Smash Potater's 2017 Concert History

Generic-ass band bio (non-third person edition): We is Smash Potater and we is a bunch of POSERS that come from the radioactive wastelands of Aurora, IL. The toxic waste in the fox river has bred a new breed of generic straight up THRASH! no bullshit, no flashy lights, no lame off-time tempo changes. Just circle pits, and circle jerks. bitch :) ...

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 26, 2017
Extinction A.D. / War Curse / Paralysis / Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre / Smash Potater

Extinction A.D.//War Curse//Paralysis//TTCM//Smash Potater

Cobra Lounge Chicago, Illinois, United States
United States
Thrash Metal
Dark Clubbing
2019 1 concert
2017 1 concert
2016 1 concert
2015 1 concert
 Tracy B

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