Sour Soul's 2011 Concert History

Sour Soul is a four piece indie/psych rock act formed in Mexico City in 2007. They quickly built a loyal following by delivering high energy performances. In 2008, the band released it's debut album entitled Liquid Sky Divers, which was co-produced by Stephen Stuart Short. Sour Soul re-released the album in 2010 with 5 new tracks produced by themselves.

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 12, 2011 –
Mar 13, 2011
San Diego IndieFest 2011
AWOLNATION / We Are Scientists / White Apple Tree / The Green Children / Audible Mainframe / Vokab Kompany / Vanaprasta / Shaimus / Acidic / Love Darling / Sour Soul / Todo Mundo / Gayle Skidmore / The New Up / Inheritance / Republic of Letters / Theta Naught / citabria / Black Party Politics / Kenny Eng / Joseph Pfeifer / Sister Speak / Danielle Lopresti And The Masses / Rhythm and the Method / May Stands Still / Mike De La Rocha / Monette Marino Keita / Lenny Morris / Brianna Conroy / Alexa Narvaez / The New Assembly / Emily Tessmer / Simeon Flick / Sheila Sondergard / Natalya Phillips / Bmartini / Reverend Stickman / Eben Brooks Band / In Lieu Of / Bob Frye Trio Show all bands
NTC Promenade at Liberty Station San Diego, California, United States
Mexican Indie
2012 1 concert
2011 1 concert
 Anaïsa Kalita
 Brett Kotecki
 Lisa Gough

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