Soul Fight Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 27, 2008
Indianapolis Metal Fest
"Indianapolis Metal Fest" / Occams Razor / Dew-Scented / Green Jelly / Threat Signal / Daylight Dies / Soldiers Of Scrape / Conquest / Battlecross / Elctrikchair / Black Chapel / Rejicide / Anthem For A Massacre / Blood Tribe / Amarna Reign / 3 Ring Funeral / Opiate (IN) / Skeletonwitch / Into Eternity / Bleed the Sky / The Destro / Gigan / Plaguesayer / MercyKill / HTTH / Abacinate / Dawn of Correction / Maggot Twat / Geomancer / Dunwich / Deliver Us from Evil / Archer / Soul Fight / Shunned / Sacred Dawn / Mobile Deathcamp / Psyopus / Remain / Radioactive Chickenheads / Everwrath / The Gates Of Slumber / The Last Encore / Rosemary's Billygoat / Big Bang Fury / Lowa / Cryogen / Samahdi / Judgement Show all bands
Marquee Convention & Event Center Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

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