn / Arteries / GLASS (OFFICIAL) / PLANES / Charlotte Carpenter / Bear Cavalry / Cold In Berlin / Bleeding Heart Narrative / Curxes / Jack Palmer / A Genuine Freakshow / Jumping Ships / Laura Day / Pris / Toxic Shock / Dawn Chorus / Down And Outs / The Boy I Used to Be / Milloy / Attack! Vipers! / The B of the Bang / The Mariners / calvinball. / Stinger / Hero and Leander / Belligerence / Apollo's Arrows / Polio / Ok Pilot / Rash Decision / Al Joshua / White Powder Gold / Ed Wood / Unknown Soldiers / The Woe Betides / Kelly Kemp / Talkers / Hometown Show / Stephen Long / Glass Avalanche / Eden in Vain / Guilt Coins / Luke Ferre Band / Dragon Eye Morrison / Southlands / Watashi Calcutecs / Aeroplane Attack / Under the Laurels / Beau Brummel / Anthony Love / Lindsey West / Caz Batten Show all bands
Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Show Duplicate for Sep 17, 2011
Oct 09, 2010
Chris Kight / Chris Knight / The Bullhaulers / Southlands
Knuckleheads Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Chicano Rap
2012 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2010 1 concert
 Migraine Boy
 A Badger Faced Man

As Seen On: