Soko Friedhof Concert History

Soko Friedhof is a German electro-collage-horror project known for presenting harsh and erotic club music through his solo project and dark-wave sounds with Untoten. He uses a lot of film samples in the songs, usually from retro horror movies. No song sounds like another. David a. Line, the man behind the project, says "Untoten is the party and Soko Friedhof the barf afterwards".

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 03, 2022 –
Jun 06, 2022
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2022
KMFDM / Combichrist / clan of xymox / Aesthetic Perfection / Soft Kill / Corvus Corax / S.P.O.C.K / Choir Boy / Ritual Howls / Lacrimas Profundere / Cabaret Nocturne / And Also the Trees / Whispering Sons / A Split Second / Tanzwut / Dawn of Ashes / Letzte Instanz / Rezurex / Minuit Machine / Stahlmann / Blacklist / Rabia Sorda / WARFIELD / The Exploding Boy / ESA / Girls Under Glass / Boytronic / Children On Stun / Xotox / Kontrast / Cut Hands / Unzucht / Funhouse / Shireen / Storm Seeker / Korine / Eisfabrik / SRSQ / Astari Nite / Lizette Lizette / Cultus Ferox / Hord / Cesair / Culk / Kaizer / Jihad / Fïx8:Sëd8 / Metallspürhunde / Death in Rome / Soko Friedhof / New Days Delay / Horskh / Liebknecht / Beyond Obsession / Devil-m / Future Lied To Us / Schneewittchen / SJÖBLOM / She Owl / Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys / Collection D'arnell Andrea / Terrorfrequenz / VV & The Void / Totenwald / BY THE SPIRITS / Nightnight / Loell Duinn / RIKI (LA) / Dead Lights / Kontrolle / Diodati / Paralyzzer / Messer (GE) / Enter Tragedy / Feuerdorn / funhouse (Official) / Noisuf-X / Welle:erdball / The 69 Eyes / S Y Z Y G Y X / Donnertrummel / Fiddlers Green / Kingspipers / Feuerdorn / Garmana / Trobar de Morte / Tvinna / Vroudenspil Show all bands
Wave-Gotik-Treffen Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Apr 25, 2014
Dark Munich Festival
"Dark Munich Festival" / Alien Sex Fiend / The 69 Eyes / Hanzel Und Gretyl / Absolute Body Control / The Frozen Autumn / Heimataerde / Soko Friedhof / Nosferatu
Optimolwerke Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Jul 19, 2008 –
Jul 20, 2008
Amphi Festival 2008
Combichrist / clan of xymox / Oomph! / Covenant / Eisbrecher / And One / Suicide Commando / Project Pitchfork / Die Krupps / Diary of Dreams / Grendel / Zeromancer / Rotersand / Mediaeval Baebes / Haujobb / Deine Lakaien / Nachtmahr / Ashbury Heights / Das Ich / Lacrimas Profundere / L'Âme Immortelle / Noisuf-X / Spiritual Front / Letzte Instanz / Tactical Sekt / Welle: Erdball / Cinema Strange / Klinik / Zeraphine / Mina Harker / The Lovecrave / Soko Friedhof / Cinderella Effect / Spectra Paris / Spectra*Paris Show all bands
Tanzbrunnen Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Medieval Rock
German Ebm
Show more genres
2022 1 concert
2014 1 concert
2008 1 concert
 Frank Kaumanns
 Andreas Nachtplan

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